Chapter 16 : "What Happens In Vegas." ( 2008)

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It was decided the next morning over breakfast. Johnny called Paul and we all met up with Rico and Nicky at Starbucks. We're all going to put in leave and fly down to Vegas on Thursday and we'll be returning to New York on Monday. The cold and pain inside was worse but the thought of getting away for the weekend made it bearable. I was excited about it. Seeing another city, broadening my horizons and all that. I wasn't planning on gambling, Johnny and Paul couldn't stop talking about some striptease they wanted to go and watch so I'll probably stick with Nicky and Rico. They wanted to hit a couple of gay bars and other clubs so that sounded like more fun. I didn't give to much thought to the flight. It will be my first and I was nervous about it. Just a few months ago that other plane crashed into the ocean and another one made an emergency landing on the Hudson River - off all places. Luckily we won't be flying over any oceans on our way to Vegas. The guys picked me up after work at the museum, I exchanged my shift so that I can leave at two. Our flight left at six, giving us plenty of time to check in and lounge around in the waiting area. Johnny decided to pay for the plane tickets. No one likes economy... So it was soft seat, lots of leg room and free drinks all the way!! I grabbed at Johnny's arm nervously as the plane started moving. With lift off it felt like my stomach stayed behind in New York. I downed a few glasses of champagne. Johnny and I had were seating in the middle row of seats, Paul across the isle to the right and Rico and Nicky was across the isle to the left. We were all aligned in a row, but I could see Nicky and Rico getting ready to catch up on some beauty sleep, Paul was flirting with the stewardess and the girl next to him at the same time. Making them both giggle and blush. Johnny and I scanned through the various movie choices on the DVD list, I gave up as soon as I recognized a few of Taylor's films on the list - with golden stars rating it!
Can't I just escape for one single flipping hour! Please?
Johnny reached into his bag he was carrying with him.
“I bought you something.” He told me as he gave me a rectangular wrapped gift. My heart swell and contracted at the same time.
“Johnny! You shouldn't have.” I said, swallowing the, lately-always-threatening tears.
“Yeah I know.” He looked shy. “I knew you were a bit, well down.” Understatement of the year....
“And it's a long flight and it's nothing big. Just something to help you pass the time.” He shrugged and looked down at his hands. He was adorable like this!
I quickly tore off the wrapping and stared at the book in my hand.
“Oh Johnny!” I whispered in awe.
The book was clearly very old. The pages yellow and the hard cover showed wear. It was Jane Austen's Pride and the Prejudice.
“It's actually dated back to somewhere in the early 1900's. At the back is actual parchment with Jane Austen's earliest notes on the book from way back when she was just starting to write it.” I paged to the back and my fingers touch the paper softly.
“I had it enamelled, so that it won't get damaged.” he said.
“It's absolutely perfect!” I kissed his cheek. “I love it. Thank you.”
I settled down with my book and Johnny took out a copy of Wilbur Smith's new book Assegay. I've already read that one, it disappointed.
I didn't notice the time and I was surprised when the seat belt sign came on and the stewardess told us to stow away our trays and to put our seats in the upright position. The pilot announced that we'll be landing shortly.
“It's hot and sunny weather all the way and we hope that you enjoy your stay in Las Vegas. Thank you for flying Atlantic Airways.” I grabbed Johnny's hand and he laughed at my nervousness. We got of the plane, Rico and Nicky looking refreshed after the long flight, Paul looked like a cat with a bowl of cream.
“You look happy.” I mentioned as we waited for our bags.
“I am.” He flapped two small pieces of paper in-front of me.
“Two names, two numbers and two room numbers! Vegas baby!” He gave a whoop, it was echoed by a louder Whoop! from Johnny and Rico and Nicky did the head-bobbing-push-the-sealing classically gay ooh-ooh!! It sounded like something out of a Boogie movie. Looked like it too. Their moods were affecting me though and soon I joined Rico and Nicky as we made our way through the busy airport building towards the car rentals. It's going to be much easier with our own transport. We still had to figure out who was going to be designated driver though. Definitely not Paul or Johnny so it's going to be between Nicky and Rico. There was no chance in hell that I was going to worry about driving. We got a car, a convertible Mustang in dark blue, 2005 model. I wanted the 1986 model but Johnny and Paul overruled, using the newer engine and technological gadgets of the newer model to close the argument. Luckily both Johnny and Paul each only had a medium sized backpack. My bag wasn't that big and neither was Rico's. Nicky however had three Louis Vuitton bags and two smaller cases. Heaven knows what he had in there. I had to squeeze my vanity case into my bag, along with all my clothes and three pairs of my favourite heels. And I sneaked another two pairs into Johnny's backpack and another into Paul's. They'll see it when we got to the hotel. We were staying at Caesar, of course. Firstly because Nicky refused to stay anywhere else. A hotel with 120 different shop, all selling designer products, why wouldn't he insist on staying there? And secondly, Vegas and Caesar's were synonym. It's like ting and yang, strawberries and cream, like Jeff Durham and Peanut. One can't go without the other. So booked in, Paul paid for the first two nights and Nicky and Rico for the last two. At this rate, I was going to spend the weekend in Vegas without spending a dime. Fantastic! The Caesar's palace was the most popular place in Las Vegas. Not only because of the fantastic accommodation that varies from standardized rooms to suites to bungalows. It had a world famous casino, two bars, three lounges and a nightclub providing more than sufficient nightlife. The hotel also provided five-star restaurants, with top-chefs in the kitchens. Paul and Johnny didn't complain about staying at the palace, they were excited about the Garden of the gods Pool Oasis. There'll be pool parties and babes in bikini's as far as the eye could see. Who were they to complain? We went up to our suite and it looked almost exactly like the one the guys from "The Hangover" stayed in! I just hoped that we'd be better off than they were tomorrow morning! Johnny, Paul and I each had our own rooms and Nicky and Rico shared the Master-bedroom. The rest of us didn't mind, we were more than happy to give them the en-suite bedroom rather than have Nicky hawk the other bathroom the rest of the weekend. Luckily, there was two and a half bathrooms, so I'd have one for myself and Paul and Johnny would just have to share. But guys didn't care about that stuff. They were in and out of the shower in minutes. I remembered when Taylor....
