Chapter 4 : "Kate & Leopold." (2001)

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For the city that never sleeps, Tuesday nights were kind of slow at the club. It was weird 'cause you'd think that maybe Sunday nights would be slow, but then again, there were only a few people who were like really religious in the city. And then you'd think, right so maybe Mondays will be really quiet in clubs because it's the beginning of the week and all that, but oh no. Wednesdays to Mondays were our busiest nights, the weekends were almost out of control. I was standing behind the bar, my usual spot until twelve-thirty. There was a really nice crowd out tonight. I liked Tuesdays, I liked the crowd, they weren't too loud or too drunk and I liked the dancing and the music... The music was the best on Tuesdays. Maybe that was just because I got to be DJ from twelve-thirty until we closed.  I saw Nicky wave at me and point to Johnny. My gaze went to where Johnny was busy changing records without stopping the music. His DJ skills were sick! He winked at me and I knew that was my cue Time to pick up the pace on the dance floor.
“Hey Paul, cover for me?”  He put down the glass he was cleaning.
“Sure thing Babe. Go make them drool!” I laughed as I jumped onto the counter and stood still while I waited for Nicky and Rico to reach me. Then the beat started pumping through my body, my heartbeat picked up, almost beating as loud as the music. Almost all the heads in the club were turned to me and they started cheering. A smile lit my face. They knew by now that Rico, Nicky and me had wicked routines. My body started moving to the music and Rico and Nicky helped me off the bar counter and everyone made way for us to pass to the centre of the dance floor where they formed a loose circle around us. The lights were slowly fading and it was almost pitch black by the time we reached the circle, the music going dead for a second. It started up suddenly, followed by flashing lights and cheers and whistles from the crowd. Our routine unfolded, excellently choreographed and expertly performed. As the song ended the crowd went crazy. We were laughing so hard at the great success that we didn't even hear the crowd. We joked around for a bit, blending in with the rest of the crowd again, just enjoying the good music for a while. We were doing silly, stupid moves, you know just dorking around. I was just about to go back to the bar when someone lightly tapped my shoulder. I turned around expecting one of the regulars coming up to chat - that happened a lot. I definitely wasn't expecting Mr. absolutely drop-dead freaking gorgeous to be standing there. My mouth would have dropped open if I weren't way past the term shell-shocked.
“That was amazing.”  Even with the loud, blaring music his voice stood out. Seductively soft but loud enough for me to hear. He gave a lopsided smile and it felt as though my legs where some form of unrecognizable jelly.
“Um... Thanks.” I managed to squeeze the air out of my lungs.
I drew in a big breath, trying to calm my heartbeat. It was suddenly racing and it had nothing to do with dancing or adrenaline.
“Can I get you something to drink?” He leaned in to say the words in my ear, his breath brushing my neck, giving me Goosebumps all over. We were still standing in the middle of the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rico pulling on Nicky's arm urgently and pointing towards us. Weird. He was usually the more controlled one, Nicky being loud and well... gay all the time. Mr. Gorgeous was still looking at me expectantly and I sighed softly. Mr. absolutely drop dead freaking gorgeous! I nodded at him, when I realized he must be thinking I'm a retard for gawking at him like that. He took my elbow lightly, leading the way to the bar. Who did that these days? Taking a woman by the elbow? You read about stuff like that in an Austen book. Mr. absolutely freaking.... Wait a second, where did I come up with that phrase? Wasn't it something Nicky said to Rico about some celebrity? Oh well, that's not really important. I laughed at the memory and my Mr. Gorgeous looked at me with upraised brows. I simply shook my head at his unasked question.

“What would you like to drink?” he asked politely in that sexy voice of his.
“Um... a Beer would be fine.” He gave that lopsided smile again and ordered two Beers from a smirking Paul.

“Oh Crap!” I gasped. He quickly turned to look at me, a frown between his perfectly sculpted eyebrows.
“What's wrong?”
I have to go back to work, that's what's wrong!

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