Chapter 7

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T.B Coffee Co. was one of the hottest coffee spots in Florida. It was right on the beach so it had a beautiful view. It was the perfect place for the grown and sexy. 

As I pulled up to park my car, my phone rand. "China speaking."

"Hey, are you here?" 

"Just pulled up, where are you?"

"Waiting outside the coffee shop."

"Here I come."

I could see Tyrone from a mile away, his smile, his demeanor, he was such a gentleman. He was speaking to a valet boy like they've known each other for years. When he saw me coming he gave the guy a tip and walked towards me. 

"Beautiful" I heard him say under his breath. "What was that?" I asked, knowing exactly what he said. 

"Lets get inside." When I walked inside there was absolutely nobody in there.

"This is awkward...why isn't anybody here?" I asked Tyrone. "I had them close down the place so that it would just be us, you distractions.. just work." 

"How did you manage to do that?" I asked him. 

He pointed to the big sign that read, T.B Coffee Co.

"Welcome to my coffee shop." He said flashing me his beautiful smile.

"Noo..." I said in disbelief. "It can't be..." I started to say.

"Yep, My father is Tyrone Black I..I'm Tyrone Black II. I inherited the coffee shop." He told me. "Thats amazing you're an editor...and you own a coffee shop?" I asked him. "And a few other investments but it's not even about me...lets get started shall we?"

We made our way to the balcony and we sat down at a table that had high bar stool chairs and a table. A barrista/waitress came over and took our orders.

"I'll have a caramel frap, extra whipped cream and a croissant with cream cheese." I told her.

"I'll have the usual Tammy, thank you."

She walked away and within a few minutes she was back with our order.

"So I was speaking to one of my buddies at Gold Crown Publications and he's willing to take a look at your book. I told him that your book is crazy good and that he will not be disappointed." Tyrone took a sip of his coffee and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Your story is really touching China, Its amazing how someone as beautiful as you went through so much turmoil and hardships...and look at you now." He said smiling. 

"Wow! That's amazing!" I said wiping the crumbs from my dress. I can't thank you enough Tyrone. I know we've only met a couple of times, but you are truly a gift from God." 

"Don't thank me, it's my job and my pleasure." "So tell me more about yourself Ms.China." He said sipping at his coffee. 

"Well..what do you want to know?" I asked him, not really wanting to go into detail about my life. "Well where are you from?" He asked me.

"I'm originally from Richmond, Virginia. I moved to Miami when I was 18. I planned on going getting out of the hood and going to the University of  Miami and major in journalism, a year later I got involved with my now husband and I am here today, married with two beautiful children." 

"Nice.."He said, "So what does your husband do for a living?" He asked me. 

I knew this question was coming up soon, but I wanted to avoid it as much as possible. I took a sip of my coffee and said "He had his own business.." 

"So a business man!" Tyrone said to me with enthusiasm. "Yeah so what about you, where are you from? whats your story?" I asked him before he wanted more detail about what Jarrod did. 

"I grew up out here in Miami, I went to Morehouse for college,double majored in business and psychology and minored in journalism. I met my wife my second year of college. She went to Spelman.We got married a year after graduation and ended up having children. My son is 18, he's now attending Morehouse, following in my footsteps and my daughter is 15."

It didn't dawn on me how old Tyrone could have possibly been. He was around 45 and he looked damn good. I've always had an attaction to older and mature men.

"That's nice." I said to him, taking the last bite of my croissant.

"Yeah so that's that.." He said shying away from the conversation.

"What does your wife do?" I asked him. "My wife's a nurse." He said.

A nurse...I said to myself. "How nice.."



"China, I want to be honest with you right now. I know we haven't known eachother that long but I feel like you should know this now. I told you my wife and I were in a happy marriage. We're not. Matter of fact, she's no longer legally my wife. We got a divorce two years ago. My daughter lives with her and I try to see her as often as I can. I don't want to sit up here and lie to you like I'm some big shot living a perfect life, because I'm not..I hope I'm not moving too fast, but...Yeah." He said releasing a big sigh.

"Tyrone I'm not here to judge you. Nobody is perfect and I know you are an amazing father to your children, no matter what. You have a southern charm about you and you are a total gentleman. I'm sorry about your divorce though." I said to him trying to cut the awkwardness in the air.

"Ahh, don't worry about it. I've moved on. Ahaha." He laughed.

"Good for you I said to him. "So you said you minored in psychology?" 

"Yeah I do some marriage counseling. How Ironic...I know." 

We both laughed. " can't predict the future right?" 

"Right." Tyrone said licking his lips and smiled at me. My body instantly started to tingle. I haven't felt this way since the beginning of me and Jarrod's relation ship. There was strong sexual attraction between me and Tyrone but I didn't want to feel it, nor did I want to admit it. Things were'nt going too well at home with me and Jarrod. It's be like this for the past three years. The first two were our golden years...but now everything has totally gone down hill."

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