Chapter 10 : "Head Over Heels." (2001)

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“Selena? Are you alright?” I  furiously, trying to concentrate.
Taylor's hands were on my shoulders and he looked about ready to shake me.
“Huh?” was all I managed.
Seems I completely spaced out, I blushed as I saw the half smile that tugged on the corners of Taylor's mouth.
“I was asking you what you wanted to do next but you just stared of into space.” I looked down shyly, too embarrassed by my realization that I was truly in love with him to look him in the eye.
“Oh. Sorry about that. Guess I got kind of distracted.” His hand under my chin forced me to look up at him.
“And what would distract your attention so completely that it took me almost a minute to get you to focus again?” My blush deepened and Taylor gave a soft laugh, hugging me to him.
“Don't worry, you don't have to tell me.” He stood back and gave me another quizzical look before taking my hand and leading me towards the entrance of the square.
“What about the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens?” he suggested.
“That could be nice, but it's better at night when the Lincoln centre fountain is illuminated.” I had just finished speaking when his phone gave a shrill ring.
He muttered something about knowing it was too good to be true as he reached for his phone. He pulled out a small, flat shiny cell phone and answered it with an irritated frown creasing his forehead.
“Yes? Oh, hey Kevin.”
I tried not to listen but couldn't quite pull it off, giving up after the first couple of sentences and listening to the one side of the conversation I could hear.
“Yeah I saw it... That's why I didn't tell you... Yes I know... Not tonight... Because I'm going out with Selena...” That made my tummy flip. “Yes I know, but I'll make it up to you... I'll see you later... Of course I'm still going to the Premiere, that's why we came after all...” he laughed at something I couldn't hear.
“I've got to go. No you can't talk to her... Because she doesn't know you.... I'll see you at the Hotel... Bye.”  He was still smiling when he took my hand and we walked further.
“Kevin thinks you're a bad influence on me.” He laughed again and I looked at him incredulously.
“He says you're keeping me away from all the fun parties, making the press hunt me all around town.” My mouth was literally hanging open.
“What? I didn't know you had plans! I didn't mean to...” His finger on my lips stopped the rush of words.
“Don't worry, he was only joking. He actually just wanted to check if I've seen the papers and if I'm still going to the premiere.”
I frowned at that, why would one of his friends worry about the magazines and the premiere. Taylor saw my confusion and explained.
“My agent couldn't get a hold of me since I left my work phone at the hotel. He was harassing poor Kevin who was nursing a hangover and when it got too much Kevin promised to give me a call.” He shrugged and raised his hand for a taxi, while we waited I remembered something else from the conversation.
“Are we going out tonight?” I asked, excited at the thought of more time with him.
He gave a secretive smile. “Maybe.”
I frowned as a taxi finally pulled over for us. “What does that mean?”
He smiled as he held open the door. “That means, it's a surprise I'm working on and if I can't get it organized on such short notice, yes, then we are going out.” He gave my apartment address and looked over at me.
“Just in case my plans don't work out, where'd you like to go? Rise? Top of the Tower?” My eyes bulged at the names of the expensive bars.
Rise was in Battery Park's Ritz Carlton, very expensive and I won't even get started on Top of the Tower. Nicky took Rico there once, Rico was almost in tears as he told me about the Bar in the Beekman Tower Hotel. It had unparalleled views over the East River and sometimes there were live Piano music to enhance the romantic mood. Nicky had to miss shopping for two weeks in order to save up for the evening, but for Taylor, that won't be a problem.
“You don't have to take me to an expensive restaurant Taylor.” He lifted my hand and kissed my palm.
“But I want to.” I blushed lightly and sighed as I realized that the car has come to a stop outside my apartment building. I looked at my watch, it was half past three.
“Wow! I didn't realize that it was this late already. And you wanted to go all the to Brooklyn.” Taylor laughed.
“I didn't think it was this late either. We'll go another day.” The careless statement had a promise that made me slightly optimistic. What if I did believe in maybe's? I shook my head slightly. Using "what if" and "maybe" in one sentence was more dangerous that even thinking about either of them.
