Chapter 8 : "It Could Happen To You." (1994)

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Apparently, my wide variety of outfits didn't make the cut for the evening so Nicky and I ended up in the boutiques while Rico delivered the flowers for me. Nicky insisted on paying for my new dress, he felt bad that he didn't warn me last night that I was with Robert Marx. A thought occurred to me. Taylor introduced himself as Taylor, his friend, Kevin called him R.T, obviously for Robert Taylor and everyone else talked of him as Robert. Why would he use Taylor? I should ask him later, if I remember. I smiled as I leaned back and allowed the hair dresser to take over my hair. She frowned at my purple streaks and hissed something at Nicky. Guess funk wasn't really "in" for the more wealthy of Manhattan. Nicky just had to drag me to the best boutique in New York. Some one was already giving me a pedicure and some else was busy with a hand-massage. Nick just told her to do exactly as he said or he won't come back again. He had a lot of power in Salons and Boutiques as he was stinking rich and his Top Ten Salon and Boutiques list was the only one that mattered to most of the rich and famous in the City. I wasn't allowed to see myself until I was fully dresses that night. Rico have returned to the apartment, slightly flushed, he's seen Taylor, that was a no-brainer and he was still bowled over. I gaped at myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognize myself. The red mini dress Nicky bought was sleeveless, tight fitting and absolutely stunning. I was wearing fishnet stockings, red ankle boots and my open-fingered hand gloves matched the stockings. My hair was messed up in professional way, making it look in-and-out of control at the same time, my purple streaks accentuated by the style. The dress and boots were stylish, the stockings and gloves funky, making it the perfect outfit for clubbing (with celebs - I might add). We were just about to leave for pre-drinks as it was only half past seven, when the phone rang shrilly. I rushed over and quickly picked it up.
“Hello?” My heart was thrumming in my ears and I was breathless with excitement.
“Selena?” Taylor's voice was even more glorious than I remembered, his voice saying my name gave me goose bumps. I loved the way he said Selena, it was nicer that Lena and much better than Lee.
“Taylor! How are you?” I couldn't believe he phoned, I sort of thought he wasn't going to.
“I'm good thanks and yourself?” I could hear the smile in his voice and my own lips curled up involuntarily.
“I'm great!”
“I'm glad to hear you have survived the day. I wanted to come by this afternoon, but there was too may paparazzi outside and I didn't want to draw more attention to you.” I was disappointed that he only drove by.
“Oh. That's fine, I guess I should say thank you for that.” He laughed at my sulky tone.
“Don't worry, I'll come by the club later and then maybe we'll go out after-wards.” I blushed at his words and the fact that Rico and Nicky were basically holding their breaths in order to hear the conversation, didn't really help. “I'd like that, but I really do have to go. I will see you later?” I asked doubtfully. I still wasn't sure about him.
“Yes.” there was a promise behind that single word that knocked me from my feet.
“Catch you later.” I said into the receiver and I heard his velvet laugh just before I hung up.
“He's coming to the club later.” I turned to say to Nicky and Rico, unnecessarily it seemed, as they didn't look surprised. They assumed as much. Nicky and Rico didn't want to tell me where we were going for pre-celebration cocktails. To say I was surprised when we stopped in-front of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, was putting it lightly.