I cut off my thoughts immediately. No way. I'm going to have a great weekend forgetting about him. My shoulders were set determinedly, my mouth in a thin line, but when I looked in my mirror, it was still my eyes. Sadness. Longing.
“Lena, where gonna go downstairs and grab a bite to eat. You coming?” I looked up at Johnny who stood in my bedroom door.
“Yeah sure. I just want to freshen up. Is Nicky and Rico going?” I asked.
“Yip.” Johnny answered. “Although I'm sure I heard a shower running.”
“Nicky.” We said in unison.
Johnny disappeared again and I could hear the stereo blaring from the living area. Paul's obviously already settled in. Then again, it didn't take much. They probably just threw their bags into their room. Rico was unpacking his and Nicky's bags, I knew he always did that when they stayed somewhere else. It was so in his character. I brushed my hair quickly and made sure my make-up was still good. I changed my jeans for tight-fitting black plants, a silver halter necked top and my Mark Jacobs stiletto's.... O Crap! They were in Paul's bag. Just as the thought occurred to me I heard Paul's angry “What the Hell?!” I rushed out of the room barefoot. Coming to a halt in their bedroom door. Paul was standing next to a single bed, dressed still in his jeans but he was shirtless. Obviously he wanted a clean shirt and that's when he found me Jimmy's. I smiled sheepishly.
“Hey guys.” I chuckled. “Can I have my shoes?”
Paul handed me my Jimmy's and I hugged them quickly before putting them on. They completed my outfit, peeked toed, silver and as high as they could be. Johnny zipped open his bag and I saw my other shoes sticking out beneath one of his shirts. My other pair of Jimmy's - red, and my black Louis Vuitton's. I rushed over and quickly grabbed them. I made a run for it before Johnny could even get out a "hey!" I was laughing as I put them in the closet in my room.
“You sound cheery.” Nicky said as he and Rico walked past my door. I picked up my purse and fell into step right behind them.
“Of course I am. I successfully sneaked three extra pairs of heels to Vegas without any knowing about it.” I told them triumphantly. They both looked impressed.
We went down to one of the hotel's restaurants, The Mesa Grill and lingered over dinner whilst deciding what we're going to do tonight. Nicky wanted to plan the whole entire weekend right there and then.
“No way! This weekend is going to be spontaneous. Whatever we feel like doing, we're going to do it the instant we get the urge!” I interrupted him quickly.
Johnny and Paul immediately agreed. I knew I could count on them! We decided to check out the bars and lounges in the Hotel. We started at the Spanish Steps, it was an outdoor lounge. It was really sophisticated with great music and a very nice crowd. We had a couple of drinks and hit the next bar, The Galleria Bar. It featured live classic Vegas style entertainment – Paul and Johnny loved it – I liked the contemporary flair the bar had. It was amazing how many people hanged out in all the different clubs. In New York I could recognize the regulars, but here you won't be able to tell from one hour to the next. There was a constant flow of people coming and going, from all the clubs and bars. It was like Caesar's was a one-stop shop, you could say. Clubs, Casino, Restaurants. I love Vegas!!! Shoo-hoo!!! Nicky was eager to go to the Shadow Bar. Now how does one describe the Shadow Bar? Hmm-mm.
