Chapter 13 : "The Great Gatsby." (2013)

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How is it possible that a person's life can change so radically in such a short time. A week ago the most exciting thing I've ever done was move to New York. Now I'm going out to party with some of Hollywood most famous celebrities. Strangest thing about all of this is that it felt like I fit in perfectly. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out. When we got outside I noticed that everyone was waiting for their cars. Hmm. So this group of celebs didn't believe in Chauffeured cars? Interesting. Samantha's car came around the corner first. A Porsche Boxter - a silver-ish colour. Then the other couple who sat at the same table as us, I think their names are Michelle and George. They got into a white Lamborghini Gallardo. It wasn't as nice as the Diablo. And of course Kevin had to drive a Ferrari. A blood-red F360 Spider, 2008 model. Finally, after what seemed like a preview of Top Gear, Taylor's black Aston Martin came into view. I couldn't even see Kevin's back lights, somewhere down the road, anymore. Damn that was an amazing car he drove. We got into Taylor's car and drove in the same direction the other cars went. The after-party was held at the Museum of Modern Art on 11 W and 53 Street. The Sex and the City premiere after-party was held here as well. The Museum was a mixture of contemporary elegance and classic modernity. It could accommodate up to 3500 people and it was about $40 000 on partner level. Ouch. The food was exquisite, the drink imported and the music soothing. Everyone talked about the film and how great Taylor played his role. I saw Kevin and Samantha talking quietly in one corner, maybe they should end up together one day. They looked great together, both loved to party and they made that obvious head-cheerleader-football-captain-couple. We mingled and danced and laughed like lifelong friends. Did I mentioned that we all had way too much French Champagne? At about half past one I looked for Taylor. He was talking to one of the cast members across the room.  When he saw me making my way towards him he excused himself and met me halfway.
“What's wrong?” his voice was loaded with concern.
“I want to go home, I think I'm starting to get drunk.” He brushed a strand of hair out of my face.
“Alright. Let's go.” His arm came around my waist and I leaned slightly into him as the room started turning slowly. Note to self, never party with Kevin, ever again!! We said goodbye to everyone and I tried to smile and make sense of all the swirling faces but I couldn't. I could clearly see Samantha's smirking face though. We got outside and suddenly there was a lot more flashing lights than usual. Apparently you did see double when you got drunk. I turned my face into Taylor's chest and was relieved when he helped me into his car. I just wanted to keep my eyes open until we reached the hotel. I don't want him to have to carry me, that won't look to good for his reputation if someone saw us. I turned on the radio and tried to concentrate on the song playing.
“What are you doing?” Taylor asked and I could swear he was trying not to laugh.
“Lishtening to mushic.” I slurred over the blaring noise.
I looked at him, but I had to squint my eyes and concentrate really hard to figure out which one of the three heads was really his.
“Sho that I won't passsss out.” I saw the side of his mouth twitch.
“Arrrre you laughing at meeee?”
“Only a little.” His smile lit up his features and I reached out amazed to touch his face. Only, I reached his face before I expected it and it kind of turned out to be a light smack across his one cheek. I pulled my hands back immediately and clasped them over my mouth in drunken horror.
“I'm sho shorry.” He laughed at me again. He parked in-front of the hotel.
“Wait there. I'll come and help you out.” I waited for him to walk around the car and open my door for me. His arm was around my waist again and his other hand firmly grasped my left hand.
“Hello valet dude!” I waved at him and heard Taylor's husky laugh again.
“Good Morning madam.” The valet said as he got into the car.
A butler opened the door and I decided it would perhaps be safer to stay quiet. It seemed like an eternity later that we finally reached the suite. Taylor closed the door behind him and picked me up this time.
“Alright. Straight to bed with you.”
“But I'm not tired!” I told him.
“Really?” he asked, eyebrows raised sceptically.
“If you're not tired, what do you want to do?” he asked as he laid me down on the bed.
“I wanna eat something and watch old movies.” He was busy taking off my shoes.
“Pretty Louis!” I said he put them down next to the bed and laughed as I wiggled my toes. He pulled me to my feet again and unzipped my dress.
“What do you want to eat then?” He pulled the halter neck over my head and the dress feel to my feet. He picked me up and away from the puddle of satin on the floor.
“Chinese Noodles with lots and lots and lots and lots of extra stuffies!”
I declared as he pulled one of his T-shirts over my head. Luckily the spinning effect had stopped, now it felt like I was floating. It felt kind of nice, floating around with Taylor. He pulled back the bed-covers and I quickly scrambled in. He sat down next to me and called down to the reception desk to order my late-night snack.  We decided on watching "The Pirate". Our take-a ways arrived just when Gene Kelly hypnotized Judy Garland - they made an excellent on-screen couple! We had our noodles, it had chicken pieces and a bunch of other stuff that really tastes great, but I couldn't discern what they were. I realized that I was suddenly incredibly thirsty. Taylor brought a bottle of coke-a-cola from the fridge with two glasses and after that we snuggled underneath the covers to watch the rest of the movie. I missed the end as I fell asleep halfway through. Alright fine, as I passed out halfway through!