“You guys!! Seriously?” They beamed at me and led me up the steps into the glamorous foyer of the most stunning hotel in New York. Well, it was the best for me. It was operated by The Hilton, had a florist, bridal shop, jewellery store, Antiques store, salon, gift store, spa and a fitness centre. It also bragged with a Seafood restaurant, Japanese cuisine, The Bull and Bear Steakhouse and bar, Oscar's Bar and, the reason why we came, the Cocktail Terrace Lounge. The Waldorf's interior and exterior where classified as masterpieces of the Art Deco. We entered the Lobby and I had to stop and appreciate the stunning decor. The focal point was the magnificent clock, I guessed about two meter high, maybe more, dark wood and the head looked like solid gold but I'm no expert. It was made by the Goldsmith company for Chicago World's Fair in 1893, the company was based in London. Nicky and Rico showed me the Silver Corridor and I wanted to cry so beautiful it was. Black and white tiles covered the floor, it gleamed shiningly, you could see your reflection in them. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling gloriously down the corridor and at the end, a light shined on a grand black piano. If this was a movie, there's be an angels choir singing in the background for sure. We had cocktails at the Terrace Lounge and Nicky pointed out all the high-and-mightiest of Manhattan. The husbands, the wives, the girlfriends and the boy-toys. The party animals, the silent but violent. Rico and I laughed at all the witty names Nicky came up with, like when he named one lady the Belle of New York. She was the wife of some guy who owned some champions-league baseball team. She believed that plastic surgery could fix everything, that she was more beautiful than a supermodel and that every single man in the bar wanted her, no matter how old or young he was. The irony? She was 65... I loved cocktails with Nicky and Rico, it was like "What were you thinking?" meets "Jerry Springer" and somehow related to every single gay sitcom ever. The cocktails were good, the gossip was great and the sarcasm was simply the best. At half past ten when we decided to go to the club, we were long overdue. We got out around the block, we didn't want to take a chance on the off-chance that there might or might not be paparazzi in-front of the club.
“Wait guys! We can't use the backdoor.” I  realized as the started making their way towards the alley. They both turned to look at me with puzzled expressions.
“Why not? The front door will be swamped and we'll draw a lot of attention by skipping the line.” Nicky said and I nodded.
“Yeah, but last night the Pappo's were in the alley remember? What if they are both in-front and out back? Don't you think it'll look better if we do this whole thing upfront then?”
They considered this for a moment, Rico's brows pulled together as he thought of a solution and Nicky nodding as though he could hear Rico's thoughts. I didn't really care what the tabloids wrote about me, I'll be old news after a week, but I didn't want them to say that Taylor's friends sneaked around in alleys and scurried in through the backdoor of clubs.
“Then we'll just have to use the front door.” Nicky concluded as Rico took his turn to nod in agreement. It was scary sometimes how in line with each other's thoughts these two were. We rounded the corner and came to a surprised halt. There was a red carpet in-front of the club, leading towards us. To the other side people were lined up and they disappeared around the other corner. There were ropes making like a tunnel for the people to line up in. There were another sort of like barricade, behind it I could make out Paparazzi. Lots of them, but they stayed behind their strip of red rope, because there were about a dozen or so extra security guards outside the club. Eight controlled the Pappo's, four of them keeping the crowd in line and two at the end of the red carpet, barricading the club doors. Of course Melissa wouldn't have screen to give some cover to celebs, as was most popular nowadays. Oh no! Any chance to get some free publicity for her club she'll grab with both hands and feet and any other body part that wasn't busy counting her money. I could only just make-out the regular security inside the doors, only allowing some people in as others came out of the club.
“Wow.” Was all I could manage.
“Come on.” Nicky said as he and Rico took my flanks, a step or two in-front of me. Cool. My own personal bodyguards. We came up to the red carpet, camera's started flashing wildly, it was unreal. Unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I couldn't see, camera flashes acting like a spotlight and I had to shield my eyes just to make out where I was going. I couldn't focus properly as their thousands of questions and remarks made my head spin, the noise of it all making me feel dizzy and nauseous. This whole thing had to take some getting used to. The two monster security guys stepped towards us, luckily Jason, the regular security, saw us.
“Dude, they're good. It's their party.” The gorillas stepped out of the way silently and I was surprised at their grace. Of course Melissa would have gotten the best, she was trying to build a good name here tonight. Everything had to go smoothly. I waved at a couple of the regulars I could see in the line, they waved back eagerly.
“Thanks Jason.” I nearly yelled as the music drowned out my voice.
“Pleasure Lee. It's kind of hectic tonight, be careful in there.” I laughed at him.
