Chapter 17 : "Along Came Polly." (2004)

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Elle disappeared for a couple of minutes to go and tell her party that she found some friends and that she'll meet them back at the hotel. Meanwhile I couldn't help but ponder about we were discussing in the bathroom. Me and Paul? The idea was so ludicrous that I felt like laughing out loud. Paul was busy buying us drinks and I looked him up and down, trying to see him as a stranger. He was too handsome, like celebrity handsome with his blond hair and blue eyes and those dimples when he smiled... He had an amazing body, but that's because he and Johnny exercised for two hours each day. It would be really weird if Paul and I.... No, I'm not even going to think about it! No way.

I saw Elle making her way through the crowd, back towards us and as discreetly as possible I went to stand next to Paul so that she could stand next to Johnny. I handed her a shooter and after we downed it Johnny asked her if she wanted to dance.

"Sure!" she smiled at me eagerly and took Johnny's hand. As the melted I with the crowd I took a seat on the counter next to where Paul stood.

"That was a clever manoeuvre Lee." Paul mentioned as he ordered another couple of shooters for us.

"What?" I asked innocently and he laughed.

"Babe, you couldn't be discreet if you were a shadow in a dark room."

I mock punched his shoulder - and hurts my knuckles.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes at him and drank my shot.

"You're not playing the crowd tonight?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Don't feel like it. I'd rather just party with you guys. Although," he added as he scanned the crowds, "looks like it's just going to be me and you." I followed his line of vision and saw Johnny and Elle dancing together but when the music slowed down just a bit they started making out. I sighed - they are so cute together!

"Isn't it adorable?" I asked Paul.

"Uh.... No." He said and ordered us some beers.

"I don't get you Paul." I told him

"Why not? I'm easy." He smirked at me.

"No I mean, like you're this womanizer right?" he nodded. "And yet sometimes you can be really charming and honest and like, not a dickhead."

"Ouch Babes." He grabbed his chest. "That hurt." I laughed.

"I'm serious! Why can't you treat all the woman like you treat me?" He looked at me for a second in complete silence and looked away again.

"I dunno. Guess I always knew that you'd be different than all the rest." He mumbled.

I frowned. "How am I different?"

He shrugged. "It's hard to explain. You're so pure and clean and..."

"Pure and clean? Does your usual woman not bathe or something?" I asked jokingly.

"No." He frowned in concentration. "I told you it's difficult to explain. It's like you innocent and perfect and not innocent and not perfect at the same time."

Okay if this is how guys talked how do they expect us mere woman to understand them! This is why there is so many wars going on all the time. They can't just spit it out! Like Hitler could have told France and England "I don't want Jews in my country!" France and England could have replied "Then give them to us!" But oh no, Hitler had to go and kill people and instead of getting the rest of the people out of Germany, England and France went and was all about "We won't let you kill people! Kill one more civilian and we'll come to your country and kill everyone who supports you!" Stupid Europeans and okay I know I don't have the facts exactly right, but a lot of lives would have been saved if they'd just all sat down and talk things through!

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