Chapter 7 : "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961)

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I caught a bit of traffic, as usual, making me twenty minutes late. Nicky was almost jumping up and down on his seat, when I walked in. I wasn't even at the table yet when he started talking.

"Thank god you're here!! I almost started biting my nails and I got a Mani only yesterday!" Nicky exclaimed as I sat down and ordered a Latte.

"Dish girl!! I want to know everything. What he said, what you said, body language, facial expressions and don't you dare edit anything!" I laughed and started telling him about our near-paparazzo incident, he only knew about our escape out the front door. We dissected the drive in the cab, the climbing of the stair, the coffee making, the conversation, the silent pauses. Everything. After that I had to go into the body language. It was almost twelve, three Latte's later, when I was done.

"Okay, so what about this morning? Where did you sleep?" He gasped.

"Where did he sleep?" I grimaced.

"We both fell asleep on the couch. I'm not sure at what time, but I woke up when Johnny came in at half past eight." Nicky was thoughtful for a moment.

"What were your positions? On the couch?" I blushed as he gave the sentence a sexual undertone.

"He was lying behind me, my head was on his one arm and his other arm was around my waist." My blush deepened and I smiled down at my empty Latte cup. It had felt really good to wake up like that.

"Oh." Nicky sighed. "This is so romantic!!" He ordered a glass of mineral water. "So, then what happened?"

"Well, we both took a shower. Separately." I quickly added as I saw the mischief in his eyes.

"Then he..." I smiled again "He promised he'll come back. I threw my arms around his neck," -blush- "and he didn't let go of me until I was inside the cab." I couldn't tell him about the other stuff, it was kind of intimate, well to me it was. I didn't want to share that with anyone but Taylor.

"You're editing aren't you? Oh my god! You are totally editing! No fair Lee..." Luckily for me, his almost-scene was interrupted by the shrill ring of his cellular. "Hey babe." He said in a soft, seductive voice. Rico.

"What? Oh my goddess of glamour!! Get out! Seriously?" I just zoned out, probably another celebrity scandal. Just as I relaxed back in my chair, I felt a knot from at the pit of my stomach. I quickly sat upright as Nicky said my name. "Yeah, we're having coffee right now." He gasped and literally jumped up and down on his seat.

"The front page?!" He squealed in delight.

"We're on our way!!" He slammed the phone down, threw a couple of notes on the table and grabbed my hand.

"Honey! You ain't gonna believe it until you see it!" We were already out of the Starbucks and halfway down the busy street. He was heading straight for the news stand and I felt even worse. My mouth went dry and Could feel the beads of sweet forming at the back of my neck. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the hot summers morning or the marathon pace Nicky was dragging me down the street with.

"I'll take the Post, the Times and the DHS. The guy handed him the two papers and the largest gossip magazine in New York. I tried to get a glimpse of the photo's but Nicky clutched them beneath his arm and dragged me towards Central Park. We sat down on a bench and a few seconds later, Rico sat down on my other side. Nicky handed each of us a paper, keeping the magazine for himself. I stared at the front page of the Times, but I didn't notice anything important. The headlines was about some senator having an affair.

"What am I looking for?" I asked, confused but his excitement.

Nicky pointed to the bottom of the page and went back to his own reading. Rico was already ducked behind his paper. I saw a small picture of Taylor, handsome in a tuxedo, beneath the picture was only one line.

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