Chapter 9 : "Sunday in New York." (1963)

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What would Nicky say if he saw me now? Something like “Oh my goddess of Good Fortune!” I wanted to giggle but I was afraid that it'll wake Taylor up. It was about half past seven and I've been awake for almost two hours. I lay with my head on Taylor's spectacularly muscled chest, listening to his steady breathing and his strong heartbeat. His arms were around my waist, his hand resting possessively on my hip. I watched the sun highlight the Manhattan skyline, heard the early morning traffic start up and still I couldn't even attempt to move, I was too content with where I was. I heard footsteps in the living room, a snicker or two and then I heard the front door open and close. That was weird, I was sure that Johnny wasn't home when we came in, if he came in after us, I didn't hear him. Then again, I was pretty occupied, I wouldn't even have noticed if the building was burning down. I quietly slid out of bed and looked over my shoulder to make sure that I didn't wake Taylor. He stirred and kept right on sleeping, the best part about Taylor sleeping? Okay second best, he didn't snore or talk or drool. The best part was that I could appreciate his devastating beauty uninterrupted. I felt a sudden hunger and it had absolutely nothing to do with food. This was beyond ridiculous! Taylor deserved some sleep after last night... I don't know who was more surprised at my abundant stamina. I picked up his shirt from the ground and buttoned it up almost to the top. Trying to find my robe in this mess would take a good two hours. The mess Rico, Nicky and I made looking for an outfit was all tossed into one corner, Taylor's clothes and mine were strewn across the floor and a stray blanket were laying in a heap near the door. I opened the door quietly and peeked out the door. No moving activity. Fabulous! Not quite ready for Johnny's teasing, I walked to the kitchen and switched on the coffee machine. I opened the fridge. Sigh. Johnny and his eating habits when he came in after clubbing. No bread, no eggs, no bacon. Meaning no breakfast. Luckily, the Starbucks on Madison delivered, specially for me. Nicky and the owner is real tight and he pulled a few strings for me. Free delivery was one of the many perks I received from our beloved cafe. I didn't even need to dial the number, speed dial was an amazing invention. I order pancakes and bagels and omelettes. I didn't know what Taylor will like for breakfast, so my favourites would have to do. I poured myself a cup of coffee and walked over to the window and looked out over the view. I tried to see if I could spot the delivery guy, but from this window I couldn't see the entrance to the building, a tree blocking the view. After my third cup, doorbell rang for the door downstairs.
“Starbucks delivery.”
Well, that's what I think he said, there was one hell of a commotion in the background, someone probably got clipped by a bike messenger or something. I opened the door and smiled at the usual delivery guy.
“Hey Lee.” I stepped aside to let him in walking back to the coffee machine. “Hey Mike. How are things going?” He shrugged as he closed the door behind him and put my order down on the table, unpacking it for me as usual.
“Same-old, same-old. You?” I shrugged as I poured him a cup of coffee. It was a ritual.
“Oh, you know. Nothing really exciting happening here.” His brows lifted in curiosity as he took in my appearance. I just rolled my eyes at him.
“Yeah. Can't say the same about the front door though. Somebody got killed in the building or something?” I frowned as I took money out of my purse to pay him.
“Not that I know of. But I haven't been home much yesterday, so guess anything is possible.” He shrugged and took the money from me.
“Thanks for the delivery and keep the change.” He beamed as he opened the door.
“Hey thanks Lee. Keep well!” He disappeared out the door and I started humming to myself as I took plates out of the cupboard to put the breakfast in. I poured two cups of coffee and was trying to balance everything on a tray. Still humming - Second Hand Serenade's "Twist in my Story" - it took me almost five minutes when I could finally attempt to lift the tray without a plate falling of at one or another of the tray's sides. Crap! I forgot the coffee! I sat the tray down carefully again and gasped as two arms suddenly encircled me. The most seductive voice, ever in the history of man-kind, murmured in my ear. “Good morning.” I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Morning.” He gave me a smouldering kiss, leaving me breathless.
“I didn't know you were awake. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.” I told him as I reached over for his coffee on the counter. He took it from me and took a sip.
“Thank you and that was very thoughtful of you.” I smiled up at him, my one arm still around his neck.
“I made it especially for you.” He laughed as he put the coffee down next to the tray.
“Really?” He asked and I nodded solemnly.
“And did Starbucks deliver the eggs or the bacon?” I blushed as we both looked at the dustbin, a Starbucks wrapper clearly visible from beneath the lid. “Hey! I waited a whole near-forty minutes for these to arrive!” He nodded earnestly.
