Chapter 14

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"Twinkle twinkle little I wonder what you are...up above the world so a diamond in the sky...twinkle twinkle little I wonder" Jarrod Junior, India and I sang as I bathed them. 

I kissed both of my babies on their foreheads and I splashed them with a rubber duck.

"Mommy!!" Jarrod Junior said as he giggled. He was the spitting image of his dad.

I hadn't seen my babies in two weeks. They were staying at their grandma's house in Atlanta the whole time. 

"Mommy, can you take us to Sea World?" J.J asked me. 

"YAH!" India gave her input as well.


"Please mommyyyyyy. Pleaseeeeee." They begged me.

"Okay, lets go!" I said to them. I took them out of the bathroom and got them dressed. I loved dressing up my kids. Along with being an upcoming writer I also wanted to become a well known fashion stylist. 

I dressed Jarod Junior in some black skinny jeans, a button down shirt, and some Toms for kids. I dressed India in a pretty pink dress and some sandals. My babies looked like dolls. 

"Can daddy come?" Jarrod Junior asked me.

"Daddy is busy today baby, maybe next time?" 

I could see the hurt in J.J's face and it broke my heart. The reality of it was, Jarrod had been staying at a hotel down the street for the past two weeks and he hadn't come home since. He would call the kids and that would be it. 

"Can I call him?" He asked me with a bit of hope on his face.

I dialed Jarrod's number and took a deep breath. I hadn't talked to Jarrod since the altercation. It's been two was childish but I wasn't going to let that tear him away from his kids. A man had the right to see his children.

"Hello?" He answered on the first ring. He probably wasn't expecitng to see my name on his caller I.D. 

"Um...Junior wants to talk to you." I handed him the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hi daddy."

"Hey man, what you doin?"

"Mommy is taking us to Sea World!"

"Sea World?"

"Yeah!" Jarrod Junior said as he looked at me smiling. His dimples were deep just like his dads. It was scary how much they looked alike.

"Ah man, have fun!" Jarrod said to him.

"Wanna come?" J.J asked.

"I don't know man..."

"Please daddy?"

"Give the phone to your mom."

I answered the phone and took it off speaker.


"Yeah, so you takin the kids to Orlando?"

"Yes Jarrod. They want to go to Sea World."

"I don't know about that."

I walked out of the kids room and into the hall way because I knew what I was about to blurt out.

"What the fck do you mean you don't know about that Jarrod?"

"I don't know about that CHINA!" He yelled. "There's some young bloods out there who are trynacome after me and take my title. I don't need my family to go out there and be in danger"

"Jarrod, you have to be kidding me." I said in a high whisper. "This has to stop somewhere Jarrod! My kids can't even have a life or a childhood because anywhere they go they are in danger."

"That's final China."

I could feel a lump growing in my throat. I was angry and I was hurting for my kids. I didn't want to break the news to them. It hurt so bad knowing that my kids could hardly go out unless they're in Atlanta with their grandmother, all because their father was a selfish bastard.

"Mommy when is daddy coming back home?" I heard Jarrod come out of the room and ask me.

I handed him the phone and made Jarrod break the news to him and ask him when he was coming home.

He handed me the phone and went in his room and started crying. 

"You're a selfish son of a bitch Jarrod." I hung up the phone and went to comfort my children. 

I took them into the family room and put on The Lion King from them and I went in the kitchen and made them PB&J sandwiches and fresh squeezed orange juice. Just as I started to take an orange my phone buzzed.

1 New Text Message from Tyrone Black

//Hey China. I know we haven't spoken in almost a week but I'm having a BBQ at my house today and I was wondering if you would like to come, you can bring your kids too if you'd like. It's just going to be me, my kids and a few of their friends. I bought them a bunch of new water toys and a water slide. Bring your bathing suit. ;-) - TY

I loved this mans consistency. Although I had not seen Jarrod in two weeks. It had only been a week since I hadn't seen Tyrone. After the week of altercations, the week after Tyrone found himself cooking for me, taking me out to new restaurants and lounges and just being a total gentlemen. I figured that he just felt bad about everything, but I started to get the feeling that he was starting to catch feelings for me. I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt the same.

//Thanks for thinking about me. I think that's a great idea. I planned on taking the kids to Sea World but that didn't fall through. They're disappointed but I think this will give them a pick me up. I'll talk to you when I get there..and you make sure you have your speedo on when I get there. -China

//LOL. You can count on that. ;-) , see you then. - TY

I was a bit anxious about taking my kids to Tyrone's house because I knew that Jarrod probably had people looking out for us, but I didn't give a damn at this point. I was tired of living in a hole. I was tired of letting my kids down. I changed the kids into their bathing suits. Lathered them up in sun block, packed towels and extra clothes for them. I put on a monokini, a beach skirt on and a tank top. I topped it off with a floppy hat, some Chanel shades and some sandals. The kids were excited and so was I. It filled my heart with joy to see them this excited. When I told them that there would be a water slide they couldn't wait to head over to Tyrone's.

Was I ready to meet his kids? Was I ready for him to meet mine? 

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