Chapter 16

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I woke up in Tyrone's bed. I lost count as to how many times this has happened within the past week. I was hung over and my head hurt like hell. I got up and went into Tyrone's bathroom to freshen up. I looked at the clock 10:30 am. I shook my head in disbelief. I walked downstairs and the smell of pancakes, eggs, biscuts, and grits hit me in the face. 

"Goodmorning sunshine!" Tyrone said as he laughed and poured apple juice into Tyanna and Jarrod Juniors cups.

I smiled at him. He was such a good man. I guess the kids had already eaten.

"Good morning, so I see you've met my kids." I looked into his eyes.

"Yeah! They're angel's!" He said to me. I sat down on a bar stool. He poured a cup of apple juice into a cup for me and put a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits in front of me. 

"Thanks Tyrone but this is too much." I said to him. "Oh wll excuse me." He said grabbing my plate out of my hand.

"Wait, not the food." I grabbed it back from him and chuckled. "Then what?" He asked me.

"Everything you do for me, is too much!" I said to him.

"China, please. It's not too much, it's what you deserve. You are a Queen and you should be treated like one." He said as he handed me a napkin and sat down next to me. 

"Tyrone I really appreciate everything you do for me, but I am still married." I could tell that hit a soft spot with him. He got up and washed some dishes.

"I'm sorry Tyrone."

"China don't be sorry. The only person you need to be sorry with is yourself. You're living a lie. You're living a life that nobody should have to live. You're young beautiful and intelligent. You're what 25 years old. I know you have kids but you should be living sometimes. I know Jarrod and I have our differences and I know he would not approve of us seeing each other but I know that you feel something between us, even if you do decide to deny it. I know that you have feeling for me China. I know it's wrong but its reality. You're young and if you know whats best for you, you will get out of that relationship and fast. You have so much going for you China, your book is going to be a success in a few months, you need to focus on your dreams and your goals instead of living the life of a drug lords wife!"

Tyrique walked into the kitchen hand in hand with Diamond. 

"Hey dad...oh hey China." He said looking at me like he wasn't expecting to see me.

"Hey Tyrique." I said as I bit into a piece of bacon.

"Dad can I use the car?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the mall..."

"Take your sister and Lauren with you."

Tyrique walked out of the kitchen and went about his business.

Tyrone finished giving me a speech. "So if you know whats good for you. You will get out of that relationship. There's no reason for you to be living your life like this."

"Tyrone you don't understand...I haven't been with anybody else byt Jarrod, he's all I know..Lastnightwas a breath of fresh air for me but I have sinned!" I said.

Tyrone took a deep breath and continued to put the dishes away. "I'm just saying, you need to drop the zero and get with a hero."

I laughed at Tyrone's corny line.

I pulled up to the drive way of my house at about 4:30 pm. I spent the day at Tyrone's talking and expressing my feeling's. I felt a sudden rush of death pass through my body when I saw Tyrone's car parked in front. I started to panic. I knew once I got in there he would ask me 21 questions and I was not in the mood. I was still hung over and I didn't feel like being bothered. J.J and India were in the back seat sleeping and I didn't want to wake them up, but I had to get them inside to bathe and get changed. I said a silent prayer to myself, got the kids out of the car and headed towards the house. I opened to door to find Tyrone sitting on the couch with a blunt to his lips. He was watching college football so I tried to sneak past him as fast as possible. I put J.J and India into their rooms. As I came down the stairs Jarrod was waiting for me at the end of the staircase. He blew smoke out of his mouth and rubbed him chin.

"Hey Jarrod." I said trying to get past him. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. 

"You been fcking around with another nigga?"

"What? Jarrod let go of me." I said trying to break from his grip. He was so strong that I couldn't even bulge. 

"I saw yo ass China. Taking my kids to another nigga house." He said to me. My heart dropped in disbelief. Had he been following me?

"Tyrone..." He said with anger in his eyes. He punched the wall behind me causing me to jump and gasp. Tears started to fall from my eyes. 

"Jarrod. Cut it out!! You're going to wake up the kids."

"Fck that China. I've been nothing but good to yo ass. You betrayed me. Just like punk ass Tyrone and his bitch ass brother." Jarrod started to spill the beans about the situation, but he quieted himself when he realized what he was saying. Little did he know that I already knew the whole story. 

"I give yo ass everything you want, do I not?" He asked me. "I said..DO I NOT!!" Jarrod punched the wall behind me again. He was about to give me a heart attack. I tried to get away from him but he grabbed me and carried me up to the bedroom, shut the door and locked it. He pushed me onto the bed. Tears were streaming down my face. I really couldn't take much of this anymore. My heart ached. I was sick of living this life. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Is the sex not good? What is it China?! WHAT IS IT!!" He yelled and threw a plant on the floor causing it to shatter. I was in shock. I've never seen Jarrod like this. It's like he was hurt and angry, but in reality I should be the only person who is hurt and angry. 

He had taken off his pants and was standing infront of me butt naked as he tried to rip my clothes off of me. "JARROD STOP IT!" I screamed at the stop of my lungs, tears still falling from my eyes. 

"You out there screwin other niggas and bringing my kids around him? You fcked up, you know that right?" He said to me as he straddled me on the bed. He tried to kiss me but I wouldn't give in. He kept doing it until I couldn't take anymore. Jarrod shoved his tounge down my throat. I couldn't stop him. He had my arms pinned down to the bed. Tears continued to fall from my eyes. I heard a knock at the door. 


It was Maria. "Thank you God." I said to myself. 

"Hold on Maria." Jarrod called out to her.

"Is everything okay?!" She asked.

"Every things good Maria, thanks."

"Okay..." I could hear her walking away from the door.

Jarrod got off from on top of me. My body was still in shock and I couldn't move. 

"You stooped really low China." Jarrod said as he picked up his pants and put them back on. "You betrayed me, after everything I've done for you."

"Jarrod you have don't SHIT for me" I said wiping tears from my eyes. "You put me and my kids through hell thats all you've done for me. Ever since J.J was born my life with you was hell. If I would have known you were a drug dealer I would have never fcked with you in the first place. You forced me to fall in love with you Jarrod and look at where I am now. Unhappy and living a lie. Jarrod, I can't take this aymore. I'm taking my kids and I'm getting the fck up out of here." 

I got up and went into the bathroom. Jarrod followed me but I closed the door on him and locked it. 

"China." He knocked on the door.

"Jarrod get away!" I said yelling at him.

I opened the door and slapped him in the face. 

"Fck your life Jarrod." I said as I walked passed him. He tried to grab me but that wasn't going to work this time. I got the kids from their room and I was headed out. I had no destination and I didn't want to bombard Tyrone with my problems even though he claimed that he didn't mind. Tyrone was my new get away. I found shelter within him. I found love within him. 

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