“I'll walk you up to your apartment.” He said as he got out and walked around the car to open my door for me. There were still a few Paparazzi's hanging around, but only two or three. I couldn't believe that they'd spend the entire day waiting outside the building hoping to a glimpse of us either coming or going. Couldn't any of them get a normal job? It was a ridiculous circus. I kept my head averted as Taylor took my hand and quickly walked into the building, leaving the relentless press outside the door, still clicking away on their cameras. We reached my door and I turned back to him.
“I'll send a car to pick you up later. Around seven.”
“That's not necessary. I'll take a taxi or the subway.” He pursed his lips.
“I don't want you using the subway.” He gave that sexy half smile.
“Besides, I still don't know what we are going to do so you don't know where to go to. I'll send a car and wherever it goes, I'll be there to open the door for you.” I tried to reason with him, although I knew I didn't have a chance of actually winning.
“You can just call me and tell me where I should go.” His hands cupped my face and his green eyes burned into mine.
“So stubborn. That'll just spoil the surprise. I'll send a car.” When he looked at me like that I had a hard time concentrating, all I could manage was a nod and he smiled victoriously. He gave me a quick kiss, but as soon as he pulled away he sighed, smiled and leaned in for a soft, more intimate kiss. He unlocked the door and waited until I was inside. It was incredibly difficult to close the door on him, but I knew instinctively that he wouldn't leave until he knew I was inside.
“Seven.” he said through the small opening in the door before it clicked shut.
I know it's stupid, but I couldn't resist the urge to watch him thru the spyglass in the door. I turned around and blushed a furious red when I saw Nicky sitting patiently at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in-front of him, a stack of magazine spread out in-front of him.
“Don't look so bashful Lee, I would've looked too.” I walked over to the cupboard, took out a mug and poured myself some coffee.
“So how did you get in?” I asked as I sat down. He lifted the spare key from the table.
“Hey! Where'd you get that?!” I cried.
He paged calmly through the magazine in-front of him.
“Honestly Lee, above the door frame isn't very original.”
I sighed as I sat down across from him.
“It was the only place that Johnny remembered.” I told him crossly.
Nicky face took on an understanding light. He suddenly lost all interest in the magazine, shoving it away from him, making a couple near the edge of the table fall to the ground and land with a small "thwack!".
“So where did you go? What did you do? I'm loving the outfit by the way. It's very Katy Perry in the "Hot 'n Cold" music video.” I looked down at my outfit quickly and shrugged. Totally unintentional.
“We took the Staten Island ferry around the waterworks, went to Top of the Rock and strolled around Washington Square.” I took a sip of my coffee, trying to be nonchalant, it didn't sound exciting the way I told it, but it was the most perfect day of my life so far. Nicky shook his head quickly.
“Not that silly, although we will talk about that too and I want more graphic details. I was talking about last night, when you left the club.” It sounded like he was explaining something really easy to someone really stupid.
I took both our mugs and put them in the sink, quickly running some water. Looks like Johnny haven't been home all day, his dishes from his early morning snack was still in the sink. I washed the dishes quickly, trying to ignore Nicky's insisting questions. After a while he gave up and went back to reading his mags, but he mumbled something like “I'll get it out of you.”
After I washed the dishes I walked towards my bedroom and saw my jacket and shoes from last night, lying carelessly next to the couch on the floor. I didn't even see it last night and to be frank, I didn't even realize last night that this is were I, or actually Taylor, took it off. I blushed at the memory and quickly bent to pick it up, hoping that Nicky haven't noticed and doesn't see now. That's when I remembered, horrified, that I didn't even make my bed or picked up my other clothes that were strewn across my bedroom floor. It didn't cross my mind to do it this morning, too eager to go out with Taylor. As I rushed towards my room to hide the evidence, I was mortified when I realized that Nicky was right behind.
“What's this?” he gave the objects in my arms one look, a sly smile on his lips and a wicked glint in his eyes. He pushed past me came to a sudden stop in my bedroom door.
“Lee!” he shrieked, he knew how neat I usually was in my bedroom and for me to leave it in such a mess much mean that I was seriously preoccupied. Which, in my defence, I was! When a perfect gentleman, who happens to be ridiculously handsome was in your apartment, you wouldn't care about stupid stuff like picking up clothes and making beds! Nicky grabbed my arm and forced me to sit on the bed.
