Chapter 12: "The Devil Wears Prada." (2006)

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“Nicky, we have an emergency.” I was walking up and down in my apartments small living room. I only just arrived home and that's when the my nerves came crashing down. I am going to a premier with Taylor, I didn't know what to wear, how to act, what to say to whom. I am, quite frankly,  wreck! Johnny was lounging on the sofa, eating Cheerios, trying to watch television. My pacing wasn't making it very easy for him. He looked like he was watching a tennis game, his head going from side to side, trying to look past me. Finally he gave up and pulled me down next to him.
“What's up Lee?” Nicky was immediately excited, always accepting a challenge.
“I have a very, very important date tonight and I don't have anything to wear.”
Nicky sighed, disappointed. “I thought this was an emergency. You never have anything to wear Lee. We'll just pop into a boutique or two.”
I braced my self before telling him the specifics of my "date". He was going to freak out.
“That's just it Nicky. I can't wear boutique clothes tonight. I'm going to have to go designer.” He was silent for about one sixth of a second.
“Where are you going?” I took a very deep breath.
“The Premiere of The Open Door.” I quickly yanked the phone away from my ear and just as it reached arms length you could hear Nicky's thrilled scream. Johnny and I just exchanged a glance and shrugged. I put the phone back to my ear as soon as I heard it was quiet and then my nerves got the best of me again.
“Okay. Lee... you need to focus. You're apartment is way too small for everything. You need to come to my place. Ask Johnny to bring you, I can already tell your about to start hyperventilating. Just take deep breaths and come over ASAP! I'm calling in reinforcements.” He rang off very abruptly.
I looked at the phone with a blank expression.
“So, you hanging out with the 'in' crowd tonight?” For once Johnny didn't seem to be mocking me.
“Yip.” I managed through gritted teeth.
I was really focusing on taking deep breaths.
“Looks like you're gonna pass out.” He observed.
Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out.
“Yip.” Some part of my brain registered that I was luckily already sitting down. I wouldn't hit my head if I passed out. I'll just shag back in the chair or something.
“Lena. Chill. It's not that bad. You know Nicky will come up with an outfit. The rest is no worries.” Johnny tried to calm me down and I looked over at him.
“Do you have any idea how many people is going to be there. Rich and famous people. Thousands of screaming fans. Dozens of Paparazzi.” Johnny shrugged.
“They're still just a bunch of people. Ignore the fans and the Pappo's and just remember that the 'rich and famous' are just normal people in designer clothes.”
He's kidding right? He's got to be kidding. He makes it sound so simple and easy. What if I say the wrong thing? Trip over my own feet? Spill my drink on someone like Angelina Jolie?
Gasp. Gasp. Gasp. Gasp. Gasp.
“Lena!” Johnny was snapping his fingers in-front of my eyes.
“Deep breaths. If you can't stay calm I'm gonna slap you.”
Deep breaths. Right. In. Out. In. Out. Calm.
“Good. Now, shouldn't I take you to Nicky's?” I nodded.
“I should probably change first?” I asked, Johnny just shrugged, Typical male.
Taylor didn't want me to leave the hotel in last nights clothes. He wanted to have the maid go get me something from the boutique, but I decided on one of Taylor's T-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. Both were too big for me, but it was comfortable and less trouble for the poor butler. Taylor had a coupe of interviews this morning and I couldn't let him cancel it again to spend the day with me. Besides, I had a serious crisis to deal with. I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, shoving my feet into a pair of strappy high heels while running my brush thru my tangled hair. I grabbed my purse on my bed and rushed out.
“Come on Johnny.”
He was already waiting by the door, motorcycle helmet in his one hand, outstretched towards me.
“Oh no! I'm not getting on that death trap of yours, especially not when you're driving!”
“Oh come on Lena! Suki ain't that bad! She's a real gentle giant.” he argued.
Giant was the right word to use. Johnny bought himself a bike a couple of months ago and as reckless as I want to be.... That thing is plain dangerous. It was a Triumph and I heard Johnny and Paul calling it some fancy name. That's weird, he had a triumph Apparently there's a difference between a super-bike, road-bike and a dirt-bike I only knew I would - maybe - get on a dirt-bike If I was in control of it.