It is one of the coolest places I have ever  seen!! No wonder Nicky wanted to come here. It was chic, modern and absolutely stunning!!! It was more like a lounge, with a sensual atmosphere. The furnishings were contemporary cosmopolitan decor. Mostly white, and there were also tables and couches lining the walls with draping s and curtains of satin, giving the alcoves some privacy. Against the walls and behind curtains you could see silhouetted dancers performing provocative dances. Johnny and Paul loved that and made themselves comfortable on a couch close to one of the silhouetted dancers. Nicky and Rico went off to get us some cocktails while I still appreciated the interior. The music was unlike anything I've ever done whilst DJing. It had a mixture of electroscope and modern instrumentals. It was soothing and yet you could still dance to it. I seriously had to try this out when we got back to New York. Nicky and Rico came back with three strawberry daiquiris and two beers for Johnny and Paul.
“Wow, thanks dude!” Paul said as he gulped down half the beer.
I sat down next to Johnny and we started talking about the cool music. Johnny mentioned that he has tried out something similar to this, but he couldn't quite get it. Nicky and Rico were on my other side and I heard them talking about the decor.
“Having fun Lena?” Johnny asked abruptly.
I  blinked a few times. We were just talking about getting back to work to try out this kind of music and now he was on a different subject already.
“Yeah! Haven't quite had time to catch my breath yet, actually.” I told him.
“Feeling better already?” He asked softly.
In my peripheral vision I  could see Nicky and Rico falling silent and even Paul tried to look like he wasn't listening. They all waited for my reply.
“I guess I'm feeling a bit better.” I thought about it for a second.
Not even Vegas and all its bright lights could completely banish the constant coldness that filled me and sometimes a shiver would still catch me off guard. Like when I suddenly think of Taylor or remember some little detail about him. Another shiver ran down my spine as I thought about all the small things I'd remember in an instant. Without warning. I shook my head in attempt to get the emerald green flecks of his eyes out of my mind. That's when I realized that it was the club's lights. They changed constantly from blue to green to purple to pink to orange to yellow and back to green. It transformed the entire hue of the club.
“Who feels like dancing?” I said quickly and stood up.
Nicky and Rico were by my side in an instant and as we headed for the dance-floor I could see Johnny and Paul following us. And that's when the fun really started! We danced and we drank and then we danced some more and then we drank some more. Johnny and Paul decided that we needed to tried out every single shooters, cocktail, cider and beer that the Shadow Bar had to offer. Let's just say, after about three hours, we were the loudest party in the entire Bar. That's when they asked us ever so politely to please leave as it was closing time.
“What?!” I asked, trying to frown.
“This place sucks! They close so early!” I looked over at Paul and Johnny and they nodded in agreement. Nicky was almost passed out on the couch next to Rico. He obviously doesn't drink anything but cocktails. I don't know whether it was the rum, brandy, whiskey or vodka that knocked his feet from under him, but he was hysterical when he was drunk! He performed one of his high school dance routines. It was from Flashdance, and yes, it was   routine that she did at the end of the movie.
“Actually guys, it's ten past four and we usually close at four.” The waiter looked at us expectantly. I sighed and stood up – unsteadily I might add – and started making my way towards the Bar's exit. I heard Johnny and Paul shuffling along behind me and when I looked over my shoulder I could see Rico carrying Nicky. Sort of. He was about just as drunk as we were and he was trying to carry Nicky who was completely passed out now. Rico was bigger and stronger than Nicky, sure, but a dead weight was something else completely. Lucky for him that we didn't leave the Hotel. He made it out of the bar but he tripped on a couple of steps leading into the reception area. Both he and Nicky fell. Nicky didn't even flutter an eyelid or groan or anything. Rico however mumbled angrily in Spanish, but it was hard to make out exactly what he was saying as his face was pressed into the floor and he was drunk. Johnny, Paul and I  were fold double in drunken laughter, tears soon streaming down our faces. In an attempt to help Rico up, I rather joined him on the floor and at the same time Johnny and Paul tried to get Nicky up and fell as well. We sat there, in the reception area of the Caesar's Hotel, laughing so hard that we couldn't even get up off the floor. Eventually we made it to the lift, Johnny and Paul dragging Nicky and me trying to keep Rico upright. Apparently these two don't drink that much that often! We only just made it into the suite when Rico went limb and I stepped away quickly to avoid getting trapped under him. Johnny and Paul came back from throwing Nicky on his bed and we started laughing again as they saw Rico lying, once again, face down on the floor! They dragged him to his room as well and I walked over to check out the contents of the fridge.
“Anything good in there babe?” Paul asked as they came back into the living area.
“Yip.” I replied triumphantly.
“Champagne anyone?” I laughed at their expressions.
They seemed happy about the champagne, but they're guys so they wanted something to eat as well.
“How about room service?” I asked and they nodded at once, their faces lighting up. We ordered some kind of a platter, but I have no idea what was on it. I only know that it was freaking delicious!!! We finished the champagne and moved on to the bottle of brandy we found in the one cupboard. We decided to try out the Jacuzzi. It was warm and bubbly and really relaxing. We sat there sipping the brandy, watching the sun appear on the Nevada horizon. It was so beautiful.
“Dude I'm so glad I'm drunk.” Paul slurred as he laid back and watched the sunrise.