“Wait here, don't move a muscle and don't touch a thing.” I knew Nicky good enough to listen to him when he used that tone of voice. He came back into the room with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. I could only laugh, how typical of Nicky to show up for a good gossip with the customary bottle of wine. He poured us each a glass and sat back, not saying a single word, just waiting eagerly for me to begin. I sighed and told him about the restaurant and how perfect it was, how perfect Taylor was. Nicky sighed dramatically at all the right pauses and intervals, asking questions when he wanted more detail and commenting either about an expression, statement or action. I didn't go into detail about what happened when we reached the flat, only telling him that it was magical, tender and absolutely fabulous at the same time. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and quickly sat up with a gasp. It was almost a quarter past five! That gave me less than two hours to get ready and I didn't even know what to where. What do you wear when you have no idea whether your getting take out, going to the opera or going for a walk in Central Park.
“Nicky! Rummage through my closet for something to where. I don't know where we're going or what we're doing, only that it's a surprise.” I mumbled.
Nicky walked over to my closet and I quickly pulled my bed-covers straight and picked up my clothes to throw them in the washing basket. I ran my bathwater while I pinned my hair on top of my head and checked in with Nicky.
“Found anything yet?” he only shook his head in despair and continued searching. Just as I got out of the bath I heard Nicky talking to someone. I quickly pulled on my robe around me and walked to my bedroom. Rico was sitting on the bed and Nicky was draping a dress over my chair, putting matching shoes on the ground in-front of it.
“Hey Rico. When did you get here?”
“About ten minutes ago, I was already on my way over when Nicky called about the outfit emergency, so I picked you up something.” I walked over to the chair and gently caressed the satin dress draped over the chair.
“You know, you guys really need to stop buying a dress for me every time I go out. I have plenty of clothes already.” They both shrugged.
“It isn't every day that you get to go out with Robert Marx!” I gave a nervous laugh. Robert Marx I didn't know at all, I was going out with Taylor Marx. A completely different person. While I got dressed, Nicky filled Rico in on what happened last night and this morning. Rico wasn't a dramatic audience like Nicky was, he just said that he was glad if I had a good time. Rico helped with my make-up and Nicky did my hair. He didn't change it much from the loose style I did when I bathed. He merely re-pinned it in a more fashionable style and let a few tendrils hang loose. The dress was black satin with spaghetti straps that criss-crossed a dozen times down the open back. It fit snugly and flared out slightly as it hung loosely till just below my knees. My shoes were peek-toes, black and made of a shiny leather material. Nicky took out my stylish leather jacket we bought on a shopping trip in So Ho three weeks ago. It made the outfit a bit less formal, which makes the outfit for a "surprise date", as we referred to it. Johnny came in while I was getting ready, he merely peeked around the bedroom door, said hello to everyone.
“Hey Lena.” His voice was thick with something I couldn't quite recognize and he snickered again, just like I heard him this morning. Okay weird!! Anyway, I didn't get a lot of time to ponder over Johnny's strange behaviour. He left again after he had a shower and changed for work and about ten minutes after that the intercom from downstairs rang and Rico went to answer. He came back into the room just as I was picking up my black purse.
“That's your car downstairs. Have fun.” he smiled at me and I looked at both of them, reality slowly seeping through my veins.
“You know this won't last forever.” I said softly.
Nicky came over and took my hand.
“That's way you've got to make the most of it honey.” he said gently.
I could feel a lump rising in my throat and I swallowed it down determinedly. I gave a brave smile, remembering the fabulous time I had with Taylor this afternoon.
“I bet he send a Bentley or Rolls Royce or something. You guys want a lift somewhere in a grand chauffeured car?” They smiled at me eagerly. Who wouldn't? We put the spare key back on it's usual place and went downstairs. This was going to be a good night. No paparazzi waiting outside my door, a man dressed in a black suit opened the building door, waiting patiently until we were all outside and opened the car door for us. I knew Taylor wouldn't send a limo, knowing that I'd be embarrassed by all the attention it would attract. The car was a Rolls Royce, I assumed by the look of the front of the car, the straight lines of the grid and the woman standing proudly with wide-spread wings on the tip of the bonnet. It was pitch black with tinted windows, the Peninsula's crest proud on the side doors. Doors that open backwards as was the custom with some of the fancy cars.