“You must be exhausted after all that.” I smiled at him.
“You have no idea. Have a seat and we can have my perfectly prepared and delivered breakfast.” He laughed but sat down at the kitchen table. I put one of the plates down in front of him.
“I didn't know what you'd like so I ordered all my favourites.”
“Don't worry about me. I'm sure it'll be delicious. Were you talking to Johnny earlier?” I frowned as I sat down in the chair closest to him, crossing my one leg over the other.
“No that was just the delivery guy, Mike.” He nodded and started eating some pancakes with strawberries and cream.
“We were actually wondering if something happened in the building, because he was having trouble getting through the front door.” Taylor frowned as he took another sip of coffee.
“I don't think it's something in the building. It's someone.” I frowned, not completely following what he was saying.
“Some... Oh. Right. You.” He nodded and reached for my hand.
“I'm really sorry that you're getting dragged through this. Most celebrities can't cope with Paparazzi and fans, and now I'm putting you through it all.” He closed his eyes as though he was in pain. I squeezed his hand.
“As long as you're with me, I'm good.”
He opened his eyes slowly and gave me that half smile that made my tummy do flip-flops. We finished our breakfast, I was surprised that he ate almost all of the food, only leaving one omelette, saying that Johnny will appreciate it later.
“I heard him come in at about quarter past four, talking to someone, a girl I think, and I heard them making something to eat. Is he still asleep?” I shrugged. “I think he left earlier. I heard someone leaving and he would have made an appearance at the first smell of caffeine.”
We cleaned up the dishes, Taylor washing and me drying them and putting them back in the cupboard.
“At what time is your first interview?” I asked hesitantly, I didn't want to pry.
Taylor dried his hands with a paper towel and took me in his arms.
“I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you.”
He watched my expression, sure I looked surprised and almost happy. I loved surprises and I told him so.
“That's great, then you'll love this.” I waited but he didn't say anything and I got a little impatient.
“What is it?” I asked eagerly.
“I moved all my appointments to tomorrow. Today, I'm exclusively yours.”
I threw myself onto him, literally. My arms and legs were wound around him. Exclusively mine, now that I could get used to. He laughed at my reaction and obvious joy. After I calmed down he set me down.
“What do you want to do today?”
“Anything! Everything! What do you want to do?” I asked him instead, because I didn't really know what you did do in New York during the day. We usually went shopping or to a Salon or a poetry reading or something. I didn't want to do stuff like that with Taylor. I wanted to hang out and do stuff together and talk.
“I know. Johnny has this list of Must See, Must Do's in New York.”
Taylor looked surprised that someone like Johnny would have something like that.
“My sentiments exactly but he reckons that locals should go above and beyond the usual tourist attractions, so he went everywhere did and saw everything and made a list of his favourites. One place is actually close to where we had dinner last night.” Taylor lifted one sculpted brow.
“Oh?” He asked interested.
I blushed at the reminder of last night. Dinner at that beautiful little place last night seemed like ages ago, not hours.
“Yeah. It's a pizza restaurant, it's actually featured in Spider-man 2.”
Taylor nodded. “Joe's Pizza down on Carmen Street?” I nodded.
“I've heard of it.” he murmured.
Of course he has, rumour has it that celebrities never appeared at a place featured in a film. Too many lurking fans and thrill seeking tourists.
“I'll go get the list from his room.” I wanted to hurry away from the silence, but Taylor's hand on my arm stopped me.
“How about we take a shower, get dressed and go make our own list?”
How could I say no when every single feature was seductive, overwhelming and slightly bewitching? Obviously, we took a nice and lo-o-ong shower, Taylor put his clothes from last night back on. Oi. I pulled on my denim shorts, blue tank top and a light black jacket with my sneakers. Nicky picked the outfit from the racks, saying it was comfortable, sexy and sophisticated all in one. I just hoped Taylor liked it. He did, if the gleam in his eyes and the hissing sound his breath made when he exhaled was anything to go by.
“How do you expect me to go out, when you look so sexy?” I looked down at myself casually and looked back at him again, mimicking Nicky's voice.
“What? These old rags? Honey, wait until you see the evening show.” His smile widened.
“Now that's something to look forward to!” I rolled my eyes and picked up my purse from where I left it in the kitchen.