“Lena, a taxi would take forever to go downtown. It's a Friday and you don't have time to get stuck in traffic. Why do you think Nicky told you to ask me to take you there?” That was true and I didn't have time to waste.
“All right. But you stay safely within the speed limits. Okay?” I pointed my finger at him, trying to look stern. He just rolled his eyes and laughed. My nerves were already torn so there wasn't much left for the motorcycle ride. Still, I could feel my heart accelerating as we walked over to huge machine in the apartments parking lot. I pulled the helmet quickly over my head and made sure it was fastened properly. Johnny got on the bike and put his helmet on as well. He looked back at me expectantly where I was still hesitating a few feet away. One deep breath, a reminder to myself about little time and a quick glimpse of Taylor's smiling face and I was on the back of the bike, both my arms wrapped tightly around Johnny's waist.
“Lena. You know I need to breathe to ride, right?” he said in a joking voice and I loosened my grip, but only a little.
He kicked the engine into a roaring start and my beating heart was nothing compared to the thump-thump-thump of the motorcycle. Johnny pulled slowly out of the lot but once we reached the street he picked up the speed. My eyes were shut tightly but after a while I realized that Johnny wasn't riding like he usually did. He cut through traffic swiftly and easily, without making me nervous. I was amazed at how comfortable I felt on the back of the bike and after a while I started relaxing and enjoying the ride. I felt so free and light. I stifled the urge to take my helmet of so that I can feel the wind blowing my hair away from my face. All too soon I realized that we were only a few blocks away from Nicky's apartment. Nicky and Rico shared an apartment in the East Village. It was a new building with amazing apartments. Nicky and Rico were modern, stylish and basically a live display of the monthly 'Best Interior'. We took the elevator up to the top floor, nothing but the best for Nicky. The apartment had five bedroom, although only three were made into bedrooms. The other two were converted into a small dance studio. Polished wooden spring floor and mirrors lining the walls. It were we usually worked on our dance routines. Then there was a state of the art kitchen. A dinning room, living room, three and a half bathrooms and a television room. I've never asked them what they were paying for rent. I don't think I want to know. But right now, I could hardly recognize the apartment. The open plan living and dining room had no furniture in sight, except for the writing desk in the far corner. The was one of those mannequin-doll thingies, where the designers usually wrapped the half made dress around, in the other corner. Then there was about two dozen men buzzing around the room. Some had fabric, others had funny looking bags and vanity cases. There were thousands of magazines strewn across the floor near the writing desk and I could see Rico talking to some people and Nicky delegating others. He squealed as soon as he saw me inside the door. I quickly looked over my shoulder and I could see the same surprise-flabbergasted look on Johnny's face.
“Don't you dare leave me here alone. I have a feeling I'm going to need someone normal-ish to keep me sane.” Johnny looked down and smiled at me. “If you thought that I was going to miss this, you've got another thing coming.” I frowned at him in confusion.
“You're going to be steamrolled today Lena and I won't miss it for the world!” He laughed as he lightly punched my shoulder.
“Lee! Finally! What took you so long?” Nicky didn't give me time to answer. “Anyway, I called a couple of reinforcements. Not as many as I wanted but we'll make do.”
Not as many as he wanted?! There wasn't that much space already and he wanted more people.
“Go over to Rico he'll quickly take your measurements and then I'll show you my idea for your dress. It's going to be STUNNING!!!”
I walked over to Rico, bumping into a couple of people on my way.
“Hey Rico. What's this Nicky is babbling about measurements and a dress? Are you going to make me a dress?” Rico nodded as he pulled my arms up and I held them, spread out sideways, while some stranger measured my breasts, waist, hips, bum, legs and my length from my shoulders to my feet. I sighed thankfully that everyone here was gay. Except for Johnny, who was leaning against a wall with a bag of Doritos in his hand. He didn't seem to notice all the appreciative male glances thrown his way. Seems like he got over his gay-shy.
“Yes, we're going to make you a dress.” Rico told me, after seeing me frown.
