Chapter 10

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We pulled up to Jarrods moms house what seemed like hours later. 

"Pull up right here." I told Tyrone as I signaled him to park two houses down from Jarrod's moms house.

"Do you need help?"

"I got it." I assured him. I took Jarrod Junior and India out of their car seats, grabbed their bags and started towards their grandmothers house.

"China? I wasn't expecting you. Whats going on?" She asked me.

"Hey Ms.Pam..would you mind watching the kids for me please?" I asked her. 

"Sure, baby!" She grabbed India from my arms and took them inside. 

I said my good bye's to the kids and kissed them both on the cheeks. "Mommy loves you..I'll be back."

I closed the door behind me and walked quickly to Tyrones car.

"Is everything alright?" He asked me. "Everything is fine, I really appreciate you doing this for me Tyrone..."

"Don't mention it China."

We crossed the state line and made our way back to Miami.

"Where are you headed now?" Tyrone asked me. 

I looked at my clock. It was only 3:30pm and my day had already went straight to hell. 

"I...I don't know.." I said not trying to bust out in tears. "...I guess I can stay at a hotel for the time being. Jarrod is going to wonder where the kids are..."

"Did you tell their grandmother where you were going?" 

"I don't even know where I'm going Tyrone and I wouldn't have told her even if I knew. Jarrod would be coming after me if he knew where I was."

"How long do you plan to keep running from this guy?"

"I don't know Tyrone. This is all new to me..."

"Well look, no friend of mine is going to stay at a hotel, especially when they're in desperate need of help. You can stay in my guest room until you get everything situated. But what about your kids?" 

"I didn't tell his mom when I would be back. I assume she would call Jarrod when she can't reach."

"Well, you can stay with me as long as you need China..."

I layed my head on the side of the window and closed my eyes. I ended up drifting off.

When I woke up I was in what seemed to be Tyrones guest room. I got up and looked at myself in the closet mirror. I was a mess. My eyes were puffy from crying. I had on the same yellow sundress from the day before and I all around looked beat. I checked my phone and I had 40 missed calls, 10 text messages, and 15 voice mails. All from Jarrod. I didn't even bother looking at them. I turned off my phone and burried it deep inside of my duffel bag.

"I see you're up." Tyrone said smiling at me.

" you mind if I take a shower and clean myself up a bit?" I asked him putting my hair into a messy bun. "You don't have to ask China..You're a guest here, but make yourself feel at hime." He said bringing me a glass of lemonaid. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. "Actually...I am.." I said getting up and grabbing the lemonaid from his hand. "Tyrone, I can't thank you enough."

"China, you're welcome! Now stop thanking me and just accept it." He walked out of the room and gave me my privacy.

I stripped down to nothing and got inside of the shower. The shower was big enough to fit two people, it had a removable shower head and jets just incase you wanted to take a bath. I let the water run over me as I stood under it and wet my hair. I thought about how my once perfect marriage was going down the drain. I thought about how Jarrod was  cheating on me. I thought about how I kept using Jarrods mother to watch the kids every time I needed to run away from reality. My face filled with tears as I washed my body with the Dove body wash that was already in the guest room. My marriage was falling out completley...I wanted to save it. But being the wife of a drug lord was becoming more for me to handle. 

"I'm cooking chicken alfreado with garlic bread and brocoli if thats okay with you.." Tyrone said to me. He was wearing some pajama bottoms and some nike slippers. 

"Thats perfect Tyrone...thanks."

"Do you want to talk about whats going on?" He asked me as her chopped up the brocoli. "There's something obviously going on in your marriage..and I am a licensed marriage cousilor..soo, whenever you want to open up to me.."

"I don't know if I'm ready yet...and thats did tell me that...." I may have to bring Jarrod to cousiling..I thought to myself.

Tyrone and I had our three course meal, and drank red wine. By the time the wine kicked in I was pouring my hear out to Jarrod.

"China...the first thing you need to do if you want to repair your relationship with your husband is to stop running away from your problem. Stop turining to the kids grandparents when you feel like you need to get away." 

"Thats all I know Tyrone..thats all I've ever known. Before I met you I didn't have any family....I had no one to turn to."

Tyrone put his hands on mine and looked into my eyes. We made a connection then and there.

"China...from what I can are a very strong just need to address the situation with your husband and stop running from it."

"I know..but you don't know how Jarrod is...nobody understands...nobody knows him like I do..."

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