“Yeah?” Johnny asked and I decided to ask him as well.
Paul laughed. “Now I can watch the sun rise twice.”

It felt like I was suffocating, there was absolutely no space for air in my lungs. I felt confused because it was all just to real to be a dream or a nightmare. I had the distinct impression that I was awake, but just disorientated. I tried to suck air into my dry lungs, but I choked on water and stood up as fast as I could. Choking and coughing as my head broke through the surface. I looked around me startled. Johnny and Paul's heads snapped up at once. Johnny made a funny snorting sound.
“Wha... what's wrong?” Paul asked, his eyes still halfway closed.
I was still coughing violently and very loudly. Johnny started laughing.
“Lena decided to check out the underwater scene!” He said it loudly and almost immediately grabbed his head and closed his eyes. It reminded me of last night and I immediately felt the throbbing in my head. I sat down back into the Jacuzzi and groaned. Paul didn't look like he had a hangover but he still had trouble opening his eyes. Rico and Nicky appeared then, Nicky in-front with a bathrobe and dark sunglasses on, Rico behind him looking very much the same as Nicky.
“What all the noise about? Trying to kill me are you Lee?” Nicky's voice sounded like he had a terrible case of pneumonia.
“No, I passed out and somehow ended up beneath the water.” I muttered.
Nicky frowned and sat down heavily in one of the chairs next to the Jacuzzi. Rico wandered towards the kitchen, looked into the fridge and then picked up the phone to order room service. Thank goodness someone thought rationally around here. I could eat an entire buffet right now, if I could only keep my eyes open.
“Why would you pass out in the Jacuzzi anyways? Trying to commit suicide are we?” I was sure Nicky's eyes were closed behind the dark glasses.
“Not yet,” I told him “but the way I feel now, that won't be a bad idea.”
“I second that!” Johnny murmured as he stood up and stumbled out of the tub, staggering over to his room. I heard something about a shower before the door closed behind him.  Paul fell asleep again, his head hanging over the side of the Jacuzzi. I got up and Rico threw me a towel from one of the chairs. I wrapped it around me and walked over to the fridge.
“No coffee.” Rico said as he watched my progress.
“I order some, with a few aspirins and some breakfast.”
“Thanks Rico! I'm also gonna grab a quick shower.”
The shower was heavenly amazing. Apart from my headache and the terrible taste in my mouth I felt chilled to the bone from the Jacuzzi water that cooled down after we passed out. The warm, stinging feeling from the water was welcoming. When I got back in the living area I was surprised to find both Johnny and Paul already dressed and looking much better than before I left the room. I had to give it to the guys. Two of them took exactly the same time as I did taking a shower and getting dressed. I sat down opposite them and grabbed myself a couple of pancakes for breakfast. Johnny and Paul were almost finished with theirs and they moved on to omelettes.
“Where's Rico and Nicky?” I asked as I buttered my pancake.
“They only grabbed some coffee and then went back to their room again to “freshen up” as Nicky put it.” Johnny answered with a mouth full of bacon.
After breakfast we decided to hang out next to the pool for the day. We weren't really up to anything more active than that. It was only Friday and we still had two full days and three nights to enjoy all the pleasures Vegas had to offer. After we were semi-sobered up, we changed into bathing suites and armed with sunblock, hats, towels and sunglasses, we headed down to the magnificent Pool area. The Garden of gods Pool Oasis – and that's precisely what it was. An oasis fit for the gods. We avoided the main Pool, there was a pool party going on and a hangover did not appreciate constant squeals and screams. We settled for the Neptune Pool were you could rent a cabana for the day. There was a fully stocked fridge, television, a table for snack and beverage services and very soft looking lounge chairs. I laid back on a chair, completely covered by the shade, sipping on a Bloody Mary. I was wearing my favourite Gucci bikini, purple with studded diamonds between my breast and along the waistline of the bikini bottoms. What's a bikini without high heels? I was really surprised that Paul didn't immediately go off to watch the pool party, all the girls participating looked like supermodels! He was acting a bit weird though, really quiet for his usual self. Instead, he was lounging in the chair next to me, drinking a beer with Johnny on my other side, the latter decided to go with mineral water. Rico and Nicky was sunbathing on chairs in-front of the cabana.
“You know Johnny, a small percentage of alcohol takes away the worst of a person's hangover.” I told him, chewing on a piece of my celery.
“In what magazine did you read that?” he asked, obviously not believing a word.
It was not only a proven fact, but I've experienced it before and once again this morning. It doesn't take away your headache, or make your eyes hurt less or anything, but it takes the sting out of both your headache and your eyes. It worked tons better than black coffee and aspirins. A flash of memory of aspirins and black coffee made me gasp and choke on my Bloody Mary at the same time. Paul slapped me a few times on the back taking my drink out of my hand to prevent me from spilling tomato juice on the crisp white upholstery of the lounger.
“You okay Love?” He asked after I started breathing again.
“Fine, I just think you broke a few small bones in my back.” I answered with a grudging smile.
