Second Feelings

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Harry POV
I laid in bed thinking of how to tell Louis about the kiss. I turned to my side and looked at Louis' face. The way his nose scrunches in his sleep and the light snores that fill the room. I couldn't help but smile.
I can't tell him or else I'll loose this. I want to be with Louis. It will hurt him if I tell him so ill just keep it to myself.
I looked at the alarm it read 2:38 I let out a yawn and stared at Louis face. Before I knew it I fell into a deep slumber.
"Babe, Curly, Hazza. Wake up!" Louis yelled at the top of his lungs. I quickly got up accednetly slapping Louis on the face.
"Ouch." Louis whimpered in pain. My eyes widened as I realized I had just slapped Louis. Louis cheek began to redden I wrapped my arms around Louis. Louis let out laugh.
I looked at Louis confused. I slapped him and he is laughing? I let go of Louis and looked at him.
"You should've seen the way you slapped me. It was like bam. Okay now that you're awake feed me." Louis said lile nothing happend.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked. I was still confused on what happend but what ever Louis needs I'll get it for him.
"Hmmm, surprise me." Louis hummed. I got out of bed and pulled my shirt on. I walked over to the kitchen and looked in the pantry.
I need to make something simple because I only have one hand. I could give him cereal but thats not special. I decided to make some crepes with fruit parfait.
"Lou, it's ready." I yelled. I set down Louis plate on the island along with some milk.
"Smells absolutely wonderful." Louis hummed. Louis took a seat on the island and began eating his crepes.
"Oh god." Louis moaned.
"I take it I did good?" I asked with a dimpled smile. Louis nodded and took at bite of his fruit parfait.
"Harry you are such a great cook." Louis complimented. A crimson color appeared on my cheeks.
"Thanks Lou." I managed to say. Every time Louis compliments me I feel flustered. We've been together for a long time and still he manages to catch me off guard.
"Wanna invite the boys over late?" Louis asked as he drank his milk.
"Boys?" I stuttered. I swallowed the bump rising in my throat.
"Yes boys, you know Liam and Niall?" Louis questioned with a raised brow.
"Yeah of course, I just didn't know what boys you were referring to." I put the rest of my crepe in my mouth so I could stop babbling about boys.
"Harry is something wrong?" Louis asked setting his glass of milk on the counter. I shook my head and grabbed my plate. I got up and walked to the sink placing my plate down.
"You know just tired." I said as I pretended to yawn. Louis nodded and continues to eat.
"Well im going to clean." I said. As I picked up the cushions that laid on the ground.
"Okay whats wrong?" Louis questioned.
"Nothing is wrong. What makes you assume something is wrong?" I asked.
"First of all you never clean unless you get something out of it. Second, if you don't want to tell me then find. I'll find out sooner or later." Louis responded.
I felt so guilty. Should I tell him the truth before he finds out?
"Lou, I'm not hiding anything I swear." I said as I walked over to Lou. Wrapping my arms around him. I kissed the top of his head and ruffled his hair with my fingers. Louis looked up smiling when he met my eyes.
I can't tell him just yet. Louis leaned in bringing his lips to mine. As Louis kissed me I couldn't help but think of Zayn. I set those images to the side and focused on the one thing. The only thing I have ever loved.

And that thing is Louis?
Ahh finally updated. Pretty short but still guys. I had bad writers block but I'm back with ideas. I'm so excited My birthday is on the 11 of November 2 days after Made In The A.M. comes out.

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