Chapter 6 : "As Good As It Gets." (1997)

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Okay... so I only noticed it now that there was a mix-up in the chapters... Really sorry bout that, but it is fixed now so let's hope this cuts out the confusion...

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I caught a bit of traffic, as usual, making me twenty minutes late. Nicky was almost jumping up and down on his seat, when I walked in. I wasn't even at the table yet when he started talking.
“Thank god you're here!! I almost started biting my nails and I got a Mani only yesterday!” Nicky exclaimed as  I sat down and ordered a Latte.
“Dish girl!! I want to know everything. What he said, what you said, body language, facial expressions and don't you dare edit anything!” I laughed and started telling him about our near-paparazzo incident, he only knew about our escape out the front door. We dissected the drive in the cab, the climbing of the stair, the coffee making, the conversation, the silent pauses. Everything. After that I had to go into the body language. It was almost twelve, three Latte's later, when I was done.
“Okay, so what about this morning? Where did you sleep?” He gasped.
“Where did he sleep?” I grimaced.
“We both fell asleep on the couch. I'm not sure at what time, but I woke up when Johnny came in at half past eight.” Nicky was thoughtful for a moment.
“What were your positions? On the couch?” I blushed as he gave the sentence a sexual undertone.
“He was lying behind me, my head was on his one arm and his other arm was around my waist.” My blush deepened and I smiled down at my empty Latte cup. It had felt really good to wake up like that.
“Oh.” Nicky sighed. “This is so romantic!!” He ordered a glass of mineral water. “So, then what happened?”
“Well, we both took a shower. Separately.” I quickly added as I saw the mischief in his eyes.
“Then he...” I smiled again “He promised he'll come back. I threw my arms around his neck,” -blush- “and he didn't let go of me until I was inside the cab.” I couldn't tell him about the other stuff, it was kind of intimate, well to me it was. I didn't want to share that with anyone but Taylor.
“You're editing aren't you? Oh my god! You are totally editing! No fair Lee...” Luckily for me, his almost-scene was interrupted by the shrill ring of his cellular. “Hey babe.” He said in a soft, seductive voice. Rico.
“What? Oh my goddess of glamour!! Get out! Seriously?” I just zoned out, probably another celebrity scandal. Just as I relaxed back in my chair, I felt a knot from at the pit of my stomach. I quickly sat upright as Nicky said my name. “Yeah, we're having coffee right now.” He gasped and literally jumped up and down on his seat.
“The front page?!” He squealed in delight.
“We're on our way!!” He slammed the phone down, threw a couple of notes on the table and grabbed my hand.
“Honey! You ain't gonna believe it until you see it!” We were already out of the Starbucks and halfway down the busy street. He was heading straight for the news stand and I felt even worse. My mouth went dry and Could feel the beads of sweet forming at the back of my neck. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the hot summers morning or the marathon pace Nicky was dragging me down the street with.
“I'll take the Post, the Times and the DHS. The guy handed him the two papers and the largest gossip magazine in New York. I tried to get a glimpse of the photo's but Nicky clutched them beneath his arm and dragged me towards Central Park. We sat down on a bench and a few seconds later, Rico sat down on my other side. Nicky handed each of us a paper, keeping the magazine for himself. I stared at the front page of the Times, but I didn't notice anything important. The headlines was about some senator having an affair.
“What am I looking for?” I asked, confused but his excitement.
Nicky pointed to the bottom of the page and went back to his own reading. Rico was already ducked behind his paper. I saw a small picture of Taylor, handsome in a tuxedo, beneath the picture was only one line.
Robert Marx. New York Affair, page 6.
I quickly went to page six and folded the paper in half for easier handling.  There it was in big black letters.

"Robert Marx - in love in New York."

