Chapter 3 : "Independance Day." (1996)

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I went straight home and put on my new outfit Nicky bought me last Friday. It was a red strappy shirt, it had a low cleavage and it was embedded with sequins and it cost almost $800, making it perfect for the celebration. I put on my black Leather pants, my red Jimmy Choo's, courtesy of Rico and my favourite knee-length black coat. It was the end of February and still pretty chilly most of the time. I grabbed my Gucci bag, the one I bought myself two weeks ago and knocked on Paul's door. He opened after the third time, he's eyes looked sleepy and his hair was ruffled. He was still as handsome as that first day, but at least I wasn't acting like a stuttering fool around him anymore! He was one of best friends now. Super-model material: yes, but still one of my best friends.
“Hey Lee. What's up?” he gave a big yawn. I shoved him back into his room. “Come on, wake-up, get dressed and put on your party hat. We're going out.” He smiled and looked down at his naked chest, wearing only his boxers, as usual.
“Can't I go like this?” I opened my coat to show of my outfit.
“And let me get all the attention?” He grinned and nodded.
He pulled on a pair of jeans lying on the ground and grabbed a collar shirt from the closet. He put on his sneakers, raked his hand through his hair and smiled.
“All set.” he announced
I looked down at his sneakers, it didn't really match his outfit, but like everything Paul wore, he made it work.
“Nice.” I commented and he shrugged.
He closed the door behind us. We went over to the Starbucks and as soon as Nicky saw us he took off his apron.
“Give me two seconds.” he disappeared into his "office" and after one glance at each other, Paul and I sat down and order Coffee. Nicky's office had a walk in closet and he'll be dressing and pampering for the night for quite a while. There was no need to call Rico and tell him to get ready, it was his day off and Nicky will be talking to him while getting changed, discussing his outfit in detail and asking approval. After about half an hour he emerged in a pink pinstriped shirt, Guess jeans and his shoes hand made and Italian.
“Okay, let's go.” Nicky said, but it sounded kind of like the head-cheerleader calling up her squad.
We picked up Rico at their flat and we were off for a night of celebration, even if we were a bit crammed in the cab. No one wanting to sit next to the driver and Paul was so big he took almost two places. Still, we were enthusiastic and I paid for the first round of drinks, ignoring Paul's 'girls shouldn't pay' and Nicky and Rico's protests reminding them that since I had a job I had to pay for the weekly cocktails anyways. Nicky wasn't really happy that I was going to work in Museum, but he was thrilled that I wasn't going to babysit. We ended up in the Stalking Prey at around twelve pm, since Paul had to start his shift. Nicky, Rico and me were dancing in the crowd when everyone cleared the floor and a dance off started. I watched, but it wasn't that good, I've seen much better dance offs in other clubs, usually when Nicky and Rico danced, they won.
“I could have pulled that routine.” I said to Nicky and he nodded in agreement.
“They aren't very original. Most of those moves are a mix between Step Up and Centre Stage.” The one dancer stops dancing and walked over to us. She lifted her arms challengingly.
“So you think you can do better?” She asked.
The rest of her group came to stand behind her, folding their arms, I think they were trying to intimidate us. I looked over at Rico and Nicky and they both, like me, tried not to laugh.
“We don't challenge amateurs.” Nicky said and turned to walk away but the woman grabbed his arm. Immediately Rico and I stepped up to the woman, she let go of his arm quickly.
“Are you walking away from a challenge?” She looked at her dancers.
“Scared are you? Of a bunch of amateurs?” She said the last word with disgust.
I saw Rico whisper in Nicky's ear and Nicky nodded once.
“All right. Winners buys a round of drinks, for everyone in the club.” he said.
Everyone around us started cheering as they heard they're going to get free drinks. The other group didn't back down and we took the floor, we've been practicing this one routine for weeks, by the end of it, it was obvious that practice did indeed make perfect as the crowd cheered and didn't stop until the losers went over to the bar to give a down payment on the drinks. Poor Paul was alone behind the counter as almost the entire club descended on the bar. I quickly jumped over the counter, ignoring Nicky.
“What in the name of the goddess of fame are you doing?”
“Hey Paul! Need a hand?” He looked over at me gratefully and I took his flank. It was two hours later when we had our first brake. Paul walked over and handed me a vodka, lime and lemonade.
“Here and thanks. You saved my ass.” I shrugged.
“No problem, we kind of dipped your ass in the fire so it was the least I could do.' We chatted about the dance off and the rest of the club and stuff like that. Nicky and Rico came by to say they were headed home. I helped Paul out for the rest of the night, or morning actually. We got home at about four pm and I didn't feel tired at all. Maybe it was all the adrenaline of the dance or the excitement of getting job or maybe it was both. I grabbed a tub of ice cream out of the fridge and watched TV. I must have fallen asleep because next thing I knew, Paul was shaking my arm.
