Chapter 11

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"That was an amazing dinner Tyrone, you are quite the chef. I still can't believe that I'm here with you right now though. It seems like we met just yesterday and now you've taken me and in wine and dine me. I don't know why your wife would leave a good man like you." I said joking with him.

"China for the 100th time you're welcome! You're good people. I can feel it in my heart. Make yourself at home, I'll be in my office handling some paper work."

"Thanks again Tyrone."

He flashed that beautiful smile of his and winked at me. "No problem."

I made my way back to the guest room and dug out my iphone to check my messages. The first text message was from Jarrod of course, it read...

"China this is Jarrod..I didn't mean what I said earlier and I am sorry. I did not sleep with Candice, I never even touched the ho. Baby, please come home so we can talk about this, and let me explain.. I'm sick of you always running away from your problems. Call me so I can come get you. I want to make things right China..I really do. I love you babe and I'm sorry, just please come home."

Tears filled my eyes. I looked at the clock. It was only 6:30. My mind was telling me don't go, but my heart was telling me go home and make things right with your man.

"Tyrone...I thought about what you said. I'm going to go make things right with hy husband."

I didn't want to be a sucker for his love, but we have been through so much. I believed Jarrod, I trusted Jarrod and I think that's what hurts me the most.

Tyrone took me back to the McDonalds he picked the kids and I up from. I knew better than to have him drop me off at my house. If there's one thing I know about being a drug lords wife is keeping our life discrete, and not doing anything stupid like having a man drop me off at home. Just to avoid things blowing out of proportion with Jarrod.

When I got to the McDonalds I texted Jarrod to come and get me and he came within the next 15 minutes.

"Where have you been?" He asked me.

"Jarrod, can we just wait until we get home please?"

When we reached the house Jarrod rushed to the other side of the car and opened it for me. He must have really been sorry because I don't remember the last time he's ever done that for me.  I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Let me get that." He grabbed my duffel bag from my hand and went inside of the house. I didn't know what I was in for but I wanted to hear Jarrod plead not guilty. This was just too good to be true. 

"Start explaining yourself Jarrod." I said as I kicked off my heels and got into my bed. It felt so good to be back in my own bed again. 

"China, you know I love you and I would never-"

"Jarrod cut the bull shit. I don't want to hear it. Just get straight to the point."

"China I never slept with that girl. I never even touched her. You know that was Treys girl. I don't even think their messing around anymore. Shes been on me from day one. I knew that she would go along with my plan."

"Your plan?" 

"Yes, my plan to make you jealous and feel guilty for not giving me what I want."

"Jarrod you have to be kidding me. I've been nothing but a good wife to your ass. I put up with you and your roudy ass gangster thugs you have hanging around here. I put up with you coming home or leaving  at crazy hours of the night and not letting me know. I put up with you not spending time with your kids and going on these 'trips'. I put up with worrying about if you're going to come home alive. I've put up with it for seven years Jarrod, don't you think I'm tired. Don't you think I deserve more than this?" Tears started falling from my eyes. "You've got to give me more props than that Jarrod. I've been through hell and back with you. I've sacrificed everything I've ever had to live a life you want me to live. When is it ever going to stop?"

Jarrod stood at the side of the bed looking at me. He rubbed his beard. 

"China...I'm sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"You can get the hell out of this drug game before it kills you. You can spend more time with me and your kids, and you can go to marriage counseling with me tomorrow."

"China, I'm the biggest dealer down south. The game is all I know. The money is all I know."

"Jarrod, it's either the streets, or your decide."

"Damn it China! Why are you giving me an ultimatum. You know it's not that easy to just give up the game."

"Well you can do it a step at a time. It's ruining our family Jarrod...think about it!"

"Whats about this marriage counseling crap you re talking about?"

"My editor..."

"Oh not this nigga again!" 

"Chill out Jarrod and listen to me. He's a marriage councilor and I think he might be able to help us restore our marriage. Now if you're willing to restore our marriage and our need to step off the throne and forget about being the biggest dealer in the south. You need to start taking responsibility and be a man. You need to take care of home."

"Alright...I'll go. I wanna see this nigga too, since youre spending all this time with him."

"Jarrod, don't be ignorant." I rolled my eyes.

Jarrod went into the bathroom and I took out my phone and text Tyrone.

//Hey Tyrone..It's China. I know you're probably busy right now, but I want to say thank you again for everything. I got my husband to agree to go to marriage counseling and I was wondering if you would do the honors tomorrow around 4:30pm. - China

-Two minutes later-

//You deserve it China, you're welcome!!! Yes, I am available. I will see you then. I'm glad you want to make things right. Remember, do not run away from your problems. - Ty

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