"Yesterday, 22nd June, Robert Taylor Marx booked into the Peninsula 5-star hotel in Downtown Manhattan. The MTV Award winning actor, aged 26, was seen at JFK in the early morning hours. Obviously arriving in New York with former co-stars and close friends. The group of about ten rich and famous, twenty-somethings, all booked in at the Plaza hotel. At approximately nine-thirty yesterday evening they left the hotel, for a spot of New York clubbing. They went to various clubs, including the 5-star ranked Stone Creek Bar and Lounge between 3rd and Lexington. At a quarter to eleven, half of the group emerged, calling a taxi and heading for the third club of the evening, Stalking Prey. One of our photographers managed to get past the security with his camera and was shocked to find Marx, carrying a crate of beer to the counter. He was chatting with local bartender, dancer and DJ, Lee Black. 22 year old Black is a part-time bartender at the Stalking Prey and some nights she takes over the DJ Booth. She also caused quite the scene with fellow dancers Nicholas Du Tout and Rico Martinez. The three-some have been performing at the Stalking Prey for almost three months. Marx was constantly watching Black and even followed her into the storage room, an insider reveals. They emerged twenty minutes later, Marx carrying the crate for Black. They had a drink together, before Marx returned to his party in the VIP section. However, he returned to Black's side after a while, and the couple seemed to get pretty cosy in the DJ booth. They were seen leaving together at approximately 02h45am, rumours have been making the rounds that they spend the rest of the night in Black's apartment in Manhattan. Marx will be in the city of New York until Sunday 27 June for the Premier of his new film, The Open Door, which will be taking place on Friday the 25 June."

The article only went on a few lines after that, talking about his film and the upcoming Premier on Friday night. I sat very quiet, not moving. That's when my eye caught the picture. How could I have missed it? It consisted of the entire upper-half of the page. It was definitely of Taylor and I suppose it was me standing next to him, it didn't really look like me. The lighting in the club threw a shadow over half of my face, I only recognized myself by my clothing. He was looking down at me, I only barely reached his shoulder. We were smiling at each other, but the picture made it look like we were, like madly in love. I thought about last night, when could they have taken the photo? Then I remembered that bright flash. I thought it was the lights, but Taylor's reaction to it...
"Honey, you're like almost famous!" I looked up at Nicky who had a grin across his face that was almost as wide as the Mississippi. I looked at Rico, he was at least more serious, frowning in disapproval.
“What does yours say?” I asked as I threw the Times on Nicky's lap and grabbed the post from Rico.
“Basically the same as the Times, only they have a different picture and they have 'inside info' that he did spend the night in your apartment, but they don't know when he left, because the article had to go in for press.”
I was stunned. The article was along the same lines as the other one. The picture was probably taken as we got into the cab, you could see me already inside, Taylor was half turned back towards the camera, his body sort of blocking the view. You couldn't make me out at all, only my silhouette. Thank goodness for that. In both papers you couldn't really recognize me. Sigh.
“Oh honey, it only gets better. Here.” Nicky said and passed me the DHS. There on the front page, Taylor and this time you could really see me. I was looking right at the camera, only I didn't know it. Taylor was slightly behind me, his one hand on my waist and he was scowling at the camera. That was when I followed his gaze last night, when I wondered why he was frowning. Well, at least now I knew. At the bottom of the page, in bright red letters.

"Robert's new woman. Victim or Vixen?"

“Are you kidding me?” I shrieked, making Nicky jump.
“What's the matter darling?” I looked at him through narrowed eyes.
“The matter? The matter?!” I was almost yelling.
I stood up quickly and started pacing in-front of them.
“Chillax drama-queen! You're repeating and you know how that irritates me.” He put two fingers up to his temple, feigning a headache.
“Nicky. Look at me. You know me the best. Do you think I want to be over all the papers and magazines? Do you think I want to be stamped as Taylor's latest 'woman'?” I made inverted commas with my fingers, my hands curling into angry helpless fists at my sides.
“No you don't, but face it darling. You're not going to be able to hide from this one. It'll be better just to, well, ride the wave.” he motioned with his hands.
I sat down again taking a few deep breaths. I shouldn't take this out on them, they're being as supported as a gay intro- and extroverted couple could be. The article couldn't be that bad, could it? I read the front page again. No it couldn't be that bad.
It could be worse.
I paged to the article. One entire page was a very similar picture to the front page picture. Big bright letters named the article.

"Robert Marx's New York woman."
It was sub-headed.

"But who's the victim? Heartthrob Robert or this funky DJ from Manhattan? We've got the scoop that'll make you sit on the edge of your seat."