“Move over, you're hawking the entire sofa!” I sat up and looked at my watch.
It was only half past eleven, giving me five and a half hours of sleep, more or less. I wasn't even tired, I felt completely rested.
“So I've been thinking,” Paul mumbled through munching on his bowl of Cheerios. “Maybe you should,” munch-munch “Work at the club,” munch-munch “full time.” Munch-munch. I looked at him thinking he was crazy.
“I just got a job, remember? At the museum, that's why we went out last night.”
I reminded him and he just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah I know.” Munch-Munch. “But the Museum is only in the afternoon.” Munch-Munch. “And the club pays really well, plus tips.” Munch-Munch. “I pay my rent here, with two nights' tips.” Munch-Munch-Slurrrrp.
I looked at him surprised. He paid his weekly rent with two nights' tips! Then he still gets paid and he gets more tips.
“How much do you got paid?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Depends on the night, we get a basic, but when the night's turnover is more than a certain amount we don't get a fixed amount, then we get a cut of the income.” My mouth fell open, they must get a ridiculous salary. Put that with my salary I'll get at the museum and I'll be able to save up and spend at the same time. There was that new Versace coat I saw last week...
I smiled at him. “When can I begin?”

We went to the club at about half past three that afternoon. Melissa met me with an expressionless face and voice. Thanking me for the action of last night and the deal for the dance off, boosting her alcohol sales. I looked at Paul who was leaning casually against her table. He told me she was like this, cold, emotionless, only caring about the income. Guess you'd have to be like that to run a club in New York. It was agreed that I'd start working that night already, but since I was new I would only get a fixed salary at first, I'll get my cut when I was completely "trained" and ready for that. Paul told me not to worry about that as it'll take me about two weeks to get the swing of things and then I'll be rolling in the moo-la. I liked that part of the deal, one thing about having two gay best friends: you became addicted to shopping... I had a thing for handbags.... and shoes.... and earrings... and tops.... and well, you get the point. I wasn't a fashion slave like the girls I detest, but who could resist Jimmy Choo, Versace, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, I mean it's so pretty.... So Nicky and Rico liked the idea of me working in a club, free drinks and so on, but they didn't appreciate the part where I'd have to get out of some of our activities. I wouldn't be able to go to Ballroom anymore since I'd have to balance our solo dancing, shopping and cocktails. I had to cut somewhere and it definitely was not going to be shopping or cocktails and if I had to choose between ballroom and Hip-Hop, which one would you pick? Exactly my point. So I didn't have that hard a time working at the club, it was hectic busy because it was the weekend but it wasn't that bad for me, Paul hovered close by the whole time, to help whenever, wherever or however he could. It was great! Over the weekend, my tips paid my rent and bought me half my groceries!! It was Monday morning and I was starting my new job at the Museum today. I was kind of nervous, but at the same time, really super excited. I wasn't tired, which was strange since we got home at half-past five and I woke up at a quarter to eleven. I had to be at the Museum at twelve, giving me plenty of time to get ready. I wore my most formal clothes I could find. It consisted of black high heels, black pants, a plain white shirt  with a black waist belt and, once again, my black coat. I didn't look half bad. I took a taxi and was glad that lady luck had returned to my side. No traffic. I arrived ten minutes early. Nina met me at the reception desk, introducing me to some of the ladies behind the counter, the security guard on duty and two or three other tour-guides, I felt kind of like the odd one out. Besides Nina, who was in her early thirties, I was the only one under at least forty. Nina showed me where her office was, the locker rooms, the cafeteria for personnel, etc. I was officially on duty at two and I had two groups which I took on a one and a half hour tour each. All too soon it seemed to me, it was five and time to leave. Nina caught me in the locker room where I took my coat and handbag out of the locker assigned to me. Nina said I'd get a nameplate on it by the end of the week. That was awesome, my own locker, with my own nameplate at the National Museum!
“How was your first day?” she asked.
I shrugged into my coat and slung my bag over my shoulder.
“It was great, I had to quick read the pamphlet before my first group, but I think I did alright. It all just came back to me once I started talking.”
We left the building together, standing out on the sidewalk.
“I knew you'd be great, you're a natural story teller and that is, after all, what history is.”
We said our goodbyes and raised my hand for a cab. They all just drove along as if I was invisible I could literally feel lady luck leaving me. Hail a cab in New York City a few minutes after five? Get real! Someone gave a single loud whistle behind me and almost immediately a cab stopped right in-front of me.
Now that's a trick I really should learn, I wonder if Rico or Nicky? Nah. Paul maybe...
“Do you want a lift?” I blinked in surprise as I looked at the guy holding open the door.
“Excuse me?” I couldn't believe that some stranger offered to share his cab. During rush hour!