“With all the security Melissa organized? I don't think anyone is going to make any trouble tonight.” He grimaced and we entered the club.  It was packed, but not overly so. There were moving space at the bar and I could see e few open spots on the dance-floor, not big ones, but at least there was still some moving space. I waved at Johnny as he played one of the sets he's been working on for a couple of weeks. I glanced at the bar and saw Paul, leaning against the counter, chatting to a vivacious red head. I wondered where he got time to chat when we were obviously so busy. That's when I saw them. Everywhere in the club, wearing the same uniforms as the VIP waitresses. Guys, girls and more gorilla security guards. The guys were all behind the counter, the girls rushing to and from the high bar tables set around the dance-floor. A security guard at each end of the bar and two at the steps leading up to VIP. Melissa really went all out, the club seemed totally different, more exclusive, not the comfortable hangout it usually was to regulars. I guess it would all go back to normal soon enough. Paul came around the bar to join us, the girl he was chatting to tagged along.
“Hey guys. What's up?” He introduced us to the girl behind him. I didn't catch the name, but the girl looked at me with obvious interest.
“You're Robert Marx' one night stand right?” I gave a choked laugh and saw Rico place a restraining hand on Nicky's arm. Paul grinned at me and shrugged.
“Yeah. That's me, maybe tonight I'll be his second night stand.” Her mouth dropped open and Nicky giggled.
“See ya.” I turned and put my arm through both Nicky and Rico's outstretched arm. We went up to the VIP section without any hassles and order a few drinks.
“That's was really good Lee. I was surprised, usually I had to be the bitch for you.” Nicky looked proud, smug and amazed all at the same time.
I smiled at Nicky. “No one insults me in my face, in front of my friends in my club.”
We drank a toast to the best night of our life's and no one big enough to stop us. At half past eleven we've mingled with all the other VIP guests, had a couple cocktails, danced, gossiped and still no Taylor. I was getting edgy, he said he'd come by later and then we'll go out. If he gets here at freaking three then where are we going to go and what are we going to do? There'll only be two solid nightlife hours left for goodness sake. Just because he was a celebrity didn't mean he can....
...make me wait. I spun round at the sound of his voice and the edgy anger drained away, leaving pure joy and exhilaration in it's place.
“Taylor!” Like this morning, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. His arms surrounded me and pulled me even closer, melting my body into his from shoulder to toe.
“Are you alright?” he murmured into my ear.
“I'm better now that you're here. I was beginning to think that you ditched me.” He pulled away and took my hand.
“I am sorry, but the Late Show is recorded, well, late. I did say that I'll come by the club.” He reminded me as he led me to a sofa in a secluded corner.
“Yeah I know.” I mumbled as I looked down at our entwined hands. “You know, you have a lot to do in the city and you only have a few days. You could have caught up with some old friends and forgot. I'd understand you know.” I didn't want to understand, but I did. He was in New York on business, not pleasure, if he got too busy I would have been seriously bummed, but I wouldn't have been angry.
“But I want to be with you.” His voice was low, but serious.
I looked up at him. “Really?”
He nodded and gave that stunning crooked smile.
“Really. What do you want to drink?” He looked at the waitress hovering discreetly, thank goodness they were used to the rich and famous.
“Actually, my drink is over by Nicky and Rico.” I stretched my neck to try and see them and right on cue, they appeared at our side, Rico holding my cocktail.
“Hey Lee. Thought you'll be needing this.” Nicky said as Rico handed over the drink.
“Thanks. Guys you remember Taylor right?” They both nodded as Taylor greeted them in his honey sweet voice.
“I wanted to thank you for helping Selena with the press today. I know it can get kind of out of control and I am really grateful for your help.” I could see that Taylor has well and truly knocked them from their feet and they were won over.
“It was a pleasure, trust me.” Nicky said and Taylor laughed.
“We weren't officially introduced yesterday, but you must be Nicky.” I swear that Nicky actually blushed as he looked from me to Taylor and back again. “Yes. I'm Nicholas Dominique Du Toit, but my friends call me Nicky.” He inclined his head slightly and I looked up at Taylor, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.
“And this is Rico Martinez. No need to introduce yourself of course.” Nicky gestured towards Taylor and continued to babble on about how he knows everything about everyone who was important enough. Taylor and I exchanged a look and he leaned over to whisper in my ear.
“Do you think he'll be mad if we excused ourselves from the company?” I shook me head, excitement bubbling in my veins. He stood up and pulled me to my feet, encircling my waist with his perfectly muscled arm.
