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Harry's POV
I looked at Louis as we pulled away. What is Zayn doing here? The air in the room felt thick.
"Zayn what are you doing here?" Louis asked as he walked closer to him.
"You disgust me." Zayn let out. "How long have you been sinning?"
Louis looked at me wondering what to tell him. Should we tell him the truth or keep it from him?
"Zayn you have to understand that we love eachother." I said as I looked at Louis. Zayns face turned from sadness to disgust.
Zayn turned around and left slamming the door shut. Louis walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my torso.
"Don't worry if he was a friend then he will come around." Louis said against my chest. I slowly noded. What if he doesn't come around and blocks us out of his life?
"Lou, I need to find him." I hummed as I unwrapped Louis arms. He slowly nodded as I went to look for Zayn. I ran down the street in search for Zayn. It had been five minutes later of non stop running I stopped in front of a park and cought my breath.
I breathed in and out until my heart went to it's normal speed. I took in a deep breath and thought where Zayn could be. I heard a faint cry in the distance. I was to interested to just sit on the bench so I got up and fallowed the sound.
I slowly walked behind the crying figure. Wait is it can't be him.
"Zayn?" I whisper unsure if its him or not. He turns around and rubs his eyes.
"Go away Harry." Zayn spoke through short breaths. I shook my head because I want to explain to him everything. He is going to go all hulk on me when he finds out everyone knew about Louis and I.
"Listen Zayn, I'm so sorry Louis and I never told you about us while everyone else knew." I say as I look at him.
"I always knew there was something in between you two. I just didnt want to believe it." Zayn says just barely above a whisper. My eyes widened he knew about us?
"How did you know?" I asked as I crossed my arms on my chest.
"On tour I heard you two in your hotel room." I cleared my throat not knowing what to say.
"Oh." I say. I look at my feet and look back at him. His dark brown orbs sparkle in the moonlight. "Why are you still crying?"
"How am I suppose to say this?" He said. I waited for him to continue. "Harry I never realized how much I loved you until that day I heard you two. I didn't know what to do I was heart broken so I left the band."
I was in complete utter shock. So this whole time Zayn has been saying he left the band because he wanted to be a normal "22 year old" is all a lie.
I started to understand why Zayn was nicer to me then the rest of tbe boys. How though? I felt the tension even outdoors. I looked at my boots as they sparkled.
Zayns hand pull my chin up so I can see his eyes. Zayn leans in closer as his lips are pressed on mine. I was confused on what was happening but when I realized I pulled away. Hurt flashed through Zayns eyes.
"Zayn I'm sorry but I love Louis." I stutter. Zayn shook his head as he grabbed my arm.
"You don't love him. He is going to be a dad Harry thats why I came." I looked at him and shook my head. Louis is not going to be a dad.
"No he is not going to be a dad." I huffed out. Zayn looked confused. I noded and told him Briana just used Louis. After I told him Zayn became sad.
I told Zayn to not mention anything to Louis. Ill tell him when its the right time. I hate keeping things from Louis but finally I have him and I don't want to fight and lose him again.
If there are mistakes then I apology Its almost 12 a.m. and I have school I the morning. Im so sorry it took a long time to upload this but its finally up for the ones that waited a long time. I really hope you enjoy reading. Also check my other story out if you want to read a Harry fanfic.

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