Please Stop

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WARNING: This chapter was sad. Harry begs Zayn to stop and to leave him alone but Zayn doesn't. 

Louis' POV.

Why is Zayn here? Did he forgive me? So many question ran through my head as I stood their like an utter idiot.

"Can I come in?" Zayn asked scratching his head. I nodded and moved so he could come in. "So I assume Harry told you, am I correct?"

"About what? Did you forgive us? That's amazing Zayn!" I rambled. I quickly wrapped my arms around Zayn because he finally approved Harry and I. This day can't get any better.

"Yeah, so where is Harry?" Zayn questioned. I pointed towards the boys. In the distance you can see Harry's hair on a pillow. Harry is still sleeping which is quite surprising considering Niall and Liam are huddled around him with a marker? 

"He's taking a little snooze. So where are you staying?" I could definitely feel the tension in the room so I tried my best to small talk. After a couple more minutes of small talk I asked the boys if they wanted some snacks. I made Liam and Niall help me with the snacks because they were still drawing on Harry's face. 

Harry's POV

Why does it feel like there is something crawling on my face? I moved my hand across my face in attempt to swat the animal away. After a couple seconds I moved my hand back and shifted my body. I went back to sleep and thought of everything that is going on.

"Niall, Liam, will you two help me out?" I heard a familiar voice commanded. After a couple seconds I felt someone brushing their hand through my hair. Louis always does that at night while we sleep. It something that relaxes me.

"Lou" I murmured. I opened one eye only to meet with brown. I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat and my eyes became big. What is Zayn doing here?
"Harry, you haven't told Louis about our kiss?"Zayn smiled. I shook my head slowly and sat up. "When are you telling him?"

"What are you doing here?" I interrupted. Zayn shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know maybe because of you?" he leaned in and whispered the "you" in my ear. His lips sucked on my earlobe. I quickly pushed him away and stood up from the couch. 

What does he think he's doing? Why would he try to seduce me in mine and Lou's flat? "Zayn stop it. Just leave."

"Why does Zayn have to leave Harry? He just got here, right Zayn?" Louis looked over at Zayn, who nodded his head with an evil smirk. "Isn't great that Zayn accepted our relationship?"

Louis walked over to me and gave me a peck on the lips. I looked at Zayn who didn't look happy at all. Louis the proceeded to wrap his arms around my hips.

"Babe, you got a little something right here, there and everywhere on your face." Louis pointed at my cheek then my forehead and chin. I rubbed my cheek and looked at my hand. Why is there black on my hand?

My cheeks began to heat and turn a bright red color. How long have I had this on my face? 

"I'm going to clean my face, excuse me." I shuffled around Louis and Zayn. Once I reached the bathroom I looked in the mirror. Great I have cool little stick figures and dicks on my face. I hovered over the sink and made a little bowl with my hands. I let the water fill it, I then began to rinse my face. 

The door opened, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I couldn't see who it was because of the water in my eyes. The grip tightened and I began to feel hot breath against my back. 

"Louis, I can't see. Can you hand me the towel right next to you?" I asked. Seconds later I was handed the towel. I pat the towel against my face and turned to the person I assumed was Louis. Boy was I wrong.

"You look so beautiful." Zayn complimented. My back pressed against the sink as I wondered where Louis was. "I'm just going to lock this so we don't get interrupted."

I watched as Zayn locked the door to the bathroom. What is he doing? Zayn turned around to face me and walked closer so our faces were inches apart. His hands reached up to my cheeks. He brought his face closer to mine.

I closed my eyes and pressed down on my lips. I will not enjoy this. Zayn lips crashed down on mine, He began to kiss around my mouth. My breath began to catch, not because I was enjoying it. I just run out of breath fast. Zayn leaned back and looked at me with his darkened eyes.

"God Dammit Harry. Just kiss me. You know how many times I dreamed of this moment? Too many." Zayn the crashed his lips against mine without any warning. He took his chance to insert his tongue. I tried to pull away but I was against the sink and Zayn managed to wrap his arms around my neck, stopping me from breaking the kiss. 

I stood there like a frozen statue as Zayn kissed me. After he kissed me successfully he began to kiss down my neck.

"Stop it Zayn." my voice cracked. I didn't realize I was crying until a tear fell on my hand. I began to sniffle as Zayn left love bites on my neck. "Zayn please stop." 

Zayn shook his head and grabbed some of my hair putting it on one side. 

"Zayn please stop I'm begging you." I cried. I tried to shove Zayn from me but he was to strong. This stupid cast isn't helping at all. "Please..please just stop."

"Harry I have waited a very long time. If you think I'm just going to stop the you are wrong." Zayn then pushed his body against mine to get some sort of friction. Zayn began to moan as I cried. How is Louis not here? 


"They aren't here...fucking god....I sent them to the fucking supermarket." Zayn wrapped his palm against my mouth to stop me from talking. Tears left a wet trail on my cheeks and landed on Zayn's hand. 

"Harry I need you to take these off." Zayn motioned to my pants. I shook my head to side to side. Zayns eyebrows scrunched up and he brought his hand to my cheek, leaving it red. "Do as I say."

I unbuttoned the button and was about to pull down my pants but Zayn's hands stopped me. He pulled them down for me.

"Harry trust me you're going to enjoy this." Zayn reassured. I shook my head as the small bathroom filled with my cries to stop and Zayn moaning.


Why have I done this? At first it was going to be like Zayn telling Louis about the kiss but somehow it lead to this. I'll try to update soon for you guys. Almost to 1,000 views which is amazing. Don't forget to fallow me because I have so many future projects in mind. Do you guys want another Larry Stylinson fic? If you do comment and vote. 

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