“Seriously though John,” it was Paul's nickname for Johnny – he thought that Johnny was too long and not masculine enough. Personally I didn't think there was anything about Johnny that wasn't masculine.
“Lee's talking the truth. It helps tons, I feel like a new person already and after another beer and some chow I'm heading over to check out the Pool Party.” He opened a second beer and handed another over to Johnny.
“Fine. Guess it can't get worse.” Johnny shrugged and took a swig.
The finished their beers and I was amazed that they could eat -  again - so soon after breakfast. It was amazing how they only swallowed the food. I swear I didn't once see either of them actually chewing anything. They left for the main pool shortly after that and I got some peace and quiet. I laid back in my chair and picked up my copy of Pride and the Prejudice. After I've read for about two hours I decided to take a short nap. Nicky woke me for lunch which we ordered from the 'Snackus Maximus Snack Bar'. Yeah, I know, it gets corny after the awe is gone. I splashed around a bit in the Pool, not feeling up to the noise at the main Pool. I saw Johnny and Paul were some of the main action attractions. The were in the middle of a Bullfight, two foreign-looking girls on each of their shoulders, trying to push the other couple over. Johnny and his girl won, it didn't like Paul minded, he was making out with his partners as soon as he emerged from beneath the water. Rico and Nicky joined me and we lazed about in a spot of shade that covered the pool. I didn't take to well to the sun, I always end up looking like French Polony rather than having a Sunset Tan. We packed up and headed for the suite at about four, we were planning on having dinner at another of the Hotel's fine restaurants, going for Rao's tonight. Johnny and Paul simply refused to got to Freemont Street, they were going to spend the night at the Casino and Rico, Nicky and I were taking the opportunity to get the Freemont Street experience. There was some kind of sixties or seventies festival going on and you could hear old-school music pumping out of all the club and everywhere you looked there was people dressed in bell-bottoms or mini-skirts with assorted wigs. Pink, purple, yellow, black and blond was most favourable, coming in different shapes and sizes. Some were long hair, reaching the persons waist, others a slick blonde and other were in the typical Afro-style! Not wanting to stand out we grabbed ourselves a couple of costumes as well. I was in a white miniskirt, with an incredibly short top, connecting the two pieces was plastic, exposing my stomach and the most of my back. I took a pair of white knee-length boots and decided on a slick, red, bob wig. I left the changing room and came to a standstill the moment I saw Rico and Nicky. They both had Afro-wigs, incredibly tight bell-bottoms, very high platforms and sequined button shirts. They looked like two background dancers on the Sonny and Cher Tour! I couldn't help but laugh.
“What's so funny?” Nicky asked, turning back to the mirror to appreciate his appearance.
“Nothing.” I spluttered. “It's just that you won't have to tell anyone that your gay.”
Nicky stomped on his foot, jutted on his hips and threw up his hands.
“Saves us a lot of trouble!” he shrugged and sighed.
“Oh how I miss this!”
My mouth fell open. “Nicky! You didn't seriously live in the seventies?!” Now that I won't believe! He didn't look a day over twenty-nine!
“Oh heavens no! But I was a teenager in the late-eighties and I used to dress up in my daddy's old Boogie-clothes. It was the only time when men could wear Platforms and not be seen as a drag.” He sighed again.
“Come on you two! First round's on me!” I tried cheering them up.
It worked like a bomb and we boogied the night away – almost. The night before's partying caught up to us at about twelve thirty, so we went back to the Hotel. Johnny and Paul came in about ten minutes after us and we all got a fairly decent night's sleep.

“Hey guys! I have a great idea!” Paul announced as soon as he entered the living room.
We were all sitting with a cup of coffee, we were going to have breakfast downstairs.
“Yeah?” Johnny asked without looking up from the magazine he paging through.
“Let's go for a Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon!”
“That sounds awesome Paul!” I was still a bit scared of flying, but I would love to see the Grand Canyon! Rico and Nicky were quietly discussing it, from what I could make out, Rico wanted to see the Grand Canyon but he was also wary of flying in a Helicopter and Nicky didn't think it was worth his time.
“Guys!” I said impatiently. “How often do we came to Las Vegas and get a chance to view one of the World's Natural Wonders?” No one answered.
“It is one of the world's natural wonders, isn't it?” I asked hesitantly.
Johnny looked thoughtful and it looked like Nicky was about to bust a vein in concentration.
Paul shrugged. “Who cares! Are we going or not?”
“Yes!” Johnny and I agreed in unison.
“I suppose we could.” Nicky gave in to Rico's pleading look.
After breakfast we were off for our Helicopter ride, on our way there we saw a lot of Vegas.
“I can't believe we've been here since Thursday and haven't even gone sightseeing!” I exclaimed as we passed the Eiffel Tower in the “European” region of Vegas. Johnny and Paul glanced at each other and Johnny turned around in his seat to look at me where I was seated next to Rico on the backseat.
