Chapter 3

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I pulled up to the Mint Lounge around 4:30pm. I waited in my Range for 5:00. I scoped the people walking into the lounge. People ranging in ages 21-30. Men, women, couples, wanna be players. They were all there. 5:00 came and I looked at myself in the rear view mirror. I fixed my hair and applied my pink Mac lipstick. I got out of the car, one Louboutin heel after another. My hair was blowing in the wind. I felt stares coming from every angle. Men and Women. I strutted to the entrance of the lounge and made my way to the back. As I approached I saw a fair skinned man who stood about 6'2, wore a black black business suit, and had a killer smile. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? He greeted me with that gorgeous smile and a hefty hand shake

. "Tyrone Black." He said still smiling at me.

"China." I said.

He reached out for my chair and pulled it out for me. Such a gentleman. I don't remember the last time Jarrod pulled out a chair for me..hell, we hardly went out. 

"Beautiful name, for a beautiful woman." He said to me. I just smiled. If I wasn't happily married...I thought to myself and quickly shook the thought from my mind.

"How about a drink?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'll have a Pina Colada."

"Nice." he said.

We ordered our drinks and went straight to business. We discussed my book and my intentions for it. He said it was good based on what he read and that he can't wait to get started on editing it. We sat, chat, and laughed about everything. From life, to kids, marriage. I learned that Tyrone had two kids as well, and he didn't live too far from me. 


"Excuse me Tyrone." I got up and walked to the women's lounge near the bathroom.

I could feel his eyes buring on my ass.

"Hello?" I said in a high whisper.

"Where the fuck are you?" I heard Jarrod's voice booming through the phone.

"Jarrod I'm meeting with the editor whats the problem!!" I yelled back at him.

A few women who were in the lounge looked at me and walked out. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Who the fuck is this editor?" He screamed.

"Jarrod calm down! I'm not about to go through this with you right now. I'm out handling business. I will talk to you when I get home!" With that I hung up my phone and put it on silent. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror, applied more lipstick and checked the time. 8:00pm. Damn, time really flies. 

I walked back over to the table and Tyrone was sitting there talking to some guy and his date across the table. I sat down and I heard him say "Aiight man!" He did a quick head nodd and turned and faced me.

"Well China this has been a very successful meeting. Where shall we have our next?" He asked me, flashing that beautiful smile of his. His eyes and his earrings twinkled in the light.

"I know this nice restaurant near the beach, maybe we can go there?" He nodded and smiled. 

Tyrone walked me to my car, opened the door for me, reached for my hand and kissed it. I blushed. "Get home safe." He said to me as I pulled out of the drive way and headed home.


I walked into my home, trying not to make too much noise. I went into India's room and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I went into J.J's room and did the same. I loved my babies so much. My pride and joy. 

I could hear music blaring from our master suite bedroom. I walked in to find Jarrod sitting up in bed rolling up a blunt. Basketball shorts and no shirt. I took off my heels and my dress and I put it in the closet. Panties and Bra. It was a hot and humid night. I sat on the bed next to Jarrod, not even bringing up what happened earlier at the lounge.

"How was it?" He said with his deep voice.

"It went well." I said taking a deep breath. Jarrod lit up the blunt. Took a hit and exhaled. 

"I might have to make a trip to Louisiana in a few days." He said to me, blowing smoke out of his nose.

Every time Jarrod left for one of his 'trips' I get so worried. I knew what this ment. He was going to 'Handel' some guys that were messing with his trade...his business...his pride and glory. I shook my head and closed me eyes. I could hear Jarrod putting out the blunt. He scooted up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"I'll be alright China, don't even trip, you just worry about staying safe while I'm gone." 

That night/morning Jarrod and I made love. 

I got up from the bed, walked into the closet and got my black silk robe. Jarrod was lighting up another blunt. He put his shorts back on and went on the balcony outside of our bedroom. He was sitting down on one of the balcony chairs. I came and sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around him and took the blunt from his hand, put it to my lips and inhaled. We sat in silence, as we watched the waves from the ocean make its way to shore. I said a silent prayer to myself.

Dear God, please keep my husband safe. Amen.

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