Phone Call

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Louis POV

"Oh hey Lou, what are you doing here? Liam asked as he sat down on the loveseat. Niall rushed to the kitchen and came back with pop and crisps. He sat down right across Liam and put his feet on the table.

"Niall get your feet of the table." I put the bag on the ground and sat next to Liam. "I came for some clothes and other things."

"Ohh cool well harry won't be back until a while." Liam said as he stole a chip from Niall. Niall look directly at Liam and gave him a death glare.

"My food." Niall whined like a little two year old. Liam and i both laughed, liam turned the Tv on and put Toy Story. I don't get his why he likes toys that come alive when nobody's around. Thats freaky but who am i to say he can't like Toy Story?

"So there was broken glass on the bathroom floor." I say while I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh, that must be how Harry broke his arm then." Niall says stuffing chips in his mouth. wait Harry broke his arm?

"Wait Harry broke his arm?" I asked setting my phone down. I look at Niall to answer but his mouth was full of chips, so I looked at Liam.

"Yeah he broke it, he has a cast and everything. Now be quiet my favorite part is coming up." Liam said putting his finger on his lips.

I want to call Harry and ask if he's okay. i want to hug him and kiss his forehead and his soft lips and tell him everything will be okay. But will it be okay?

"Louis, how does Harry know Jimmy?" Niall asked snapping me out of my thoughts. Jimmy who the hell is Jimmy? No....he wouldn't. Or would he?

"He's with James?" I asked as my voice cracked. Both Niall and Liam nodded. "What, but how? Last time I checked they weren't speaking." I said looking at my feet. Why would Harry be with James. I felt my heart drop. He is moving on with James. I'm not going down with a fight.

Before they could answer me i got up and grabbed my phone I dialled Harry's number. He better answer me or I will go all the way over there. Before I could think of another excuse he answered his phone.

"Hey" Harry's raspy voice filled the line. God I missed his voice, it's been a long time since I heard his voice.

"H-Hey" I stuttered out. I can't believe I'm talking to him. I quickly cleared my throat and continued. "I heard about your arm, how you been?"

"Oh you know I'm getting there." I could feel the tension in the conversation.

"Are you with James?" I blurt out. I don't regret doing it because I actually do want to know. If they are then I am happy I interrupted what ever they were doing.

"Why do you care?" Harry huffs into the phone. I do care, I don't want Harry close to James. Harry is mine and only mine. "And no I am not with James. Well I was but not know." I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well that's good.... you know, that you're not with him." I say nervously. I hear him chuckle on the other end. It feels so good to hear him chuckling after the miserable days that have passed.

"Yeah I guess, Well Louis it was nice chatting but I have to drive home so bye." Harry says. I don't want to stop talking though I want to talk until you fall asleep. Your head on my chest, hearing my heartbeat.

"Ohh yeah, I guess I'll talk to you later then." I respond. I then click "end call" and smile. Harry and I talked after theses past days. Has he forgiven me? Because I have, I can't go one more day without him.

I walk back to the living room where Niall and Liam are still watching that messed up movie. Seriously though, toys moving around when no one is there. That is called fucked up, not to mention the part where that kid tortures the toys.

"Liam why is Sid burning the cowboys face?" Niall asks scratching his neck. I couldn't help but laugh at Niall's comment.

"Because Niall, now be quite." Liam interrupts my laughing.

"That doesn't help, why did he take apart those toys?" Niall asks pointing to the tv screen. Liam puts his finger against his lips and says a loud "SHH"

Should I stay until Harry gets here? I better not push my luck. I grabbed the bag that was on the floor and waved to the boys while I made my way out. I put the bag in the backseat of my car. I heard a car pull up I turn to see who it is.

James and Harry? I thought he said he wasn't with him. 

Broken │Larry Stylinson│(MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now