The next morning I woke up and looked over at the alarm clock on the side table, it was half past eleven! I sat up quickly, immediately groaning and putting my fingers to my temples. Damn! It felt like my head was splitting right were my left and right brain separated. My eyes felt like they were full of dust, my throat was dry and my mouth was watering. Taylor peeked through a small gap in the door, opening it wider when he saw me sitting up.
“Thought I heard someone groan.” He smiled his dazzling smile and came into the room with a mug of something steaming in his one hand and tablets in his other.
“How embarrassing was I last night?” I asked with closed eyes.  He chuckled.
“You were actually, really cute. Black coffee and painkillers. You'll be good as new.” I took it from him eagerly and swallowed the painkillers, sipping at the coffee after wards. The coffee was amazing and after the mug was empty I was feeling better already. Although it still felt like some miniature dwarf was hammering a tunnel through my brain. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “Are you at least trying not to laugh?” He smirked.
“I'm trying my hardest Love.”  I groaned as I laid back against my pillows.
“Try harder.” I pulled the covers over my head and tried to get his gorgeous face out of my throbbing head.
“Are you sure you want to hide under there for the rest of the day?” I heard him asking.
“Yes.” it was kind of muffled by the blanket.
“Okay, but I've got breakfast out in the living room. Toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes, coffee, water, fruit juice and coke-a-cola.” I was up and out under the covers in a split second only to grab at Taylor as the room started spinning and as pain stabbed through my head. Taylor's arms were around me instantly, steadying me. I looked up at him and gave him a half-smile.
“You had me at pancakes.”
Breakfast was sublime - the best ever!!! If food tastes this good when you were hung-over, I'm totally considering becoming an alcoholic! After breakfast Taylor suggested that I go and have a shower. It was amazing what a breakfast and a hot shower could do for a hangover. My headache wasn't completely gone, but if I didn't think about it I didn't know about it. When I returned to the bedroom there was a pair of jeans and a tank top laying on the bed. Closer inspections revealed that it was my jeans and tank top. At first I didn't get it, until I saw the Gucci handbag, and Jimmy Choo's. Only one person would pick out an outfit like this. Nicky.
“Hey Taylor?” I heard him reply from the living room.
“Yeah?” It sounded like he was shuffling through a pack of paper.
“How did my clothes get here?”
“I had Nicky bring over some of your clothes earlier. You were still asleep and he insisted that you wear this outfit today.” His voice became louder and clearer as he came into the room.
He shrugged. “Who was I to argue?”
I laughed and I pulled on the clothes and stepped into the Choos. They were my favourite pair.
“How do I look?” Taylor walked over to kiss me.
“Beautiful, as always.”
“What are we doing today?” I asked as we walked back into the living room.
“The day is halfway already. We could stay in or I could organize a helicopter ride around the city. That way we'll be going out and we won't even leave the building.” I frowned at him.
“The hotel has a helicopter pad on the roof.” he explained.
“Yeah I know. It just sounds like you don't want to go out.”
He pulled me down on the couch next to him.
“Does it bother you that I want to spend the entire day in the suite alone with you?”
No I didn't mind that, but what bothered me was that his smile didn't seem one hundred percent natural, his voice sounded slightly forced to casualness. “What's wrong?” I asked him suspiciously.
He switched on the big TV and flipped through the channels so fast that he sure as hell wasn't looking for a program to watch.
“Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?” He asked but didn't look at me.
I took the remote from him and turned the television off. I took his hand in mind.
“Taylor.” He still didn't look at me. “Taylor look at me!”
He turned his head slightly and met my eyes.
“Tell me.” He sighed.
“It's those damn tabloids!” I was surprise at the anger in his voice.
“I thought you didn't care what they wrote about you?” I leaned back and he kissed my hand that still held his.
“I don't care what they write about me.” he took a deep breath and let it out in a big huff.
“It's what they wrote about you that bothers me.” He stood up and took a bunch of papers out of a drawer. I remembered the shuffling sounds I heard earlier.
“Nicky mentioned something about it this morning when he came over but I didn't really listen. Then my manager sent these over while you were in the shower.”
He threw them down on the table disgustedly. I picked up the first one. Great. The Post. I paged through until I found the page with a picture of Taylor on it. It was of the beginning of the evening, Just after we arrived. I scanned through the article quickly.
Blah blah blah - nice dress - blah blah blah - stunning couple - blah blah blah - same table as co-star Samantha Stormbeck - blah blah blah - left for the after party together - blah blah blah. Okay, now we were getting somewhere.

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