“Would you mind making a detour?” I asked.
The driver looked at his watch. “I'm sorry miss, but we are kind of on a tight schedule.” his face was truly apologetic. I gave him a wide smile.
“Don't worry. Taylor won't mind and if you drive just a teensy bit faster than usual we won't be that late.” He looked undecided and I pressed him a little more.
“I promise you won't get in trouble for it. I'll make sure of that.”
“All right, as long as we don't have to leave the island of Manhattan for it.” Rico and Nicky shook their heads. “Don't worry, you can drop us of at Times Square.” The driver nodded and closed the door behind Rico.
“So what are you guys up to at Times Square?”
“We're just going to walk around, maybe watch a show or two. We'll catch a cab if we want to go somewhere else. We just couldn't pass up the opportunity to drive in a classy car.” They got off and wished me luck with the surprise and that's when I started getting really nervous. Where were we going? We were still in downtown Manhattan I realized as I recognized some familiar landmarks. My hands were twisting around and around until we stopped in-front of the hotel. My door opened while the driver was still behind the wheel and I remembered Taylor's promise that wherever I might go, he'd be there to open the door. He was dressed in a tux so I was glad that my dress was formal enough without the leather jacket. He helped me out of the car and gave me a breath taking kiss right there on the pavement for everyone to see. Strangely enough, there was no one but pedestrians walking by and Hotel guests coming and going. Once again no flashing cameras and I saw that it made Taylor feel the same freedom he had been feeling all day. It transformed him from the Heartthrob of Hollywood to my Taylor, the one I was madly in love with. My heartbeat accelerated and slowed down at the same time. I didn't feel nervous anymore now that I was with him, but I felt excited and a strange floating sensation surrounded me. Taylor took my hand and led me into the hotel. I didn't really understand what all the secrecy was about if we were just going to have dinner at the hotel. I was surprised when he escorted me, not towards one of the five excellent restaurants but to the Salon de Ning. I've heard Rico and Nicky talking about it before. It had an intimate interior, eclectic art collection, two outdoor terraces with excellent views of the city and there were Chinese style day beds scattered around. There was a waiter at the door and I was even more surprised when there was no one in the Salon. I haven't ever been here, nor have I seen pictures of the place but I didn't know why Rico and Nicky make such a big to do out of it. There were one table set in-front of the terrace doors, but the rest of the furniture were strangely arranged and a few of the hotel staff was still busy rearranging the furniture. I frowned as the waiter who waited at the door closed it behind us. Why would he close the doors of the restaurant. Unless the weren't open yet, but wait. Wasn't hotel bars and restaurants always open, at least during dinner right? I looked up at Taylor, puzzled.
“I don't think they're open Taylor.” He smiled down at me.
“They are open for us.”
He led me past the busy hotel staff, past the table set in the corner in-front of the terrace doors out onto the terrace. There were no light, only candles and Chinese lamps, but they were everywhere, illuminating the terrace. There was only one Chinese day bed and a table beside it with champagne in an ice bucket and two champagne glasses. The view was spectacular, you could see 5th Ave and 55th street, the cars made different coloured lights on the roads but we were too high up for the noise of the traffic to bother us. The high buildings around us were just as spectacular with lights reflecting off them or shining out of them. It was breathtakingly, beautifully romantic. We sat down on the bed and a waiter came to pour our champagne, it was the same one who was at the door. Maybe he was the only one that'll be serving us tonight, making it more private? He placed the champagne back on the ice and disappeared discreetly.
“Are we going to make a toast?” I asked him.
“To the most beautiful woman in New York.” I blushed.
“I can't make a toast on myself, it's weird.” Taylor looked thoughtful for a moment.
“How about, being lucky in love in New York.”
He looked deep into my  eyes and I could feel my mouth fall open. I got nervous at the thought of being in love with him and here he goes saying it out loud like it was the most normal thing in the world. He frowned at my silence.