“What? But you'll never be done in time! And Nicky always says you designer clothes for such events. He says it's fatal to show up in an unknown designer's clothes.” I was going to start hyperventilating soon.
Where's the sane human being when you needed him? I look around quickly, but Johnny wasn't leaning against the wall anymore. I caught a glimpse of him through the kitchen door. It looked like he was fixing himself something to eat. He just had a bag of chips with him!? Why is he always hungry?!
“Lee, never underestimate the gay community when it comes to fashion and deadlines. It's what we live for.” It was the first time I heard Rico refer to himself as gay. The first time he said something that would make you actually believe that he was gay. Honesty, if he wasn't with Nicky all the time, he would pass as an incredibly hot straight guy. Hearing him, of all the people in the room, say that, it gave me the same confidence that everybody else were obviously feeling. Now that I looked around properly I could see that everyone was rushing around, but not in a way that made it seem frenzied. They were all laughing and joking, having fun. Everyone knew exactly what to do and when to do it. I relaxed as I felt the excitement start to bubble up from my toes to my ears.
“That's my girl.” Nicky said as he walked over to me again, he had a tray with champagne and glasses with him. He put it down on the desk and stepped onto a small box that was lying on the floor. It made him almost higher than the rest of the room. He clapped his hands a few times.
“Alright everyone! We have our measurements. I just finished the final draft of the dress. You all know what to do, but first, have a glass of champagne and come meet the lady of the day.”
Everyone took a glass and everyone introduced themselves. To me it was all just a blur of faces and I didn't know which name went with which face. After the champagne everyone went back to work and I asked Nicky what the dress is going to look like. He showed me his drafts and it was simply stunning. It was a white dress, but it had a very dark purple in as well. Halter-necked, the back open only halfway down my spine and hanging straight down to the floor with an illusion that there's tons of fabric on the bottom part of the dress. The two triangles that formed the halter of the dress was lined with the purple, studded with purple beads and sequins and then two thin purple stripes went around the waist right beneath the triangles. On the back the two stripes went slightly wider and made three roses in the centre, from there a lot of purple ribbons hung down the back reaching the floor.
“Oh Nicky! This is spectacular! I love the purple.” Nicky smiled.
“I made it purple, you know, to blend in with your hair, but it's a deeper purple so that it won't match. We don't want people thinking your hair colour spilled onto your dress.” His hands gestured, matching his words.
I got sent off to the bathroom for a soak in the bubble bath. Soothing piano music was playing and it drowned out the noise of the rush in the living area. Someone knocked on the door and told me that it was time to get out of the bath. Nicky had left some lotion on the shelve and told me to use it. I looked at the bottle curiously. Luminous Pearl. Interesting. It was the same brand as the bathing cream I used. I wrapped my hair in a towel, applied some lotion and got into the bathrobe that was hanging behind the door. Probably Nicky's. As I pulled it on I saw that it was pink. Definitely Nicky's. I quickly went into Nicky and Rico's bedroom to make a phone call. I dialled the Peninsula's number and the reception clerk answered after only two rings.
“Is Mr. Marx in?” I asked.
“Who is calling?” he asked in a polite tone.
“It's Selena Black.”
'Oh yes, miss Black. I'm afraid Mr. Marx is still out on interviews. May I take a message?”
“Yes, would you please tell him that I'm not at my apartment. He can pick me up at the following address.” I gave him Nicky's address.
“I will give it to him when he comes in again, miss Black.”
“Please, it's very urgent that he gets that as soon as possible.”
