Chapter 28

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November 15, 2011: Two Days Before the Wedding

Jarrod and I undid the divorce and everything was set stone for us to have the wedding. I started getting cold feet and feeling as though things were moving a bit fast. I was excited, but I was also nervous. I knew that Jarrod was a changed man, but something deep down in my heart was now telling me to slow down. To be honest. I loved Jarrod, no doubt. But, something in me still had feelings for Tyrone. Although I hadn't heard or seen him since that day he left and never came back, I often thought about him and his where abouts. I wanted to make things right with Jarrod, but I think I got too caught up in the moment at the time.

"I want to thank everybody for coming out tonight to celebrate me and China's 'getting back together." Jarrod said and our family members laughed. "We have been through hell and back, and that was all because of me. China knows that I love her, Jr. and India with everything I have in me. Shes an amazing woman for giving my nuckle head ass a second chance." They laughed again. "I know the second time around things are going to be better. I'm a changed man and I want to be able to be the man my family needs to be, to love and take care and provide from the. I am going to be their rock as I should have been." Jarrod turned and looked at me. "China baby, I love you and I just want you to know that I will die for you and our children. I know I put you through so much shit in the past but I have changed. Thats the old me. Thats in the past. I have up the drug game and the streets and I'm ready to sacrifice the fast life, and the drugs, and everything else to be your man, your love, and your one and only. I love you baby." Our family members awed. 

I looked Jarrod in his eyes and saw sincerity. Something I haven't been able to see in him for years. As I was about to say my mini speech I saw a familiar face in the back of the resturant where we were having dinner. I shook it off because I thought I was just tripping and I proceeded with my speech.

"Jarrod McKinney, what can I say. I gave you the best six years of my life and well...we all know how that went." Everybody laughed.

"But thats besides the point. I don't have a long speech but all I can say is that I love you and that I'm glad you have changed. I'm willing to give the rest of my life to you if only you're committed, and I know you are." I gave Jarrod a peck on the lips and everybody applauded.

"We have an announcement to make!" I said as I tapped a knife againts my glass filled with apple cider. "There will be a new addition to our family." I said as I rubbed my stomach. Everybody cheered and applauded. "Thank you everybody for coming out and showing love!"

I sat back down and took a sip of water. I then thought about what I saw earlier and wanted to see if I was tripping. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered to Jarrod who was in deep conversation with his cousin about a football game. He nodded. I don't even think he heard what I said.

I got up and headed to the back of the resturant. I didn't see anybody. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was already glowing. I heard someone come in after me and lock the door which I found suspicious. There were only two stalls in the bathroom since the resturant was in such an intimate setting. I closed my eyes and said a prayer asking God to guide me as I make the biggest decision of my life, taking Jarrod back. 

I opened my eyes and standing behind me with arms wrapped around my waste was a 6'2 frame that I knew before. I turned around and Tyrone leaned in a planted a wet kiss on my lips. 

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