“Or aren't I lucky in love?” the doubt in his eyes made me gasp and I quickly sat down my glass, taking his glass and putting it down as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss that'll make him run for his money, and there were a lot of those!! When I finally pulled away, we were both slightly out of breath. Me more so than he was because somewhere during that kiss he had taken control and now I was one running. Not for my money but to catch my breath. We sat there on the terrace, drinking our champagne, I was too afraid to look at the name on the bottle, but I was sure that the money used to buy the champagne would give Christmas to Kampala. We talked about the day we shared and how much fun it was just to hang out.
“I can't remember the last time I just spend the day like a normal human being. Probably Christmas at home, but that was six months ago and I was only there for two days.” I felt my heart thump heavily. I thought my holidays were horrible because I didn't really have family. Imagine having a big loving family and not have the time to spend holidays with them.
“Tell me more about your family?” I asked him and he sat back making himself more comfortable.
“I have two brothers, both older than me and they always bullied me when I was little. I thought that when Lucy was born that they'd leave me alone, but no, they had to be overprotective with her.” I laughed with him at his memories.
“You can't help but be protective of her. She gets into trouble a lot. My mother says it's because she grew up with a bunch of boys. I wasn't as wild as Sam and Julius and I had to play with Lucy all the time, because I was closer to her age that the others.”
“How old is she?”
“Twenty. Her birthday was at the beginning of the year.”
I nodded, remembering the day he was in TRL when they mentioned him and his co-star surprising her for her birthday in Chicago.
“How old are your brothers?” I asked curiously.
“Sam is 34 now and Julius 36. But sometimes they're still acting like their teenagers.”
“Aren't they married?”
“Yes, Sam is, to Kristie and they have four kids. Julius has two, they're only three and five. His wife passed away just before Christmas. She had cancer.”
“I'm sorry Taylor.” He looked into his champagne glass.
“I'm only sorry for Julius and the kids. I didn't really know Annabel, they met and got married round the time I got my first brake. I didn't go home that often, too busy trying to make a name for myself. When she got sick I visited a bit more often, but Sam said that since she got sick she wasn't the same person. We only knew about the cancer a few months before she died. I try and visit more often now, knowing how precious time is. But it's easier for them to come to LA. Lucy is studying at UCLA so they have more reason to fly up than we have to fly down and they can stay longer than I would be able to.” I looked at him. He missed his family that was sure and he had a soft spot for Lucy.
“Lucy studying at UCLA? You must be proud that she goes to the same school you went to.” he nodded and gave that sexy smile.
“She better finish and not drop out like I did.”
“What? You dropped out of college?” He nodded, his smile braking into a grin.
“I played small roles in stage-productions and short-films, one day I got noticed by a director who wanted someone new. Someone who won't be expensive and so I was perfect for the role. I didn't get paid even a quarter of what I get today, but I got my break. I already had two other jobs lined up by the time the film hit the theatres so I decided, who needs college when Summit and Spyglass were throwing punches you?” He shrugged as though it was no big deal. “I was at the right place at the right time and I got incredibly lucky.”
'That's for sure.” I told him as I took a sip of my champagne.
“Just like Tuesday night at the club. The right place at the right time. Extremely lucky.” I couldn't look away from his mesmerizing eyes. I heard the waiters voice, but it sounded far off.
“We're all set up for you sir.” Taylor thanked him and without once braking eye contact he stood up and pulled me to my feet. We headed back into the Salon and Taylor looked away from me. It took me a few seconds to follow his gaze. The staff was done rearranging the place. The only table in the Salon was set for two and it stood in the corner. The glass windows gave you a view of the street on the one side and a part of the terrace and the rest of the city on the other side. That wasn't what knocked the air out of my lungs. I saw that when we came into the restaurant. What shocked me was the grand piano that stood to one side of the room. There was also a guitar standing next to high stool on the other side of the piano. There was a guy playing the piano softly and he looked sort of familiar. Then I recognized the tune he was playing. "A Twist In My Story". The pianist looked up and smiled at us. It was John Vesely! I turned back to Taylor, awe all over my face.
“What is this?” It came out in a whisper and he smiled down at me.
“I recognized one of his songs this morning while you were humming to yourself in the kitchen and you were playing one of his songs on the piano in my suite later.”
“Yeah, but this Taylor.” I waved towards the piano. “This.. this.. is...” I couldn't find the right words and John Vesely finished my sentence for me.
“This is, a Serenade for Selena

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