I guess that's all I could do. I just hoped he gets the message soon enough. Oh well, I'm sure the clerk will give it to him. It was after all one of the best hotels in New York. After that I got rushed off to the one bedroom where two of the guys gave me a manicure and a pedicure. I asked them to make my toenails and fingernails dark purple. To match the dress. Another guy came storming in, I think his name was Jared, and he gave me facial. I laid back on the bed and relaxed, listening to the  soft hum of a couple of sowing machines in the living room, I could faintly hear the television, probably Johnny. I heard Nicky send someone off to go and pick up my shoes from a boutique somewhere on 5th avenue in Lower Manhattan. My hair was done next and Michael, hairdressers from London, gave me simple and big spiral curls, accentuating my purple streaks. I almost expected my make-up to be purple as well, but Nicky said that he didn't want me to look like a sexually frustrated clown. He did my make-up himself, my eyes were only lightly made-up, but my lashes got an intensive treatment of mascara. It made my eyes "pop", as Nicky would say. Johnny checked in my every once in a while. He really enjoyed it when I had a facial mask on and things stuffed between my toes so that the polish could dry. Not even speaking about when the curlers were in my hair. A light blusher was applied to my cheeks and a light pink gloss to my lips. It made my complexion smooth and clear, giving me a natural glow Kate Hudson would kill for. As if I wasn't amazed enough today, I could feel my head starting to spin as Nicky came back into the room with my dress draped over his arms, Rico following with a box that obviously had my shoes in.
“Nicky!” I breathed as he carefully laid the dress out on the bed. It was even more beautiful than the drawings. It looked like a designer dress and it was hand made, making all the detail more exquisite. The helped me into the dress without smudging my hair or my make-up. The shoes were a pair of dark purple Louis Vuitton's I've been eyeing for weeks. It was $1600 and I was saving up for them.
“You guys! As if you haven't done more than enough for me already all week!” Nicky hugged me. “Honey! You only get one chance and we don't want you to miss it.” I put on the shoes and slowly walked over to the full length mirror. The dress fit like a glove. It made my boobs look great, my waist look thin, my legs looked long and slim. All and all, I looked like one of the rich and famous, and absolutely stunning.
“Thank you guys so much!!!” I wanted to cry, but I was afraid it'll ruin my make-up. I gave them each a big hug and we went back into the living room. It was already back to normal, there was snacks on the table, wine and champagne everywhere and music was playing softly in the background. Everyone applauded as I entered the room and Johnny gave a couple of wolf-whistles. I took a champagne glass from Rico and held it up as Nicky made a toast.
“To a very successful day for us and hopefully a successful night for Lee.” Glasses were raised and after only my second sip the doorbell rang. All the conversation suddenly became hushed and I put my glass down on the table. Johnny went to open the door and there he was. Absolutely spectacular! In a tuxedo he was simply breath-taking. I turned to Nicky and Rico and mouthed a rushed thank you, then walked over to Taylor. He just looked at me and didn't say a word, but it was there in his eyes. Everything a woman wanted to see. Love, appreciation, adoration.
“Should I expect you home tonight Lena?” Johnny asked with devils dancing in his eyes. I was so excited I couldn't even blush at his innuendo. I turned to look at him and smiled.
“I don't think so. Thanks for today Johnny, you were great.” I kissed his cheek. “The ride was amazing!” I whispered into his ear and took Taylor's hand in mine and smiled up at him.
I turned back to everyone standing silently in the living area. Even the music was silent. I rolled my eyes and pulled Taylor back into the room.
“Fine. Take a picture.” Almost in synchronization, everyone pulled a camera out from somewhere and I looked apologetically at Taylor.
“Sorry, but they did so much for me today.” He only shook his head and smiled down at me.
“You look gorgeous.”
“Funny,” I said to him “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
We smiled at each other just as the cameras started flashing. I'd better get used to that. The night was still young. It wasn't even half past six yet and there would  be a lot more camera flashes at the premier. We got downstairs and I was surprised to see Taylor's car waiting for us.
“I felt like driving.” he said as he saw my surprise.
We drove through the busy streets towards the AMC Loews Lincoln Square, where the premiere will be held. After colliding with Loews Cineplex, AMC owned nearly 25 theatre’s in New York City. The premiere was held at Lincoln Square 13. Other movie premieres like "Knowing", "The Day The Earth Stood Still" and "Dark Night" have been held here. As we turned the corner I could feel my nerves flutter again. There were cars lined up in the street and barriers on the sidewalks on both sides of the road. The barriers were decorated with posters of the film. Across the theatre was thousands of screaming fans, with posters and banners and stuff. On the theatre’s side the sidewalk was divided with a red carpet separating the two sides. Behind one barrier was more screaming fans and behind the other one was the Press and Paparazzi.
Taylor took my hand and squeezed it tightly. “You alright?”

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