“Lena, no one comes to Vegas for sightseeing.” He rolled his eyes to emphasize the stupidity of my statement.
“Yeah, we'll you can say what you want, but everyone knows the moment you switch on the television and you see an Egyptian Pyramid illuminated by thousands of flashing lights, it's the Luxor Hotel in Vegas.” I stuck out my tongue childishly, took out my camera and snapped a few photo's of the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomph, the Pyramid and of the Famous Fountains that appears on every single movie made in Vegas. I also took a few picks of us all in the car. One of Johnny pulling a crazy face at me from the front, Rico and Nicky posing as a Hollywood couple and some were I tried to stick my finger in Paul's ear.
“Lee if you don't cut that out I'm gonna roll the car!” At least he didn't sound angry.
I leaned forwards and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. To say he was startled was an understatement. The car swerved dangerously, Johnny cursed and Nicky squeal louder than the car behind us' brakes! I could only laughed and I heard Rico chuckling softly behind me. Soon Johnny and Paul got over their shock as well and joined in. Nicky sulked in his corner of the car, arms folded across his chest, bottom lip sticking out.
“That was so not funny! I could have gotten hurt!” He sucked in deep breath as another thought occurred  to him.
“Or worse even! I could have chipped a nail! I just had these done Thursday morning!”
“Nicky, it's ridiculous how much money you spend and Manicures and Pedicures each month!” I told him, ignoring his semi-hysterical statement.
RJ's Helicopter Rides was something I have never seen before. It was situated on the outskirts of Vegas and consisted of a small building and if you looked past it you could see the monstrous helicopter standing behind the building. The inside of the building came as a surprise if you had to compare it with the outside. There was lush sofa's around the sides of the room, a coffee counter with soft drinks available too. There was a large counter on the other side of the room and there was a woman sitting behind it talking on the phone. Did I mention that the room was air-conditioned? Nicky sat down on one of the sofas and Rico was looking at all the photo's against the wall. I decided to joined him. The wall was sub-divided into large blocks, at the top of each block there was names of different countries in large black letters. China, Australia, Southern Africa, Europe, Brazil, Arabia I looked at the pictures, this guy did absolutely every single adventure sport you would find. Scuba-diving, mountain-climbing, river-rafting, bungee-jumping, snowboarding, ski-ing, sky-diving, you name it and he's done it.
“Hello.” The receptionist said as soon as she put the phone down. Paul walked over with his lazy smile. It worked spectacularly as always. The woman blushed and looked down. Did woman in Vegas really blush?
“Hi, we want to go on a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon.” He leaned casually against the counter.
“Okay, our next flight is only at three.” She checked the book that was lying open in-front of her. We all looked up as the door behind the counter opened.
“Hi there.” This had to be the guy from all the photos. He was really tall with a handsome face, wide smile and a wild bush of blonde hair standing in every possible direction.
“You guys here for a helicopter ride?” he asked as he walked over to the receptionist. She wasn't really paying attention, her eyes were glued to Paul's handsome face.
“Yip, but we were actually thinking of going like now.” Johnny said as he walked over.
“But apparently the next flight is only going out at three. It only half-past twelve now.” The big-haired guy nodded as he looked at his watch. I joined them by the counter.
“Actually, don't you guys think it'll be great of we could watch the sunset over the Grand Canyon?” I suggested looking up at Johnny.
“Lee, I don't think there's a flight going out at sunset.” Johnny told me softly.
“I'm sure we could make an exception.” It was the blonde guy who spoke.
“Great!” I looked over at him and smiled back at Johnny and Paul. Nicky walked over quickly, his hands waving in-front of his chest.
“No, No, No!”
“What's wrong Nicky?” I asked him, caught off guard by his sudden outburst.
“What are we supposed to do until then? We can't go all the way back to the hotel and come all the way out here again. Then we've wasted half the day driving around.
My shoulders sagged and my bottom lip jutted out sulkily.
“Oh come on Lee! Don't pull that puppy dog face on me!” Nicky said angrily.
“Well, if you guys are up for an adventure...” we all turned back to blonde guy, he was all smiles and big, fluffy hair.
“I could take you river rafting.” he announced and the moment the words were out Johnny and Paul agreed and looked over at me expectantly.
“Okay sure. Why not.” I agreed and we looked at Nicky and Rico.
“Will we be wearing helmets and life-jackets?” Nicky asked quickly
“Of course. Safety regulations.”
“Fine. But then I want the one with the loudest whistle.” He held up his finger to ensure that we all understood him. Johnny and I turned back towards the counter.
Johnny murmured. “Like he'll need it with that shrill voice of his.”
“I'm Russel by the way and I'll be your guide, group-leader, whatever you want to call it.”
“Oh, I'm Lee, this is Johnny, Paul, Nicky and Rico.” I introduced us all pointed at everyone as I went down the line.
“And I'll be the one paying for either the river-rafting or the helicopter ride.” I announced and waved away all the protest.
“No way you guys. Paul paid for the hotel, Johnny paid for the flight tickets and Rico and Nicky paid for various other stuff like food and cocktails and stuff. Allow me to spend some money as well.” Johnny stepped closer.
“Lena, we wanted to spoil you this weekend. Please let us do that.” He said it softly so that only I could hear him. I looked at the rest of them and they all nodded.
“Fine, but I'm paying for dinner tonight and I'm not giving in to you again.” I told them crossly.

The river-rafting was amazing! Absolutely exhilarating! Half the time, I was laughing so hard at Nicky's constant squeals that I nearly dropped my oar. We were still laughing and mocking Nicky by the time we got back to Russel's office. His receptionist has gone out and brought back lunch for us while we were gone. Hot Dogs, French fries and Soda's. We were so hungry that we would've eaten cucumber sandwiches. We sat on the sofas and Russel told us about all his adventures he's had across the globe. It sounded so amazing. Everything he's done and there was still so much he wanted to do. I envied him, because he had this air of unlimited freedom surrounding him. He'd settle in a country for no longer than a year, earning enough money for his next move. His life was one big adventure! The Helicopter ride was amazing. I've never seen such beauty. The rich brown of the canyon that only darkened as the sun set. The sun painted the air in topaz and rich gold lines, the colours intensifying in the dying rays of the sun. To the East the sky was deep purple and the first stars made their appearance. AS we flew back towards Vegas, the city lights were almost as beautiful as the sunset. This was one of the best weekends of my life. Just in time I ignored the memories flying around in my mind. I only got a flash, a third of a second's glimpse at self-made hamburgers and old movies. I sighed and tried to ignore the ever-present coldness surrounding my heart and engulfing my insides.

I decided on taking the guys to All-You-Care-To-Eat Cafe Lago Buffet. Johnny and Paul was very appreciative of my idea and I couldn't get enough praise throughout dinner. Rico and Nicky stayed  tonight, Nicky didn't co-operate well with adventure. They've ordered some room service and their going to go to bed early. Rico got a nasty case sunburn. Not that I could tell, he's skin was already so dark, being Porto Rican and all that, but he complained and Nicky insisted it was sun-burn and who was I to argue?
“What are we going to do tonight?” I asked as we settled with our desert. I felt sorry for the people still heading down to the buffet. I doubt there's much left after Johnny and Paul had finished.
“The same we do every night!” Johnny announced in a deep voice, his hand pointed towards the ceiling.
“Try and take over the world!” Paul finished the sentence and the both did a dorky, evil laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, okay Pinkie and the Brain, settle down. Seriously though?” I asked.
“Seriously, the same we do every night.” Johnny answered, scooping some ice-cream onto a spoon.
“Party like a Rock-Star!” Paul concluded.
Maybe I should have stayed in with Nicky and Rico I thought to myself as we got into a taxi. Not taking the car can only mean one thing. We are going to get absolutely wasted!
We went to almost every single club Johnny and Paul could think of. The Cherry nightclub, Jet, 4949 Lounge and we ended up at the Body English Nightclub. It was one the poshest clubs in Vegas. Luckily I always dress up when we got out because the Body English even had a dress code! Upscale dress, no sneakers, flip-flops (euw!), cut-offs’, shorts or sport attire. So if your a boy from the Hood, you better suit up, okay? I was dressed in one of favourite black mini dresses, it had a lace finish, with my purple Jimmy Choos I wore to the Premiere. I just couldn't bring myself to put them in the back of my closet where the dress hung, along with all my happy memories. There was absolutely no need to take it out on the Choos. Anyway, the nightclub was located in the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino ( off-strip ). It had 41 VIP booths, yeah, 41! They all over looked the dance-floor, and the Parlor - I guess you could call that the main VIP area – it was surrounded with Privacy glass so that no one could see inside, but insiders could see out. It had a private lounge bar and DJ scene. How cool was that?! Above the dance-floor hung a Vintage $ 250 000 Baccarat Chandelier. Where else would you find a $ 250 000 Vintage Chandelier above a dance-floor, except for in Vegas? You've got to love this place! Paul went to get us some drinks and Johnny and I looked for an available table or even a couple of open bar-stools. None were open so I shrugged and told him that we're going to be by the bar or on the dance-floor all night so it didn't really matter. I was glad that I left my purse at the hotel, I didn't want to walk around with it all night. Paul brought us some funny looking shooters and three super-long glasses with twisted straws in it. I was a bit wary about the contents of both drinks and as soon Paul saw me hesitate he told me to chill.
“Babes, we're gonna get wasted anyways so what does it matter what we're drinking? I want to make a toast!” He announced. We raised the arm with the shooter, our other hand had the long weird looking drink.
“To a night about town with the most beautiful woman not only in Vegas, but in New York!” He winked at me.
“Oh Paul, you could be so charming when you really try.” I told him with a smile on my face.
“Hey! I'm always charming!” He protested.
“Fine. I'd also like to make a toast.” I cleared my throat. “To great friends.”
“And good times!” Johnny finished for me.
“Salute!” We said in unison and downed the shooter. It was terrible!
The weird looking drink was actually really good, very fruity, but not sweet. We didn't really get around to dancing that much, we mostly drank, trying every exotic shooter the club had to offer.
“My turn to pick one!” I announced. I was sitting on the bar counter, Johnny and Paul were standing in-front of me, and by this time, there wasn't any shooters left the club menu, now we made up our own. I stood up on the counter and walked down the length, squinting in concentration at all the bottles I could see behind the bartenders. Everyone just picked up their drinks and made way for me on the counter. That was so awesome, you know in New York, they'd probably make angry remarks or pull you off the counter. The bartender who's been helping us the whole night walked behind the counter, only a few steps behind me, ready to pour whatever caught my eye. I was so focused on the drinks that I didn't really concentrate on where I was walking. I slipped on something and  wham! fell off the counter into the crowd. I was laughing so hard that at first I didn't realize I was lying on top of someone. I rolled over, still laughing and saw Johnny and Paul rushing over to help me up.
“Hey guys did you see that?” I asked as Paul pulled me up.
“Yeah, did you see the poor girls you fell on?” Johnny asked as he helped the girl up.
“O crap! I am so sorry! Are you okay?” I asked her quickly.
She laughed at me as she shook her hair out.
“Yeah, no prob! How about you?” She asked still smiling.
“I'm good, but you have to let me buy you a shooter!” I announced and lithely got back onto the counter and pointed to a bottle. The bartender took out four shot-glasses and poured the yet unidentified alcohol for us.
“I'm Lee, this is Johnny and Paul.” I introduced as I handed out the shooters.
“I'm Elle. Nice to meet you.” Elle was really pretty, with golden blonde hair, hanging halfway down her waist, almost as curly as mine usually was. She had golden brown eyes and very delicate features.
“To new friends.” Paul announced raising his glass.
Elle stayed with us for the rest of the night, I was so glad that she wasn't sober anymore as well, but she wasn't as drunk as us. Then again, I don't think anyone was as drunk as we were. Elle was in Vegas with some friends, trying to escape the pressures of college. She was studying in LA, but she didn't like it, complaining that everyone was stereo-typical, blonde, tanned and extremely well build.
“No one is original, you know? I'm a natural blonde and I feel dull next to all the bleach blonde babes with their fake boobs!” I laughed at her description, but had to agree.
I told her about how great New York was and I encouraged her to move down after she's done with college. She'd love New York. There was a great variety of people, everyone different from the person next to him and New York life was in general, the best that America could offer. No other city compared to New York! It was after all the city that never sleeps. Johnny, Paul and I were living examples of that!
“Your life sound so exciting!” Elle exclaimed. “I wish I was more daring!”
“Elle, your alone in club in Vegas, how daring do you want to be?” I asked her as we were walking to the bathroom.
“I told you I'm here with my friends for the weekend.” She protested.
“Yeah? And where are your friends? Have they come looking for you at the bar yet?” I asked and she had no answer.
“They're not really my friends.” She muttered as we re-applied our make-up.
“What do you mean?”
“Their actually some of my brother's friends and he suggested I should get out of LA for a bit since it was making me depressed.” The girl next to us looked up in surprise.
“Yeah, who'd have guessed that sunny Los Angeles could be depressing?” Elle asked her.
“Anyways so I called them up and they told me they've been planning a trip down to Vegas and this weekend would be the perfect opportunity and blah blah blah.” She shrugged and put away her lipstick.
“Okay so hang out with us for the rest of the night and you can even join us for the rest of the weekend. We're flying back on Monday.” I told her. I felt sorry for her. It sure sounded like she needed a real adventure and some real friends.
“Hey Elle how old are you?” She looked about my age.
“I'll be twenty-one soon.” she told me with a wide-smile.
“You have no idea!” She hesitated when I started making my way to the door.
“Was there something else?” I asked and she blushed.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you a personal question.” She looked so shy.
I jump unto a bare counter against the one wall.
“Sure, go for it.” I told her with a smile.
“Well,” she blushed again “what's the deal with you and Paul?”
I was surprised at that. Paul? Me? No way....
“We're just really good friends why?” I was honestly curious.
“He calls you 'love' or 'babe' the whole time.” I thought about it for a second.
“Yeah but always calls me that, since the first day I met him.” I protested.
“Okay and what about....” this time her blush spread into her neck and she looked down. “What about you and Johnny?” I had to smile, I thought I picked up a vibe between them.
“We're roommates and the best of friends.” She looked up quickly and smiled again.
“You know, I think he likes you.” I told her softly.
“Really?” she asked excitedly and I nodded.
“Come on Elle. If we take too long they'll come and drag us out of here by our hair!”
“Really?!” she asked surprised and shocked at the same time.
I looked at her seriously. “Really.”

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