Epilogue : "Going The Distance." (2010)

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“I love the beach.” Rico sighed.
“I hate it!” Nicky announced disgustedly, trying to get the sand of his beach towel.
“There's too much sand everywhere and it sticks to your body if you put sun cream on and if you don't put sun cream on you get sunburnt!” He complained.
I was lying flat on my back on a lounge chair on the patio.
“Nicky if you hate the beach so much, why don't you just lie up here on the patio next to me. There are plenty of chairs and loungers, you know.”
“Excuse me? And leave my man alone down here on the beach?” He sounded affronted.
“It's not even ten feet to beach Nicky.” I rolled my eyes, but of course he couldn't see that from where he sat.
“I won't risk anything.” I had to agree with Nicky, Rico did look hot with his super sexy body, all dark and glistening. Which reminded me...
I looked down the beach to where Taylor was swimming and sighed. He was still as gorgeous as ever, except... he was even better now. He was busy shooting a film about some ancient war hero and he spends almost four hours a day in the gym working out and building muscles. He had a beautiful body even before he got this role. But now he looked like Brad Pitt when he played Achilles in Troy. We're now living together in Los Angeles, I moved down from New York about seven months after our reunion on New Years Eve. It just got too expensive to travel all the why down here and Taylor was so busy all the time that we only had a few precious hours together even if I was staying for three or four days. I refused to let his work and the distance between us come in the way of our relationship, so I quit my job at the Museum and moved down here. Although I didn't drive down to L.A when I moved, I flew, but still I had people wishing me luck this time around. People who stood waving at me as I disappeared around the corner of the Departures hallway at JFK.  I took Nicky's advice and started writing. Not novels, but adventure books about treasure hunters and pirates and thrill seekers. It all started off really good. I wrote Russel's biography – Global Adventures and it turned out to be a best seller. Who knew? It was much easier for us with me being a writer, I could travel everywhere with Taylor when he had to be on location. Nicky and Rico moved down to LA about three months after me, their excuse was that I couldn't be allowed to go out to celebrity parties without their approval of my outfits. I really enjoyed having them around, so I wasn't about to complain. Johnny and Lucy was going to move down in March, he finally decided to come and work for his father and Lucy could go back to UCLA. Paul and Angela got married – shocker! I know - but they were still in New York. I saw them frequently when we had to go there for interviews, premieres or book releases. My life was practically perfect now.
“Hey love.” Taylor came up the patio steps.
“Hey. Have a good swim?” I asked.
He sat down next to me and shook his head, dripping salty water all over me.
“Taylor!” He quickly pulled my Marc Jacobs stilettos off my feet.
“What are you doing?” I asked protesting as he picked me up.
“Taking you for a swim!” He laughed as he ran towards the ocean with me.
“Taylor no! I had my hair done for tonight's party already!” I struggled in his arms. He put me down and the water lapped around our feet.
“I don't like it when you straighten you hair. I like the wild curls.”
I shook my head and gave him a sultry look. “Does it bring out the animal in you?”
He made a growling sound in the back of his throat and I turned to run away. I didn't get very far before his arms picked me up again and carried me into the waves. The water was warm, but I got goose bumps as Taylor kissed me before he let go off me. A short scream and sudden silence as the water engulfed me. I broke through the surface gasping , choking and laughing all at the same time. My hair was ruined of course, but hey, if my man liked it curly, what could you do?

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