“I must apologize, but I'm going to have to steal Selena for the rest of the evening.” Nicky had stopped talking as soon as we stood up. It amazed me how he didn't correct Taylor for using my full name. Usually he'd throw a fit if someone dared to call me Selena. I guess it had something to do with how perfect Selena sounded when Taylor said it.
“Oh that's no problem. We didn't plan on the two of you staying here for too long anyways. Enjoy.” He sounded as out of breath as I suddenly felt.
I got a kiss on the cheek from both of them and Taylor got a tootle-loo spirit fingers wave. We descended from the VIP section and all the heads in the club turned to us. I was so glad that the Press weren't allowed in the club, they'll make me trip on my own feet if I had to concentrate on them and weaving through the crowd. I waved at Paul and Johnny, before bracing myself for exiting the club.
“Don't worry too much. I have a car waiting right outside the door and the security will keep them at a distance.” Taylor said into my ear, he didn't need to explain who "they" were. We were right by the door, security flanked us, people screamed from the lines and camera's flashed endlessly once again. I heard people calling Taylor's name, although they used Robert and I saw the security struggling to keep them at bay. I didn't even register what car we got into or that Taylor was behind the wheel himself. I just wanted to get away from all the chaos that was a part of Taylor's daily routine.
“It has to terrible to live like that.” I whispered as we sped away from the club. Taylor glanced at me quickly before returning his attention to the road.
“Yes, but it isn't always that bad. It's just because there's actually something to gossip about in my life at the moment. Usually they're very mild.”
I relaxed back in the leather seat. “If you say so.”
He laughed softly at my words. “So what would you like to do?” He asked and I looked at him surprised.
“What? No fancy restaurant and expensive dinner planned?” He smiled.
“No, but if that's what you want...” He trailed off.
I realized that he already knew me better than I thought. That was the last thing I wanted to do.
“I know. Let's go to Greenwich Village. There's a bunch of restaurants and we could stroll around after wards. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, just us, hanging out.” He considered it for a second and then made a u-turn.
“Sounds like a great idea to me.” He said.
We were in the Upper East side, driving down 5th Avenue. We cut through the park on 86th and drove down Central Park West towards Greenwich Village.  We had dinner at the Palma Restaurant on Cornelia Street. It had a lovely garden at the back, the trees glittering with fairy lights and there were candles on the tables. It was actually really romantic. We ordered a bottle of white wine and pasta. We both took the fettuccine Alfredo, minus the garlic. Taylor was allergic and I didn't really want to have garlic breath tonight of all nights. He poured each of us a glass of wine and sat back, taking in a deep breath of the sweet scented roses that grew in the garden.
“This is spectacular.” I couldn't take my eyes of his perfect features, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
“It must be nice to have a chance to relax.” I said as I took a sip of wine.
“You have no idea. I've been to seven different interview's today and I have two more for tomorrow.”
“It must be hard, pretending all the time. Even when you're not filming, you have to act.” I told him.
He frowned. “What do you mean?” I put my glass down softly.
“I mean, when your busy with interviews, you can't be 100% Taylor, because they want you to be Robert Marx.” He smiled and took a sip of his wine.
“You're much more observant than other people normally are.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was spontaneous, it was comfortable. It was also strange, but I just didn't see him as the Hottest thing in Hollywood, the award winning actor and heartthrob of  America. I just saw him as Taylor. Absolutely stunning, handsome, kind, amazing Taylor. Which reminded me.
“Why did you introduce yourself as Taylor when everyone else calls you Robert?” He thought about it for a second.
“I think it was mostly like you said earlier.” I frowned.
“Like I said earlier?” he gave that lopsided smile.