“Do you want a lift?” He repeated, ignoring the cab driver's angry calls from inside the car.
“Sure.” I said as I gladly stepped closer and got in the car. He got in beside me and asked what my address is. After the car started driving he looked at me.
“I'm Johnny by the way.” I shook his outstretched hand.
“I'm Lee. Thanks for the ride.” he shrugged.
“No big deal. I know afternoon traffic. You wouldn't have caught a cab and after twenty minutes you'll give up and try a train, but it'll be packed so you'll decide to walk.” He looked at my high heels and I laughed.
“Yeah, I wouldn't have gone too far in these.” I pointed at my Gucci shoes, he laughed.
“I've never tried high heels, but Marc Jacobs' leather isn't too comfortable after walking 74 blocks in them.” Johnny was almost as big as Paul, but he had dark hair that weren't exactly in a style, it was just the right length. Not too short, but not shaggy either. Not curly but not dead straight and in a jumbled mess as though the wind had just blown it in all the different directions it could have. He was an easy person to talk to and we chatted for the hour's drive, being delayed by traffic on 5th for about half-an hour. He was a DJ, working in different clubs, with different vibes. He liked to experience everyone's different tastes in music. He actually studied post-production. Film-scoring. His dad had some big record company and he didn't want to work for his dad because he didn't want everyone to think that he got the job 'cause he's the big man's son. He was fascinated by my story of small town-girl taking on N.Y. I invited him to the club so that he could meet the guys, he only moved to New York from Chicago about two months ago and didn't really have a bunch of friends. Rico and Nicky loved him and I didn't blame them. He was kind of stunningly beautiful. He liked them too but I could tell that, especially Nicky's bold appreciation of his looks made him a bit uncomfortable. Johnny and Paul hit it off immediately, going into sports, cars and supermodels. Typical. So that's how Johnny became the fourth member of male-only best friends. Johnny insisted on calling me Lena. He liked Selena more than Lee, but Nicky didn't allow it and after days of arguing, he settled for Lena. Luckily Nicky was in a very good mood and agreed that it was still better that Selena. Paul was really glad now he had some company especially when Rico, Nicky and me started talking shoes and shopping. How lucky was I? After years of loneliness, I found a little family of my own. A family where I fit in perfectly and didn't have to pretend to be anything or anyone else.

It was another hectic night at the club, Paul and me running around like crazy behind the bar, it was getting out of control by midnight, especially as Paul had to rush to the storeroom to grab more alcohol and I had to man the bar on my own for a few minutes. One thing I was really happy about, no one ever hit on me. Either Paul or Johnny was constantly close, and no guys had the guts to come up to me and ask. When I wasn't behind the bar, I was with Rico and Nicky. Nicky always tried to get me a guy, but Rico understood and his fierce gaze sent most of the men turning on their heels and disappearing back into the crowd. But tonight was different. The club was packed, word got out that some local celebrities were partying here and many people came in the hope to see celebs on their worst behaviour. Even if they were minor celebs and mostly unknown. Unfortunately for the crowds, the VIP section was sealed of view tonight. Direct request from the "guests"... so the crowds weren't about to just ditch. VIP's had to go home some time... I never paid much attention to the VIP's. They had their own bar up there with their own waitresses so I didn't even look up when they came and went.
“Hey Babe!” I turned and saw the DJ standing by the edge of the bar, my eyes flew to the DJ stand and I saw there was no one manning it.
“Derek! What the hell do you think you're doing here? You have to get back to the box.” He looked down the counter, looking for Paul, but he was in the storeroom.
“Where's Paul?” he asked.
“Working. Unlike you.” I handed a customer a beer and took the money from him, all the while watching Derek with wary eyes. He looked a bit trigger-happy. Not drunk, but probably high. I looked over my shoulder, but I couldn't even see the storeroom, there was just too many people. I scanned the crowd but I couldn't spot Nicky, Rico or Johnny anywhere. Where were they when they were really needed? Derek has always given me the creeps. He had a way of watching you, it made you feel like one of Jack The Rippers victims.
“Relax babe. Why are you always so stuck-up? Why don't you come hang with me?” I helped another costumer while I answered him.
“I'm not stuck-up. You're high and no, I'm not going to hang with you. No could you please get back to work? The crowd is getting restless on this crappy music.” He threw a glance over his shoulder and seemed unconcerned with everyone's semi-bored, annoyed faces. This was a terrible track, you couldn't even bob your head to it, let alone dance. He grabbed my wrist as I passed a drink to the girl next to him.
“Now now. Don't get nasty, I just wanna have some fun.” I threw another panicked glance over the crowd and towards the storeroom. All I saw, was restless dancer and a lot of thirsty clubbers standing down the length of the counter.
