Moving Forward

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Harry's POV
When I managed to calm myself I walked around the park in deep thought.
I watched as the odd looking ducks waddled down to the lake. I looked to the side and watched as an old man took apart his bread and threw the crumbs the other way.
"Shoo you pigeons," he angry waved his long saggy arms.
A smile managed to slip on my face. I watched the old man struggle but once I got far enough it turned to a frown.
I looked up to the sky and noticed the sunrise going down, hiding behind the mountain.
Another day has left and I haven't been doing anything with my life.
What am I doing with my life? I'm a failure, everyone around me is doing things with their life's and I'm here drowning in my thoughts.
Niall is traveling the world in a couple weeks. Liam is making new music and wants to settle down soon. Louis has been making many business decision. I don't want to know what Zayn is doing.
I began to walk home and thought of my options.
Once I reached the door I took a deep breath and walked in straight to the bedroom.
"Harry?" I heard my mom ask. I heard a couple footsteps behind me.
"Harry, what's wrong?" Louis asked concerned.
"I'm a failure.. I hate that I'm in a place of my life where I'm not moving forward. I just want to go hide under and rock and pretend like I don't exist." I let out in one breath. Louis' reaction was a confused one then he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't understand." Louis said. I groaned before taking a long breath.
"I'm-how do I explain? I'm going nowhere in life I just need time to find myself out." I explained
"Wait is thi- are you breaking up with me?" Louis asked his lips trembling.
"No I just want to go back with my mom for a while." I tried to explain without is sounding like a breakup. I didn't want to breakup with Louis I just wanted time to figure everything out.
"So you're leaving me so we can have a long distance relationship?"
"No-well yes." I finally agreed.
"Why?" Louis asked.
"I miss my mom." I half lied.
"We see her once a month." He protested.
"I need my mom with me right now. I don't want to see her once a month I want to see her everyday." I snapped.
"Long distance relationships don't last Harry. How much time?" He asked ignoring my little outburst.
"I don't know maybe a month or three." I guessed. I didn't know how long I wanted to stay with mom.
"Three fucking months?" Harry yelled. I shrugged. "Don't shrug your shoulders. You make me so angry. You have been ignoring me for the past few days and it's turns out your leaving me?" Louis yelled.
"Is everything alright?" I heard my mom ask.
"Yes everything is just dandy. Sunshine and rainbows. Nutella and cookies. It's going just fine." Louis sarcastically said.
"Don't speak to my mother like that. You have to treat her with respect you piece of shit." I protected my mom. I didn't like when people disrespected my mother. When it's me it's alright but when it's my mother it's a different thing.
"You know what leave. I'm sick of you acting like a child. You do need to go back with your mommy." Louis mocked.
"Watch what saying. You'll regret it." I warned.
"Leave!" Louis yelled. I turned around and walked past him. I dramatically slammed the bedroom door and turned to my mom.
"Is everything alright?" She asked.
"Yeah. Let's go home." I said.
"This is your home Harry." She firmly said.
"No this place was purchased by Louis with his money not mine." I angrily spoke.
"Watch your tone Harry Edward Styles." She scolded.
"Can I just go back home. With you?" I asked.
She nodded. I quickly grabbed her suitcase and walked with her to her car.
"Honey I'm to tired to drive." Anne confessed.
"I'll drive. You rest mum." I spoke tired.
"Are you sure? You seem off." She worriedly spoke.
"I promise I'm fine." I finally managed to convince her that I was okay to drive we were on the road. Robin must have stayed at home since he recently had an operation and is still recovering.
We were halfway there to Holmes Chapel when my arms were itching. I glanced over at my mom her lips opening and closing as little snores were let out into the air.
"Fuck." I muttered as I stared at my wrist. Did I seriously cut myself? Stupid, stupid, stupid. I repeated in my head.
I looked ahead and saw a gas station just ahead. As soon as we arrived I opened my door and went I side to the small store. I walked to the back and looked for a bathroom.
Once I found the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and splashed water on my face. I glanced at my arm and scratched it so the itch would go away. I scratched directly on the now scabbed cut until the familiar red liquid came out.
"Shit." I muttered. I grabbed paper towels and cleaned it. Once it stopped gushing blood I looked for band aids and purchased them.
I got into the car after I put a band aid on. I looked at my mom and saw her flinch when I shut the door.
"Hazz, answer the phone." She handed me her phone and yawned. I grabbed the phone and sighed.
"What?" I asked.
"First of all you won't answer your damn phone and now you talking to me as if I were a piece of shit?" Louis a girly spoke.
"My phone is on a random street shattered into little pieces. What the hell do you want? Last thing you said was leave." I spoke truthfully with a yawn at the end.
"You think this is boring? I'm trying to be the bigger person and talk to you to solve our problems but you're being childish." He bickered.
"Louis I'm almost home can you just fight with me later." I asked tiredly.
"Stop being a teenager and stop hiding from reality." He said.
"Wait why am I asking?" I spoke into the phone before clicking end.
Before leaving the gas station I purchased a coffee to help me stay awake.
Once we arrived the first thing I felt was butterflies in my stomach because I knew Zayn wasn't here to torment me. I woke up mom and stepped out the cold air hitting my back, crawling up my spine.
I have never felt more at home than now.
Another update this week what? I'm on a roll let's hope it stays that way. Finally not busy with school and drama stuff. I get to catch up on my sleep.
Imagine waking up at 5:25 in the morning and going home at 10:00 at night for the past three days. Go ahead and comment vote and fallow me for more books.

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