Chapter 25

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It wasn't until my phone rang until I realize that what happened last night was not a dream, but my reality. I read the familiar number, but it didn't click until I read it out loud. 555-6860. 


"Hello China, how are you?" Jarrod's mother said through the phone. It was weird hearing her voice since I haven't talked to her since Jarrod's incident. 

"Hello Ms.McKinney, I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm well. But look China, enough with the small talk. I want to cut to the chase with you alright? Jarrod is a changed man. I know he did some pretty messed up stuff in the past, but he has truly changed and I think you should give him another chance. I think you should at least let him see J.J on his birthday. I mean, that is still his father."

She through a lot at me. I didn't want to hear all that right now. My head was hurting and my face was stained with tears. I was still in my clothes from the morning before. I looked at my phone and it read 5:00pm. This had really taken a toll on me. The party, Tyrone leaving, Jarrod trying to come back into my life.

"Pam, I'm not in the mood for this right now-"

"China, please don't give me this. J.J's birthday is on Saturday and you're all the way in California. How do you expect Jarrod to see his son for his fifth birthday?"

It didn't dawn on me until now. Saturday was around the corner and I hadn't gotten anything prepared. 

"Pam. I am in the middle of something...I will call you back later."

I walked to the bathroom and ran water on my face. I was a mess. My eyes were puffy and swollen and my face was red. I looked at the time. 1:30pm. I went into instant panic mode when I didn't hear the kids. I ran into J.J's room. He wasn't there. I ran downstairs and what I saw shocked the hell out of me.

"Hello China." Tyrone said as he handed JJ a banana.

"Tyrone...what are you doing here? How...You're suppo-"

"Shhh. Don't say anything else just listen to me. China, I thought about what you said and I made up my mind. I'm not going back to Miami. I am going to stay out here in California with you and the kids and raise a family. China, you mean everything to me and I...I...I'm falling in love with you. I realized that as the plan was boarding. I can't be without you China. I can't." Tyrones voice got shakey and it seemed as though he wanted to cry. 

I couldn't say or do anything but look around at the kids. 

"I don't know what to say Tyrone.." I said still in disbelief.

"Say that you love me..tell me that you love me China. I know you do. I see it in your eyes." To be honest, I didn't know if I was in love with Tyrone. I knew that I loved and appreciated him but I wasn't actually in love with him.

"Tyrone, I don't know how I feel, but you need you leave...NOW!" 

Tyrone got up without a fight. He grabbed his suit cases and walked out of the front door. I didn't know where he was going. I dind't know what he had in mind but I just knew that I needed him out of my house so I could think about everything that just happend.

As I was putting the kids down to sleep for a nap, my cell phone vibrated. I didn't bother to answer because I figured it would be Tyrone. It vibrated about five more times as I was reading them a bedtime story. I went back into my room and sat on the bed. I looked at my phone and held my breath. 5 Text messaged from Jarrod. 

//Jarrod - What up China...Just checking in on you in the kids. I know you're not too fond of me but I just want to let you know that I am sorry and that I am still in love with you.

//Jarrod -China, please forgive me. i swear to you, I am a changed man. I love you baby, no matter what. You can't just throw all our memories out the window. 

//Jarrod - I'm sorry. I love you. I'm still in love with you.

//Jarrod - what are you doing for JJ's birthday. I know you're out in L.A now, but I need to see my son China. Please!

//Jarrod - I see how this is going...Alright China.

As I was about to respond to the text messages, my phone rang and Jarrod's number popped up. I let it ring about 5 more times until I answered.


"What up China?"

"How are you Jarrod?" My heart fluttered like I was 18 years old again, when I first met Jarrod.

"I'm doin good, I'm doin good. How you doin? How's my kids?"

"I'm fine, they're fine."

"Good, good. So JJ's birthday is in two days..what do you have planned?"

"I don't know yet Jarrod."

"Oh alright, well..I just wanted to let you know again that things have changed ever since my incident China. I'm done with the streets. I'm hitting the books again, going to church, I'm doing motivational speaking to inner city youth. My past is in the past China..I just want you to realize that. I still love you girl and I need you in my life. I need you and my kids in my life. I can't go on knowing that Tyrone is playing the father figure in my kids life man, that shit just aint right."

I was taking everything in. Jarrod was right. He sounded so sincere. I wanted to give him another chance. My mind was telling me no, but my heart was telling me yes. 

"Well..maybe I'll bring the kids back to Miami, take them to Disney world for JJ's birthday and we can meet up. You deserve to be apart of their lives Jarrod, thats the only reason why I am doing this. You messed up once. and that was it.

 "I'm telling you China, I'm a changed man. Just watch. I won't let you down. I pray for you and the kids every night. I ask the Lord to bring you all back into my life man."

I hung up with Jarrod and let everything seep into my mind and my heart. In the back of my mind, I really wanted to see Jarrod. I missed him and I still love him. It's hard letting the love of you life go, no matter how hard the hurt is. 

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