“Come on. We still have to stop by your hotel so you can get a change of clothes.” He nodded and took my outstretched hand. Luckily for us, we had his car so we once again avoided immediate contact with the Blood Hounds, as I dubbed them. I finally registered that he drove an Aston Martin Volante. I know I know, my knowledge of cars has improved miraculously since living with Johnny. Some of his guy DNA rubbed of on me when it came to really pretty cars. Taylor was staying at the Peninsula, so once we were on 5th Ave, we drove straight down until we got to 55th and there it was. The five star rated Beaux Art restored landmark. It was beautiful and luxuriously exclusive. There were a few camera men in-front of the Hotel, but they were, like Taylor said last night, milder than the crazed ones outside my apartment. Maybe because they weren't really expecting us to show up here at half past ten, or maybe because this was the Peninsula and the decided to be a bit more discreet? A car valet came up to the car and opened Taylor's door for him. “Morning Mr. Marx.” Taylor greeted him with a smile and walked around the car to open my door for me. Camera's flashed as I stepped out of the car but Taylor put his arms around my waist pulling me into his side, mostly shielding me from the cameras. We went all the way up to the 19th floor, the Peninsula Suite. Taylor disappeared into the master bedroom and I was allowed to gape at everything around me. Talk about first class. A dining room that seats ten, including a butlers pantry, a family room with a library, 50inch flat screen TV, DVD, VCR and surround sound. Sofas, chairs, couches and lounges in expensive fabrics, a huge fire place, grand piano, over sized writing desk. This place was ridiculous in its luxury! I walked over to the piano, it was so beautiful and although I wasn't some fancy composer or something, at least I wasn't a novice. I had lessons for almost five years when mom was still alive. She loved to hear me play. On my way to the piano, I saw something in my peripheral vision. A stack of magazines and papers on a low table. I picked them up and quickly scanned thru them. All of them had articles on Taylor and his new New York love, this time there were about ten more, different pictures and the story made more covers that yesterday. There were pictures of yesterday morning when we left my apartment and I flung myself at Taylor for the first time, a few of us arriving at the club separately and a couple of us leaving together. There was only one or two of the car at my apartment but you couldn't even tell if it were us in the car, but a picture of Taylor getting out of his car at the club kind of confirmed that he was definitely at my apartment. The headlines were all similar to yesterdays.

New unofficial couple
Robert and Lee, are they or aren't they?
A reason for Robert to return to New York
Robert hooks up in New York
Robert: Smitten and Smouldering

It went on and on like that from magazines to the gossip columns in the papers. There were more magazines than yesterday and they had more about my background, but they were all mostly repetitive of yesterday's articles. Talking about how we met at the club, left together, met again last night and left together again. Nothing serious. Although they did mention my outfit of last night, complimented it - Nicky would love that - and there was something about the purple streaks in my hair.

"...not really strange for New York and since Robert obviously likes it - we have a picture of him tucking a purple strand of hair tenderly behind Lee's ear - we might just get some ourselves".

I sat down at the piano and started playing softly, another Second Hand Serenade ballad. I just loved John Veseley's music, it was so pure and soothing. I stopped playing as soon as I heard Taylor enter the living room.
“That was nice, do you play often?” He asked and I shook my head.
“I used to take lessons as a kid, but I haven't played since I came to New York.” He glanced at the table with the magazines.
“My... um manager likes me to keep up to date with the latest gossip. About myself and everyone else.” He shrugged.
“Bad?” he asked.
“Nope, yesterday was a bit worse. More pictures though.” It seemed to bother him so I added quickly. “Ready to go?”
He cleared his brows and smiled. He was wearing a plain grey T-shirt with jeans and all stars, he had a pair of sunglasses in his one hand and his wallet in his other.
“Yes. Let's go.” I took his wallet and put it in my purse, we decided to take a taxi, so that we won't have to be the ones worrying about traffic. We left the hotel hand in hand, but there were more flashing cameras.
He whispered into my ear. “Time to negotiate.”
He turned to the cameras and gave his brilliant Hollywood smile. He has stepped into his Robert Marx - suit.
“Okay guys. I'll answer a few questions, but then you'll need to relax, seriously.” He added as an after thought. Most of them agreed, but I didn't believe that they meant it. I tried to focus on all the questions being shouted, focusing when I heard my name. Taylor also focused on that one.
“No, we're not officially an item.” Taylor said,  my crooked smile in the corner of his mouth as he looked down at me and I smiled back. A small silence fell over the group and a single question was asked.
“Will that be changing any time soon?” Taylor smiled at the cameras again. “We'll have to see about that.” Some laughed.