“Yes. You said that I had to be Robert and I couldn't be 100% Taylor. I guess, to the public and the press I'm Robert, to my friends and family, I'm Taylor. I am a bit different from the Hollywood actor when I'm with my family.” I smiled at him, I loved how he explained himself so clearly. Maybe I just loved it when he talked because I loved his voice so much. We chatted casually over dinner about nothing in particular and about everything that wasn't really important. He order Italian kisses for dessert and he fed them to me, not across the table, because for the first time the whole evening, I noticed that we were sitting next to each other, not across from each other. And we were sitting really close together too. We ate the chocolate covered ice cream and finished the dinner with cappuccino's and cream. I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see it was almost three. I looked around and noticed that we were the only people in the tiny garden, as we walked through the building itself I saw that all the chairs where turned upside down on the tables and most of the lights were turned off. I felt terrible at keeping these poor people up till so late, but I kind of lost track of time. Taylor thanked the Maître 'D and gave him a couple of notes, telling him to keep the change. From the smile on the guy's face, I didn't think that he minded being kept at work when he got such a large tip.
“What do you want to do now?” He asked as he opened the car door for me. I stifled a yawn as the door closed behind me and I watched him walk around the car to his door.
“How about we go home?” I got goose bumps on my arms as I connected the words. Taylor-me-home. It fit perfectly!
“Now that sounds like a great idea!” He laughed and I blushed at my thoughts. Careful now, I reminded myself. Don't want to go and fall in love with a celebrity! But he wasn't like the celeb everyone knew when he was around me, but there was no need to get ahead of myself. I showed him where to turn into the apartment buildings' underground parking lot. Since neither Johnny or I owned cars, our parking spot was always open. The Paparazzi was there once again, blocking the gates forcing us to slow down as we got closer to the entrance of the parking. Taylor just kept the car moving  and camera's flashed as we turned into the lot, but disappeared quickly as the gates closed behind us. I was surprised that they didn't follow us into the parking lot as they usually did on "Streets of Hollywood". We took the lift straight up to the second floor, successfully avoiding all one-on-one Paparazzi action. Taylor took my hand as we strolled towards the door, he took my keys from me and opened the door, pushing it open with his shoulder just like I did last night.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He asked as he closed the door behind us. I blushed as I walked through the dark room towards the living area to switch on a lamp.
“No you didn't.” I turned, gasping as he was right behind me. His arms immediately encircled my waist, pulling me tightly against him.
“You look absolutely stunningly gorgeous, you simply took my breath away at the club and it was a pleasure to take you out tonight.” I didn't think that I'd be able to breathe properly, let alone speak, but I managed to reply huskily.
“I had a great time tonight. You... the restaurant... everything was perfect. Thank you.” My eyes locked with his and I drowned in the green depths. “Selena I have everything in the world, except for the one thing I desire with my whole heart.” My heart stopped beating.
“What's that?” I asked as he grazed a lock of hair away from my face.
“More time with you.” And then he kissed me, making my heart kick back into action, going into overdrive, my breathing was ragged and the blood pounded in my veins. And heaven help me, I knew I shouldn't, but I kissed him back with everything I had and everything I was. I had one shot to make myself stand out from the crowd that constantly surrounded him, one chance to be different than all the other girls he's kissed on and off set. And believe me I took advantage of this one moment I had. I was so lost in the kiss that I almost didn't realist when he picked me up and carried me. I didn't care about where we were going, I was already in heaven. He lay me down on my bed and looked down at me for a second. His gaze was so intense that my heart accelerated just because of that.
“What?” I asked and my voice was husky, I tried to clear my throat, unsuccessfully.
“You're beautiful.” was all he said.
I stood up on my knees and looked into his eyes, curling my arms around his neck.
“So are you.” I whispered.
Our lips met again in a passionate kiss and I was disappointed when he pulled his mouth from mine. I gasped as he trailed his lips over my jawline, behind me ear, down my throat, kissing the hollow at the base of my throat where my excitement was evident in the erratic thrumming of my heart. I felt so happy that an unexpected giggle slipped through my open lips. Taylor looked up, his perfectly sculpted brows pulled into a frown, a shadow of a smile lingering around the corner of his mouth.
“What?” he repeated my earlier question.
I laughed softly, the huskiness of my voice, making my laugh sound seductive and a light pink covered my cheeks.
“It's nothing. I'm just kind of feeling like a princess in a fairy tale. I'm just really happy right now.” He kissed my lips softly.
“Me too.”

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