Chapter 8

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I dind't go home that night. Instead I found myself at Tyrone's beach house. It was beautiful. It over looked the ocen and it was very relaxing. Jarrod didn't want me to come home and I didn't plan to. I'm grown, and its time to start living for me. 

Tyrone and I had spent most of the day at  the coffee shop getting to know eachother and going over my book. The more we talked the more I started feeling him. Jarrod was all I knew, but now that I've met Tyrone I know there's more in life that I should be looking forward to. 

Tyrone lit some candles around the house and turned on some jazz. "What do you like to drink..I have some Chardonay...Pinot...Dom..." "Whatever you have will be fine with me." I said to him. I walked over to the giant glass window that was the size of a wall itself. I started to gaze out into the beach. "Here' you go!" I jumped and turned around. "Did I scare you?" Tyrone said smiling at me, "Just a little bit." I said smiling back at him. Tyrone opened the window which lead out to a balcony. "Join me?" He asked. I grabbed the drink from his hand. Chardonay.

Tyrone lit the heating tourches and it really set the mood. "Make yourself at home..I'll be right back." I kicked off my sandals and streched out on the chair. I felt good. 

Tyrone returned with chocolate covered strawberrys and the bottle of Chardonay. He had changed into a pair of black linnen pants, some sandals, and a black wife beater tank. I could see his ab's bulging through his shirt and he was really starting to turn me on. He was built like an athlete, I always dreamed of marrying an athlete..every teenage girls dream.

"He sat the plate of strawberries on the patio table and took one. "Help yourself." He said kicking off his sandals and turning to face the ocean. 

Chocolate covered strawberries. Jarrods favorite. I was surprised that he hadn't called me all day. It was already 5:30 and the sun was going down. I didn't know what he could possibly be doing. I really didn't care either. 

"You have a very beautiful home Tyrone." I said as I bit into a chocolate covered strawberry. 

"Thank you China...this was my first investment." He said to me. "Really?" I asked interested to know more about what this man did. "Yes, I bought this house when I was just 25. I had been saving up since I was about 15, with the help of my parents as well of couse." He said to me. 

"How old are you anyway Tyrone..if you don't mind me asking." 

"I'm 43." He said to me. My guess was close. "You look damn good Tyrone." I said reaching over tto touch his ab's. "Thank you miss." He said laughing. "Yeah I try to hit the gym as often as possible. My son is always in competition with me." We both started laughing. 

"Sounds like you have a nice little relationship with your son, as I knew you would." I said as I reached for another strawberry. "Oh most definitley." He said sipping his Chardonay. "Most definitley."

"I know this is kinda backwards...but I'm getting a little bit about you?" He asked me. Actually I was getting hungry, I just didn't want to say anything. "I thought you would never ask." I said jokingly. 

Tyrone picked up the plate of chocolate covered strawberries and brought them to the kitchen. He had a huge kitchen. It had an island in the middle and a mini bar at the side. Cherry wood cupboards and stainless steel applicances. It was gorgeous. 

"I love this kitchen!" 

"Thanks, I love it too." He said to me. "Do you like to cook China?"

"I know how to do a little something something but I'm not a chef." Tyrone started laughing. "Well I can be of assistance in that category." He said pulling out some potatoes, two rib eye stakes, and some fresh vegetables. 

I took a sip of my drink and Tyrone caught me off guard. 

He looked at his watch and looked back up at me puzzled. "Is your husband not worried about your whereabout?" He asked me. 

"Ha, we kinda got into it earlier." I told him. "Oh wow!" He said to me "Sorry to hear that, but I mean..if I had a wife as beautiful as you I would want you home right now, in bed, cuddling with me right now." He said as he washed the meat. 

I blushed. "We havent really been on good terms...but you're a cuddler?" I teased. 

"Yeah man, there's nothing like holding your woman in your arms late at night and whispering in her ear how much you love her." 

This couldn't be real. He sounded like a male version of myself. 

"Need help?" I asked him trying to forget about Jarrod. "Come help me chop these vegetables, will you..please?

I went over and started chopping the vegetables the best I knew how. 

"Do you know what you're doing?" He asked playfully. "Yeah...Chopping vegetables."

Tyrone started busting out laughing. He came behind me put his arms around me and guided my hand with the knife. 

I felt like I was in a movie. Why couldn't I have this like with Jarrod? I asked myself. 

After we finished chopping the vegetables I sat down at the mini bar and watched Tyrone work his magic. He set the table in a 'his and her's booth that he had tucked away in his kitchen. 

"Shall we say grace?" He asked me. "But of course!"

A religous man too...

"Dear God thank you for this delicious food that we are about to recive. Thank you for China's presence tonight because you alone know I would be bored and lonely if she wasn't here right now. Amen."


"This is delicious Tyrone, where did you learn how to cook like this?" I asked him

"My father owns a resturant out here so when I was younger he always used to show me how to throw down in the kitchen. So here I am." He winked at me. 

When I was with Tyrone it felt like time flew so quickly . I had such a good time with him. Somehow we found ourselves in his family room watching a Tyler Perry movie. 

It was getting really late and I was getting tired. I ended up dozing off on Tyrone's lap. A loud informerical came on and it made me jump out of my sleep. 

"Sorry..." He said. There was a blanket wrapped around me. 

"It's fine. What time is it?" I asked him. "1:30am." He responded

"Oh my goodness. I'm sorry Tyrone. I didn't mean to over stay my welcome. I should be going." I said looking around for my sandals. 

"China, it's fine...there's absolutley no problem with you being here right now, you're tired just chill. But I know your husband is probably worried so -..." I cut him off. "My 'husband' doesn't give a damn where I am or else he would have been blowing up my phone. I told you we got into it earlier and it was nothing nice. I didn't even know what I planned to do after we met for coffee...I figured I would get a hotel and stay there or something...."

"I'm sorry China..but you're fine right here. You can take my bed, I can sleep down here tonight." 

"Tyrone, you really don't have to do all that for me. Honestly, you even allowing me to be here right now is a blessing. Thank you." 

Tyrone took my hand and kissed it. "No problem...just do me a favor and take my bed. I know you're tired.." 

Tyrone took me into his room. It was fir for a king and queen. But the King slept alone. 
He gave me a button down shirt to sleep in and with that I dozed off into a deep sleep. No care in the world. I had gotten so distracted by Tyrones wine and dining me that I had forgotten about my life at home. It felt good. 

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