“Are you in love?” A woman asked with a dreamy look to her eyes. Taylor looked down at me again and I had no where else to look but his eyes.
“Now that I definitely am.” She sighed along with me.
“What's your plans for today?” Taylor shrugged towards the group of reporters. “Just hanging out. Have a nice day guys.” The cameras flashed again a few times, and amazingly enough, most of them disappeared. He was in love with me? The most amazing glowing feeling spread through my whole body. Filling my entire being, creeping into the deepest darkest places in my heart, giving it light and chasing away all the shadows I've ever had. I had realized this morning, looking at him as he slept, that I didn't have a crush on him anymore. I was in love...
We got into a taxi and Taylor told the driver where to. We drove towards Lower Manhattan, past the Empire State building, around Madison Square Garden and ended up in Battery Park City. We took the Staten Island ferry, saw the New York Waterways, The Statue of Liberty and the harbour. I had my camera with me and took a bunch of pictures, mostly of Taylor, laughing and joking with me. We took a couple of us together, but my favourite one was of him when he had ice cream on his nose. Today he was just a guy, having fun. No crazy fans screaming, no cameras flashing, well, no cameras from the press at least and no interviews and no Robert Marx. Just Taylor. After that we decided to go to the Top Of The Rock, it wasn't as famous as the Empire State Building, which was great because there wasn't a line, it wasn't overcrowded and somehow, Taylor already had tickets.
“Did you plan all this?” I asked him as he gave the tickets to the guy at the door.
“I was hoping.” He smiled down at me and my tummy did that somersault thing again. The view was amazing, I've been on top of the Empire State building with Johnny once but it was nothing compared to this. The view was spectacular, you could see Central Park, the skyline of the city and the Empire State Building. There were other buildings around us that were higher up and lower down but that only made it more spectacular, we were in between magnificent and ordinary. Just like Taylor and I was today, I was higher than ordinary and he was lower than he usually was, although still just as spectacular as always. Taylor did that thing where it looked like he was leaning on the Empire State building and I snapped a couple of photo's, it was hilarious!!! Taylor held up his hands in surrender as I took another few photos with both of us in the frame.
“Okay, now I think it's time for lunch.” I shook my head, typically male, but he made a solid point, I was starving.
“Where'd  you like to have lunch?” I asked him, he thought about it for a minute.
“Have you seen 'Fools Rush In'?”
“Yeah, but what has that got to do with lunch?”
“Heard of Grays Papayas?”
I laughed at him. “Everyone's heard of Grays. The best Hot dogs in the world.” I quoted Matthew Perry.  We got into a cab and with only a “Grays Papayas, please.” we were on our way. I bet you never have to give the physical address of Grays to a taxi driver. They all would now where it is. I've always wanted to go to Grays Papayas. Especially after the Will & Grace episode I saw last week when Jack mentioned the place to some homeless guy.
“Sure thing. Dat place's hot dogs... Mm-mm. Best in the wold, I tell ya!” The driver  said in a typical New York accent. So we got a couple of the best hot dogs in the world and then we strolled around Washington Square. And you know what, the rumour, for once, was true. It was the best hotdogs in the world! Everything had a dreamlike quality to it today. The grass was greener, the sky was clearer, the traffic wasn't as loud as usual. So this was how the world looked to Nicky, huh? At the moment, my life was a mixture of Nicky's happy, pretty vision, but I was also had Rico's outlook on life. Realistic, with one sparkling magical feature. Everything looked better, more magical, especially the fact that Taylor was my prince Charming, but I was realistic in the fact that I knew it wouldn't last forever. It would end pretty soon and pretty abruptly at that. He had to be in Los Angeles on Monday. There was no way that this whole thing would end happy. There was no way that this could evolve into a relationship because one: we didn't live in the same city. Two: I can't give up everything here to see if maybe it would work out and Taylor can't stay here when he had premieres and filming and stuff like that in LA. And Thirdly: I didn't think that I'd be tough enough to handle the craziness that was a part of Taylor's life. Parties, Premieres, Paparazzi and screaming fans? I don't think so. I got nervous when people came through town for Zern's Farmers Market. That was the reality that was on my mind, but today, right now, it was faded in the back of my mind. For once in my life, I'm not going to worry about "maybe" and "what if". I was in love. Completely, absolutely, head-over-heels, jump in-front of a bullet in love and I liked the tingly, happy feeling and I'm going to grab it and hang on as long as I can. I'm going to let reality fade away completely for now and just be happy.

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