“Let go of me Derek I have customers to serve.” he opened his mouth to say something but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked back annoyed but he quickly let go of me as he saw Johnny's scowling face.
“Why don't you and I take a walk?” I heard Johnny asking as I quickly helped the waiting people, my legs were a bit shaky and I had to ask one guy three times before I remembered his order. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the two of them melt into the crowd. Paul returned with three crates of alcohol and the rush went by quicker since we were two now.
“Where's Derek?” Paul pointed to the still empty DJ booth. I was spared an explanation as Johnny returned, without Derek He just said that Derek didn't feel good and decided to go home. I'll ask him what really happened later. Right now, the big problem was a DJ. Melissa went to the Hampton s so we were left in charge.
“Johnny would you DJ for us please?” Paul asked as he and I looked at each at the same time, realizing the predicament. What was a club without a DJ was just an overcrowded bar.
“No prob. Lena, hand me my bag please.” Johnny never went anywhere without his music bag. He had his entire DJ quip in there, including his own earphones and over 15 000 tracks stored on a memory stick. I swear, Johnny in a DJ booth is like water in the middle of the desert. The crowd lightened up, a party mood settling over the entire club, making everyone more at ease and the customers at the bar less impatient. The club emptied only at half past five, as the cops came around and told us to start clearing out. I laid on top of the counter, flat on my back, absolutely exhausted. Nicky and Rico apparently left at half past twelve as the club was a bit too crowded and much too straight for their taste. Johnny told us about Derek's scene outside the club, but before it got out of hand, the security dumped him in a cab and sent him home. Paul muttered angrily beneath his breath and thanked Johnny for everything, insisting on paying him for the DJing. News travelled fast in a city of this size. Melissa phoned at half past ten and told Paul to get Johnny to DJ more regularly at the club since we made an impression on the VIP party for organization and especially the music. Johnny was thrilled! He was at the club most nights as he liked one of the VIP waitresses and he was starting to complain as he had to rely on his allowance from his dad to pay rent since he didn't work at other clubs as often as he used to. It was over breakfast one morning when he suggested that we move in together. I almost choked on my bacon.
“Huh?” he rolled his eyes.
“Come on Lena. We're like siblings and you've been complaining that you can't keep up with the sleeping hours at the Jade since Kate's music is keeping you awake. If we get a flat together, you'll get more sleep and I won't suffer to make rent.”
I thought about it for a second. Kate's music never bothered me before I started working but now I have to sleep when she's awake playing her music non-stop during the mornings. Johnny was right, it was a very solid argument. I nibbled on my toast, pretending to consider it, but I could see from the gleam in his eyes that he knew there was never really a battle. He had already won. A week later, we found the perfect apartment in Manhattan valley, on 106th street. It was a corner apartment, wooden floor, a cosy fireplace, two bedrooms, one with an en-suite bathroom, another communal bathroom and an open plan kitchen/living room. It was like a bit of Chandler and .... apartment in Friends with a bit of Will's apartment in Will & Grace thrown in and then a bit of Johnny and Lena to make it homey. We painted the walls a light yellow, making the rooms seem larger. We got a sturdy old table, really cheap, for the kitchen with six matching chairs. Paul and Johnny sanded it down and Rico painted it white. Nicky gave us really nice Bamboo blinds as a house-warming present, we used it in the kitchen and living room. We didn't really have a colour scheme, because we couldn't decide between red, blue and green. In the end we had a red couch, which I paid for, a blue sofa Johnny paid for, and we had a low glass coffee table which we both chipped in on and we painted the old wooden TV stand green. A thick black carpet covered the largest part of the living area, which was also the TV room. Okay, so actually there were only the couches and TV up against the wall, but it was home to me and Johnny. Nicky insisted on doing my bedroom and I let him be. He wasn't pleased that he didn't have say in the decor of the rest of the flat. Johnny's room was well, really simple. A double bed pushed against one wall, black covers, black curtains and a lot of equipment and tech-stuff against the other wall. It took him two days to get everything set up. Like the great guy he was, he gave me the room with the en-suite bathroom and he and Paul made up the one wall in  the living-room/kitchen into a photo wall. They framed a piece of soft board, about 3x1.5meter in diameter and painted it black. Thousand of bright coloured pins lay in a small cup, screwed into the wall next to the board. I still loved taking photos of everything. I took about fifty pictures of us decorating the flat and moving in. There were the couple of photos of Gilbertsville. I stuck them way at the bottom followed by pictures of the Jade, Paul, Kate, Eddie, a bunch of Rico, Nicky and me, busy with shopping, dancing, clubbing. Whatever. Photo's of all the good days in NY and of the not so great days in NY. All memories I never wanted to lose. Nicky said it gave the flat life and a sense of style that it desperately needed. Johnny and I loved the apartment however, just the way it was.

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