Chapter 9

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I woke up in another mans bed. I woke up in another mans shirt. I woke up feeling like a new person. This was all new to me; Jarrod was all I knew. But it felt good to be free...but I knew this had to be a sin..somewhere in the book.

"Good morning China...there's some coffee and toast in the den for you if you're hungry." Tyrone greeted me. 

"I think I should leave..." I said to him going back upstairs to get my clothes.

"Suit yourself..I was just trying to be a gentleman..."

"And I appreciate that Tyrone I really do...but this isn't right...I have a husband."

"Has your husband called? Asked you where you were? I mean, I know if I got into an argument with my woman I would still call and check up on her...if the love is strong, and if the love is real.."

Tyrone had a point, but I didn't want to tell him that.

I went into Tyrone's bathroom and freshened up myself. When I came back downstairs Tyrone was waiting for me down the stairs.

I started walking slowly down the stairs because I didn't know what to expect...

Tyrone grabbed me by the waist and gave me a kiss on my forehead. All these emotions started rushing through me. "Tyrone what are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm just saying thank you for yesterday..;.I hadn't enjoyed myself that much in...a while."

"You're welcome Tyrone, but I'm going to leave now...I will catch up with you later." I strutted out of his house, not looking back. 

"What king od man do you think I would be letting you walk out of my house without seeing that you made it to your car." Tyrone had a circle drive way that was right outside of his door. Either he was starting to do too much, or I just wasn't used to being around a gentleman. 

Tyrone rushed to the drivers side of the car and opened it for me. I got in and he closed the door. He waved as I drove off.

On my way home I started to pour my eyes out.Tyrone was an amazing man and here I was living a lie with Jarrod. He was all I knew and I felt obligated to love him. I've given my life to Jarrod for almost 7 years, being around another man who treated me like a queen was so much more to me. Tyrone made me feel the way I wanted Jarrod to make me feel...but I guess that was asking for too much.

I walked into my house to find Jarrod sitting on the couch talking and smoking with Candice. She winked at me and blew smoke into the air. 

"Whats up China girl?" She said to me taking another hit from the blunt.

"Jarrod what the hell is this bitch doing in MY house.?" I aske him.

"You need to chill the fck out China, where the fck you been?" 

"Yeah where the fck you been?" Candice tried to put her two sense in.

"Bitch get the fck out of my house!" I screamed.

She laughed and got up and started walking towards the door. "Now if you were a real woman, you would be here handling your business. But no, I had to come entertain Jarrod ONCE again." She said blowing smoke into my face. I yanked her by the shirt and pushed her out of me house. She tripped on the ledge of the door.

"You BITCH China! Thats why Jarrod and me-." I spit on her and slammed the door in her face.

"Jarrod what the fck is going on?" I asked him as I walked over to him. Jarrod was clearly drunk and high. 

"I can't get what I want from you anymore, so I gotta get it where I can..." He said blowing smoke into the air.

"So you mean tot tell me..." I started.

"Yeah....she put it on me...just like you used to." He said. 

For a minute, I was going to let it go and blame it on his intoxication, but there have been multiple scenarios when I've suspected him of creeping around with Candice. The Candice who supposed to be his best friend Tre's girlfriend.

I felt like an idiot. Here I was catering to Jarrod, trying to make the best our of our relationship and her was creeping behind my back.

"You're a fcking dog you know that Jarrod. I have you the last 7 years of my life and this is the pay back I get. 'Oh China I trust you, you need to trust me.' You're a fcking joke Jarrod. You have this ho around my kids like it's nothing. Lord knows who else you have messed around with."

"I'm a man China...I have wants and needs. Ever since India was born you have not been able to fulfil those needs. I tried to hide it form you because I knew it would hurt you, but damn. If I can't get it from you I might as well get it from anotha woman."

I couldn't conrol myself. My hand went full force to Jarrods jaw. "You bastard. I'm taking my kids and getting the fck out of here. I gave up my life for your sorry ass and you have given me nothing but hell. All this 'I love you China.' LIES."

I marched into our room, grabed my Louis Vuitton duffel bag and packed some clothes and toiletries. I went into the kids room and packed some clothes for the kids. 

"Mommy, where are we going?" Jarrod Junior said to me. He looked into my eyes. Spitting image of his dad. I tried to be strong and hold back my tears. "I'm taking you and India to grandma's again baby." "Again?" He asked me. "Yes baby, again..just until mommy gets some things situated." I tied J.J's shoe and sat him on the bed. India was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her. 

"Pack some toys and some movies, mommy will be right back."

I left Jarrod's room and peaked into the living room. Jarrod was no longer in there. I started to search the house...still nowhere to be found. I looked outside and my car was gone. 

"What the fck?" I said to myself. "This mutha fcka has got to be kidding me!!" I said. "Now what the fck am I going to do."

I had no friends and I had no family. Jarrod had totally excluded me from them being that he tried to live a discrete life. 

The only person I knew who I could call was Tyrone. I felt like I would be asking for too much..But I couldn't stay here. I text messaged him.

//Hey Tyrone..something came up between me and Jarrod. I hate to be an inconvenience to you but if you don't mind..I really need you to come meet me at the McDonalds near Highland park." 

Tyrone text me back right away.

//Stay put. I'llb be there in 10.

I bought the kids happy meals as we waited for Tyrone's return. When I saw his black Hummer come around the corner my stomach got butterflies. 

He came into McDonalds and looked around for us. "Tyrone!" I said waiving at him. He smiled at me. 

"Who might these beautiful babies be?" He asked.

"This is my son Jarrod Junior and my daughter India."

The kids looked at him. India smiled and Jarrod kept eating his chicken nuggets. "I'll explain everything in the car...can you just help me with their car seats please?"

"No problem China."

We finally got situated in the car and I asked Tyrone what I dreaded asking. 

" don't want to talk about this in front of the kids..but I really need to get to Atlanta to drop them off at their grandma's house...Jarrod took my car and now I have you mind taking me to get a rental?" I asked him.

Tyrone shook his head. 

"China don't worry about it. If you need a ride to Atlanta, I got you. Nobody deserves that, especially not a beautiful woman like you." 

We headed towards Atlanta as we rode in silence...

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