Catching up

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♚Is it just me or do you guys miss fetus 1D?♚

Louis POV

It's been a couple of days since the whole bathroom thing. I still keep repeating the words Harry said to me. That he didn't love me and that I was playing with his feelings. He was the one who started this whole thing. If he hadn't kissed John in the first place then maybe we would be on the couch in our apartment cuddled up watching movies.

I honestly don't know why I went out with Briana, she knew about me and Harry. She didn't stop me that night. I was to drunk to even process what was happening. Well right now I am staying in Niall's apartment because I don't want to see Harry well at least not yet. I have yet to tell the media about the pregnancy but I honestly don't want to.

Niall opens the door to the bedroom I am staying and opens the blinds. Damn it Niall can't you see I want to be in the dark?

"Lou you better get up unless you want a nice cold shower in bed." Niall says pulling on my sheets.

"Go away Niall I want to be alone." I say shoving my face into my pillow. I wonder how Harry is doing. Is he over me and going out with Jimmy? Or maybe he found another one who knows.

"Louis this is the last time I am telling you to get up." Niall warned. Who can take Niall serious though.

"Yeah yeah, I'm up." I say as I sit up on the bed. "What now?"

"Well Liam and I are going to stop by at Harry's." The mention of Harry's name makes my stomach flip.

"Well I am going to the bathroom." I said as I get up from my bed.

"Don't you mean the Lou?" Niall giggled. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door "Hey careful, those doors are more expensive than you."

"Yup whatever your say Ni. Shouldn't you be at Harry's or something." I say in a harsher tone than expected. I don't mean to get my anger out on Niall but he is alway testing me and bothering me.

"Well someone has an attitude, I really hope that child of yours doesn't inherit your sassiness." I hear Niall laugh from the other side of the door. See this is what I mean he always makes comments like these.

I should probably go out with Briana and check how she is doing. But I want to know what is going on with Harry way more than Briana. Which I know sounds messed up since she is expecting a baby that is mine.

"Well I am going to Harry's call me if you need anything." Niall says from the other side of the door. I quickly shower and put on some black trousers and a t-shirt. I grab my phone from the night stand and look at my contacts. Harry should I call him? What is he ignores me? Nah, I won't call him because he is probably busy.

I call Briana to come and hang out for a bit and she accepts. I wait until she arrives and caught up with her and the baby. I wasn't really paying attention all I could think about was what Niall and Harry are doing. Oh how I miss his long curly locks of hair, and those piercing green eyes that make me smile when I look at them. Oh and his smile, the smile and cures starvation around the world. I also miss his soft pink lips, not to mention his d-.

"Louis, did you hear me?" Brianna interrupts his thoughts. Right I am with Briana and not Harry. I know I shouldn't be day dreaming about Harry but I miss him. A lot.

"No, sorry can you repeat yourself?" I ask. Briana is so boring I can't believe I never noticed, I am about to fall asleep. Suddenly my phone rings, could it be Harry? only one way to find out. I reach across the coffee table and don't hesitate to answer. 

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