Silent Treatment

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Can we talk about Louisin the image attactched? How hot is he?
I apologize I was gone so long my cousins from a state over were visiting for my Quincenera and I wanted to spend time with them. Also my cousin pronounces Fetus (Fettuz) while its actually pronounced (FEE TUS).

Harry's POV

Of course I love Louis, I shook those thought from my head and concentrated on Louis.

"Babe, at what time do you want the boys over?" Louis asked covering the speaker of his cellphone. I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly don't care at what time they get here. ""

Louis talked into the phone for a couple more minutes before he set the phone down on the table. He made his way to me and slumped on the couch like pudding. I turned my body so I was looking at him all slouchy like a bag of potatoes.

"Why are you smiling and looking at me? It's creepy. Stop it." I could tell I was making Louis feel uncomfortable by staring at him with a grin.

"Harry stop it." Louis whined. I took the as an opportunity and got on my feet and jumped on him tickling him until he felt like peeing. "Harry..s-s-sto-stop i-it."

"Who's your daddy?" I whispered. I tickled Louis sides making his voice echo in the room.

"You." Louis managed to breath out.

"Who is you?" I began to slowly move my fingers lower so I was now tickling his thighs.

"Harry." Louis moaned. After I heard what I wanted to hear I stopped tickling him. Louis breath was going to it's normal rate.

"You twat." Louis mumbled. I let out a chuckle and removed myself from Louis.

"Well babe, I need a shower." I said sniffing my arm pits. I quickly brought them down and fanned my arm pits. I walked out of the living room and into the bathroom. I began removing my clothes until I was in my boxers. I turned the handles of the shower so it was at the perfect temperature. not to hot or not to cold.

I removed my boxers and walked into the shower. I closed the curtain and let the water fall down, turning my hair a dark brown and my body was soaked. I grabbed a random bottle of shampoo and squeezed it so a clear like gel substance was in my hands. I stuck it my hair, instantly foaming. I slowly rinsed my hair. The water began to get cold then really hot. I jumped a couple of times.

"LOUIS YOU SON OF A BITCH." I yelled. I heard Louis's laugh echo through the rooms. After a couple minutes the water went back to normal. I grabbed the body wash and poured some onto the luffa. Luffa, what a funny word. I began to laugh thinking of the word luffa. The more you say it the more it doesn't make sense. riding my skin from the foamy soap. I began to wash my body and then rinsed it.The water suddenly stopped.

"What the hell?" I muttered. I took the shower head and shook it. Nothing. I put it up to my face and closed one to see if it was clogged. The water began again hitting me in the eye. I dropped the shower head letting it hit the ground.

"FUCK." I yelled as I rubbed my eye with my hand. My eye began to feel burning sensation. I looked at my hands with my good eye and noticed how they had soap. Fucking hell. I grabbed the shower head and fixed the setting so it wasn't hitting my eye with the jets. The water stopped again. I quickly shut the water off and grabbed my towel that always is hung to the side. I wrapped it around my waist and walked to the mirror. I wiped the mirror with my hand and looked at my eye. It was turning a reddish purple color. I turned the faucet and cupped my hands into a bowl. I rinsed my eye a couple times ridding it from the soap.

I grabbed a hair tie and made a bun with my hair. I wrapped the hair tie a couple times until it was secure. I grabbed a pair of boxers and joggers and put them on. I walked out of the bathroom angry at Louis. How could he be so childish?

Broken │Larry Stylinson│(MAJOR EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora