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Harry's POV

After Louis ended the conversation I was going to go home. But i didn't drive to James' place Fuck. I don't even know if i could drive with this stupid cast.

"James can you give me a ride home?" I said shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Yeah sure....umm was that Louis?" he asks looking down at his hands.

"Yeah it was. Can we go now? " I asked hoping that I didn't have to talk about Louis. James nodded, then he got up and searched for his car keys. When he found them we went outside into his car.

"So you and Louis?" James asks while driving.

"I honestly don't know." I say sighing. I put my hands in my hair and lightly tugged on the strands.

"Oh okay well we're almost there, just one more street." James says while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

Once we got there i noticed that James was staring at someone. I tried to turn my head but am stopped.

James arms snake around my neck and pull me to his face. He kisses me, I immediately push his chest so he can get away from my face. When I finally do I hear a tap on the windshield.

I turn to find an angry Louis. Why the hell is Louis at my place? I quickly got out of the car and faced Louis.

"You fucking said you weren't with Jim."

It's James." James interrupts. Louis looked past me and straight st James. Well it was nice knowing everyone.

"I dont give a fuck, and you not only did you lie but you kissed him. What the fuck Harry?" Lou said pointing at me with his finger.

"Louis you're getting this all wrong." I try to say but am caught off by Louis.

"What do you mean i'm this wrong? So you're saying you didn't lie to me and kissed hims? For fucks sake i saw you kissing him." Louis says.

"Well Harry I'll talk to you later." James interrupts. Suddenly it makes sense James kissed me because he saw Louis.

"Fuck you James. You did this on purpose." I accused. I looked back at Louis looking confused. I love when he gets angry but not at me.

"Me? I would never." James said with a smirk. I fucking knew it, I shouldn't have gave him another chance.

"Get the hell of my property." I shout. James puts the key into his ignition and drives away. I let out a sigh of relief but then noticed Louis.

"It's not what it looks lile i ducking swesr." I pleaded. Wait why am i pleading? Also why is Louis here?

"Then explain." Louis says coldly.

"I dont have to explain anything." I could fesr Louis getting angrier. "I didn't have a ride home so i asked James. Then he kissed me by force." I looked st Louis to find him more calm.

"Did you like it?" What does he mean i liked it? "You know the kiss?"

I coughed and repeatedly shook my head no. "No, I only love one person."

"Ohh and who is that person." Louis asks. Is he really this dumb? I got closer to Louis. I cupped his chin and brought my lips to his. I know its wrong but it feels so right.

"I love you." I say through kisses. After i said that Louis hands traveled to my hair fisting it. I took this chance to travel to his neck leaving a trail of wet kisses.

I heard louis whimper which only made me leave a love bite right under his ear. the skin turned a purplish reddish color.

"I love you Harry."Louis says. I grab his hand and pull him into the apartment.

I shut the door and pushes Louis against the door. Louis starts moaning which makes me grind against him. I feel him harden as I grind.

Louis begins to pull my hair while I lesve wet kisses everywhere.

"Ehem." I didnt know where that was coming from but when I released my grip against Louis I find Liam and Niall.

Niall has his hand against his eyes making sure not to see. As for Liam he has his arms crossed and standing in the corner.

Broken │Larry Stylinson│(MAJOR EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang