Chapter 2 : "When Harry Met Sally" (1989)

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That would probably be my reaction to what happens next.... and scene!

“You are my sunshine! My only sunshine! You make me happeeee-ee when skies are grey!” I peeked out of my one eye. The room was sideways and I could see a black shoe tapping lightly against the wooden floor, keeping time with the singing. I could smell caffeine and... a bagel? I opened my other eye and lifted my head.
“Finally! I thought I was going to have to do an entire show before you woke up!” I sat up slowly as I recognized Nicky's voice.
“Hi.” my voice was still thick with sleep and I was sure that my hair was standing in every possible direction.
“Oh not a morning person?” I took the coffee from him gratefully.
“Definitely not a morning person.” he repeated to himself.
I sipped my coffee silently and nibbled on my bagel trying to wake up completely. I watched as Nicky started unpacking yesterday's shopping bags, humming to himself. I finished my breakfast, my first as a New Yorker (cherish the moment) and stood up to grab my vanity bag, towel and bathrobe.
“Hey Nicky I'm going to take a quick shower. Do you mind?” I asked heading for the door. He didn't even look up.
“Take your time. I'm going to start redecorating your room.” He was already busy with a long bronze pipe. I shrugged and headed out towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway. This bathroom had a bath and a shower. It was also the biggest bathroom in the house. I pulled the shower curtain closed and let the warm water spray across my back. It felt heavenly, eliminating the cold of the morning. Since I didn't sleep in my pyjamas and I passed out on my bed and not in it, or actually in my sleeping bag, I was an icicle. Brr... I shivered and turned the water to a full spray. I was just starting to get really warm when the water started turning cold. Oh yeah, communal bathroom equals not much warm water. After I've dressed in a pair of navy blue jeans, a red polo and red ankle boots, I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. That's when Paul walked in.
“Uh... Paul? Kind of busy here.” He was only wearing a pair of boxers. And if I thought his face was stunningly beautiful, then there was no comparison for his rock-hard torso.
“Oh, morning to you too Love.” He  gave me a kiss on the cheek and started brushing his teeth. I threw all my stuff in my vanity and picked up my towel, just as I reached for the door Paul spoke to me again. Enclosed in this small space with a guy as dangerously handsome as Paul could only lead to trouble. He was clearly a player and that's when I steer clear.
“Yeah, rush off now before your innocent country eyes sees pure male beauty.”
I looked over my shoulder to where he was standing and I wished I hadn't. He was already half-way out of his boxers, about to step into the shower. I rushed out of the bathroom, colour flooding my cheeks. I quickly forgot about that chiselled body that was bronze (all-over) as I opened my bedroom door. Nicky was done with the room, sitting at the desk, busy with my digital camera.
“Nicky!” I gasped gazing around the room in surprised awe.
As soon as he saw me, he stood up quickly and came to stand next to me.
“What do you think?” He asked eagerly and I couldn't answer.
It was awesome. The long copper bar he had before I went to shower, was used as a beam from which he had draped the light coloured curtains, with a light, almost see-through, full length curtain hanging behind it. The bed-covers were a pale yellow with three-dimensional pictures on it so that it looked engraved into the bed cover and pillow sleeves. I walked over to take closer look, at first it looked like different leaves all falling and twirling from the sky, but when you really looked you could see it was all just different shapes and sizes fitted over and under each other. On some shapes there was Arabic script.
“What does it say?” I asked in a voice filled with wonder. It was so beautiful.
“Oh, you know the usual stuff. Love, hope, peace and prosperity.”
On both sides of my bed were thick, woolly rugs in a dark burnt orange, almost copper colour. There was a beautiful bed-lamp on the bedside table and a working lamp on the desk, giving the room a warm glow. It was warm, cosy, and still kind of chic, making the room seem like a modern mixture of country and metropolis. Which was what Nicky was going for I assumed?
“It's perfect! I love it!” He gave me a quick hug. I hugged him back tightly.
“And we bought you a present. Just to say welcome to New York and all that.” He handed me a square gift-wrapped object, I was embarrassed but femininely curious. I tore off the wrapping and gasped. It was a photo frame for a normal sized photo, but the frame was almost four inches wide and an inch thick. It was a dark copper colour with light yellow and orange specks covering the surface. You could easily tell that everything was hand-carved and -painted. But that wasn't what was the most exquisite about it. The picture was. It was of me and my mom. I usually kept it in my copy of Lesley Pearse's Hope, since it was my favourite book and picture.
“How did you...?” My fingers gently touched the picture through the glass.
“I saw the book last night before we went out and I could see the edge of the photo sticking out. I took a quick peek at it while you weren't looking and Rico and I decided that a present would make you feel more at home, and what better to make you feel at home, than a piece of home?”
I set the picture down carefully on the desk and hugged Nicky again.
“Thank you so much! For everything! You are really an amazing person!” Someone cleared their throat from the doorway. We both turned to look at Paul standing there, wrapped in only a very small towel. He had the body of an Adonis.
"Am I interrupting?” He asked.
Nicky went to sit down on the bed, adoring Paul's body with his eyes.
“No, you're not interrupting.” He sighed and his eyes never went to Paul's face, straying from his bared torso to his bare legs.
“Cut it out Nicky. I like what you've done with the room Babe.”
He looked around the room quickly, still leaning against the doorframe.
“This is all Nicky.” I said as I waved a hand towards the newly decorated space.
“Cool. I just wanted to check on you Lee, to see if you didn't die of shock or a heart attack after my little display. Good to see you're still standing.” He walked across the hall to his room and the door slammed behind him. I could hear Kate's music start up again, but strange enough, I was already used to it, just like Paul said I would be.
“Oh.... well, that kind of explains our little tomato from earlier.” Nicky said.
“You were blushing like crazy when you entered the room honey and I want to know why. Don't forget the details. I simply live for details!” I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the bed to sit down next to him. Why I thought, even for one second, Nicky wouldn't notice?

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