Chapter 12

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Jarrod and I sat in the reception area of Tyrones office as we waited for him to finish with his patient who was scheduled before us. 

"I don't want to be here." Jarrod said picking up a GQ magazine from the glass table. 

"Do you want our marriage to last?" I asked him. No response.

A white couple came out of Tyrones office, the woman looked like she had been crying and the man looked nonchalant. Tyrone came out after them. He wore black slacks and a blue colared shirt. 

He smiled and greeted Jarrod and us. 

"Good afternoon China." 

"How are you, I'm Tyrone?" Tyrone asked going in to shake Jarrod hand.

Jarrod looked at Tyrone like he had seen him before and shook his hand unsurely.

"Alright, lets get started." Tyrone said walking into his office when Jarrod didn't bother to state his name.

"Make yourselves comfortable." Tyrone said grabbing a bottle of water for each of us.

"I'm ready to start when you are." He said taking a sip of his water.

"We're ready." I assured him.

"Well we're here for one reason, that reason is because there are complications within your marriage. One thing a married couple must know is that communication is the key to a successful marriage."

I looked at Jarrod to see if he was paying attention. He just kept staring at Tyrone like he was speaking another language.

"Thats what our relationship lacks, communication." I said to him.

"What do you do about that then?"

"She doens't do shit, she runs away from everything." Jarrod butted in and slouching in his seat.

"I don't know what else to do, I try to keep us both sane in this relationship but..."

Jarrod butted in again.

"Aye man, where are you from?" Jarrod asked him. He looked dead into Tyrone's eyes and made sure he answered.

"Atlanta, Georgia. How about you?" Tyrone said.

"What did you say your lastname was again?"

"Black...Tyrone Blalck."

"Tyrone black who lived in Lake Forrest and and you have a Brother named Tremaine?"

"Yeah thats me...." Tyrone said still wondering where this conversation.

"China lets go because I'm about to raise hell." Jarrod blurted out.

"Jarrod, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked

"You gon' sit up here and act like you don't know the fck I am, man. You out here hangin' around my woman and lord knows what you tried to do to her." Jarrod yelled. "China get your shit and lets go!"

"Jarrod McKinney...I knew that was you. Still stubborn and arrogant as hell."

"Man don't fcking disrespect me infront of my woman like that." 

"What the fck is going on?" I stood in the middle of the men. They were head to head and ready to throw down any second. "Can someone please tell me what the fck is going on?" I yelled.

"China, you and Jarrod should leave...I'll call you later."

"This nigga-" Jarrod took his fist and tried to punch Tyrone dead in the face. Tyrone grabbed his fist. He was stronger than I thought he would be. 

Security walked in and tried to break it up.

"You alright man?" The security guard said patting Tyrone on the back.

"Yeah I'm good...just get this ignorant son of a bitch out of my face." Tyrone said with a smirk on his face.

Security escorted us out of Tyrones office. I turned around and looked at Tyrone and whispered. "I'm sorry." He smiled at me and nodded. 

Jarrod and I rode home in scilence. When we got home he went into the bathroom and I heard him making a few phone calls. I wanted to know what the hell was going on, and fast. When Jarrod walked out of the bathroom the interrogation started. 

"Jarrod what happened earlier, you went up there and make me look like a damn idiot, whats the deal?!" I asked him standing face to face with him, may hands on my hips.

"How long have you been hanging around this nigga China?" 

"Thats besides the point.." He cut me off.

"HOW LONG!" He demanded.

"Like about a week or two Jarrod, what the fck!!"

"I don't want you hanging around this nigga ever again and if I find out that you are, you can kiss me, this luxury life, and your kids goodbye."

"Jarrod, you're being a pain in the ass right now. You need to tell me what the fck is going on right now!!" I shouted.

"You don't need to worry about that China, as long as you keep your distance from him."

Jarrod walked out of the room and onto the balcony. He took a beer out of the mini bar in our room and lit up a blunt. I took this oppertunity to go find out what was going on. I went into the bathroom and text messaged Tyrone.

//Hey Tyrone, I really appologize for what happened earlier. I don't know whats wrong with Jarrod. How do you guys even know eachother? I have so many unanswered questions. -China

He texted back fast.

//It's cool China, thats not your fault. I already know how Jarrod is. Seems like he hasn't changed. Why didn't you tell me the Jarrod McKinney was your husband? - TY

//I didnd't think that mattered Tyrone. What I really want to know is how you guys know eachother and why what went down today happened.- China

//Can we meet up my place..? -TY

I thought about what I was getting into, but if Jarrod wasn't going to give me any answers, I was going to take it upon myself to find out. How date Jarrod give me ultimadums and not tell me whats going on.

//What time? - China

//2:30pm - TY

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