Chapter 27

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A Month Later

J.J's birthday went well. We went to Disney World as a family. I haven't heard from Tyrone since he left my house that day. I never heard from Richard either. I guess that was a sign. I needed to be here with Jarrod. Jarrod lived in South Beach now and I the kids and I had been staying here with him since J.J's birthday.

Jarrod placed a kiss on my lips and covered me with a blanket.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"To the kitchen." He said to me.  "I want to cook my family some breakfast."

"Jarrod please, you know you can't cook." I said to him.

"I told you I was a changed man, baby." He winked at me.

Jarrod had proved to me that he was a changed man. Everything was different. The way he looked at me. The way he kissed and made love to me. He spent more time with me and the kids. He had become a family man. He wasn't dealing, nor was her smoking. He planned on starting a non-profit organization to help get kids off the street. He was all around a better man. I loved him more than ever. 

Jarrod cooked us chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon, and sliced avacado. I have to say, it was delicious.

"Damn boy, where did you learn how to cook like this?" I joked with him.

"Don't worry bout it ma." He winked at me and I melted. 

After breakfast, We went to the beach as a family and I started feeling nauseous. 

"Hold on Jarrod, I don't feel too well."  I had to pull over and sit down in the sand. I felt dizzy and like I was going to throw up. I had a feeling I was pregnant. This is the same way I felt when I was carrying J.J and India. 

"Whats wrong babe?" Jarrod asked me.

"I think we may have another member entering our family."

"Is it mine?" Jarrod asked. I didn't blame him because I was with Tyrone but we never messed around like that.

"Yes, Jarrod. But I need to take a test."

We walked to the drug store and took the test home. We waited for the results and sure enough I was pregnant. Jarrod was excited. I was too, but something was telling me this couldn't be good. Every child is a blessing in my eyes, so I just thought of this as a blessing. This was happening so fast. From the Tyrone incident, to this. 

Jarrod and I went to the doctor the next day so I could get the right treatment and care. I got prescribed prenatal pills and was told what I could and could not eat. I was due next August. This was going to be a long 9 months. 

"China, since you're carrying my baby again, and we're back together..I..Well..China will you marry me again?"

My heart stopped. I didn't think this was going to coe out of his mouth. Jarrod had proved to me over and over again this past month that he is a changed man and everything in my heart believed him. It was so sincere. I couldn't deny him. 

"Yes Jarrod. Yes!" I jumped up and hugged him.

"I love you China."

"I love you too J."

Jarrod kissed me passionatelyand held me in his arms.

J.J and India walked into the room to see what was going on. 

"You guys are going to have a baby brother or sister." Jarrod told them.

Both of them got excited.

"I hope its a boy." J.J said.

"Girl!" India screamed.

Jarrod and I laughed. 

"We have some planning to do. I want to give you the wedding you've always wanted. I want to do everything different for you this time. I want everything to be right. I'm going to be the husband you deserve China. I love you." Jarrod said as he pecked my lips.

With my book sales sky rocketing, I had some money in the bank saved that I would use towards my dream wedding. We didn't want a big wedding. We wanted something small and intimate with just our family as witnesses. Jarrod had kept me from my family, but he got in contact with them before we got back together and told them how he's a changed man and his plan to get me back. I guess they agreed because they were all excited when we told them about the wedding. We planned to get married in two weeks. We didn't want to waste time. We wanted everything done as soon as possible. We had a lot of planning to do. 

"So what color dress are you looking to have Ms.McKinney?" The wedding planner asked me.

She was a short Asian woman named Lisa. She had a short bang and she wore bright red lipstick on her pale skin. 

"I'm thinking cream." I told her as I picked out a wedding dress.

"How about this one?" She picked out the perfect dress. It was cream, strapless and had a mermaid bottom.

"It's perfect Lisa!"

 I purchased the dress with no if's and's or buts. We didn't have a best man or maid of honor. We wanted this wedding to be as simple as if we were eloping.

I wanted the colors to be creme and gold. With accents of red. Red roses, red wine, red velvet cake with gold icing. We chose to get married in a nice traditional Church in South Beach. It was close to the beach so we planned to have our reception there. We had my favorie French resturant cater and we kept the guest list to 20. 10 family members for each of us. This was going to be a big day for the both of us and we just wanted the most important people in our lives to be there. 

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