♫Chapter 19- The Cat's Finally Out of the Bag♫

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I don't know how emotional you guys are, but you might want to keep a tissue box handy :'D

Happy Reading(:


Chapter Nineteen

The last bell of the day rings and I jump from my seat, packing up my Lit books before carting them off to my locker. At this point, my heart is thrumming rapidly in my chest due to the mere thought that I have a date with Taylor tonight that will definitely not go well.

I attempted to tell him the truth this whole week, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Jace hasn't said one word to me since that one night where he comforted me at my house. Everything has pretty much gone back to the same way it was except there's a huge wall of awkwardness between Taylor and me and chemistry has been bubbling between Gen and Colton.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I feel entirely empty without Jace in my life, even if he has friend zoned me.

I sigh through my nose before exchanging books in my locker and packing my homework for over Thanksgiving break in my bag. The teachers are generous enough to not completely overwhelm us with homework, but have no empathy for family time over a twenty foot turkey.

It would honestly be a freaking miracle if they don't assign homework during Christmas break.

I slam my locker closed and almost jump out of my skin when I notice Wes and Gen standing behind the door. My mouth comes unhinged.

"Close your mouth, you don't want to catch flies, do you," Wes snaps.

"Did you know that the average person swallows about thirteen flies per year?" Gen asks excitedly, "You'd swallow more than that if you don't close your mouth."

I snap my mouth shut, horrified.

"Gen, no one cares about your stupid random little facts. We're here to confront Violet about her huge mistake, remember?"

Gen looks taken a back and slightly offended, "Right."

Wes snaps her gaze back to me and I resist the urge to cower away from her furious gaze. I know there's a long pep talk awaiting me and I can already feel the dread creeping into my chest.

"How could you," Wes screeches and I cringe.

Whoop, there it is.

"Can we take this out to the parking lot," I beg, "Or even to someone else's house?"

"Not a chance," Wes snarls, "You need to stop avoiding the inevitable for everything lately and just face reality! We're all so tired of you stalling Taylor and injuring him further everyday without him knowing it. If you don't tell him tonight at your little date, I will."

"Yeah," Gen agrees lamely, supporting a look of doubt on her face.

I inwardly gape at them both. I know I'm being a huge bitch by not confronting Taylor sooner and all, but it's not my fault that I'm the hugest coward ever.

I gnaw on my lower lip nervously before replying, "I know, and I'm really sorry Wes. I wish I could have your courageous 'I don't give a shit' look."

"Doesn't everyone," she replies arrogantly before sighing, "Like I said before, none of us want to see Taylor hurt. He looks like one of those sad puppies on those commercials that convince you to adopt a puppy. He has those same watery adorable eyes that make you sob and beg to adopt them."

"So basically you're calling Taylor a dog? Wow, I bet he'll like that one," Gen says with a smirk.

Wes smacks her hand to her forehead as I laugh. She then pulls her hand away and looks at it in pain.

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