JFK Airport, 9h30 am, Tuesday 22 June. Hollywood hotness, Robert Taylor Marx touches Big Apple soil for the first time in six months. He arrived with a group of friends, including ex-co-star Kevin Speed. Our favourite young celebrity arrived a few days early for his Premier of his latest blockbuster, The Open Door. But his premier isn't what is making the headlines, his late-night clubbing with his latest crush is. Robert booked in at the Peninsula hotel with his friends and shortly after they enjoyed the hotel's five-star dinner, they left in a black Limo to enjoy our city's fine nightlife. A few of them left the Stone Creek at a quarter to eleven, Robert and Kevin were amongst the group. They got a taxi and went to the new club, Stalking Prey in Upper Manhattan. Known for their exotic cocktails and their amazing dancers, the club is most popular over weekends.

It was there Robert set eyes on his latest crush, Lee Black. According to an inside source, Lee was working behind the bar when the party arrived, not paying much attention to the group who was escorted straight to the VIP section. She participated in a breath taking dance routine with Nicholas Du Tout and Rico Martinez, a choreographer on Broadway. Our insider revealed that Robert couldn't keep his eyes off Lee and even followed her into the club's storage room after her performance. They were out of sight for more than half-an hour. When they returned to the public eye, hair was ruffled and clothes slightly out of place, but Robert was the perfect gentleman, carrying a crate for Lee. If that was their cover for their disappearance, we have only one comment. It took you long enough to get that one crate!

As Lee went to take over the DJing for the rest of the night, Robert returned to his party in VIP, but not before he and Lee had a drink together and chatted for while. "They seemed to be really comfortable with each other, Lee even introduced him to her other friends later." Our insider told us with a smile. Robert just couldn't stay away from her, however. He joined her an hour later in the DJ booth and they looked quite smitten with each other joking and laughing the whole time. Robert's party left the club at half past two and was spotted in Times Square - without Robert. So here's the big scoop...

Paparazzi was waiting in the back alley for Robert and Lee to emerge, but they got fooled as the couple sneaked out the front and quickly got into a cab.

We snapped a couple of shots, trying to spot the beautiful Lee, but Robert kept her firmly out of sight of the camera's, or so he thought. We got one of them driving in the taxi, and finally we can see what the fuss is all about. Lee is funky, sexy and absolutely gorgeous for someone who isn't rich and famous. Our photographer followed them to Lee's apartment building, where they both got out and went inside. Robert didn't come out and we assume that he stayed the night as he wasn't seen at the hotel until eleven am the next morning. Is our favourite Hollywood actor whipped or is he just making the best of his time in New York? Is the young wild-card, Lee Black, a vixen, trying to grab her fifteen minutes of fame or is she just as smitten with Robert as the rest of us. One thing we know for sure, we'll be watching Robert and his new romantic development with hawk-eyes from now on. He'll be appearing on The Late Show with Dave Letterman tonight. Maybe he'll spill the beans then, we might even get a glimpse of Lee in the crowd. Or will she be waiting backstage? We'll have to wait and see.

For more info on Robert's latest film, page 15, for more pictures of his partying last night, go to our website :
Follow-up report in tomorrow's Special Edition DHS - Hottest Gossip in Town!

I looked at the photo's inserted in the article, there was one where we were in
the club standing close together, one where he helped me of the bar, one of the taxi driving away but you could clearly see both of us, looking at each other. Taylor looked relaxed as he laughed and I was looking at him like he was the most perfect thing. Which he was... sigh. Then there was a picture of us getting out of the cab, and the last one where we both were entering the apartment building. All the photo's had subheadings, with suggestive remarks in the undertones. I closed it and threw it towards the dustbin. I missed it and it landed with a dull thud on the floor. With an exasperated sigh I stood up and threw it into the dustbin. I stood there for a while looking into the dustbin, thinking about what Taylor said last night about the tabloids and I understood now hat he had meant. I know what's true and what's 'rumours'. I heard his voice so clearly it was like he was right here next to me. And I smiled because I know what really happened last night and I could just laugh at the rest. I turned back to Rico and Nicky who was watching me warily.
“Come on. I have an idea.” I told putting action to the words.
They shared a quick look and stood up quickly. We walked toward the entrance of the park again.
“Cancel all your plans for the day, call in sick at work. We're going to go drink cocktails and celebrate my fifteen minutes of fame.” Nicky frowned in confusion.
“What?” his voice trailed away weakly, but still with a slight edge to it.
“You heard me. Besides, Taylor told me last night, he dealt with the tabloids by laughing, because he knew what was true and what not. I'm not going to laugh, I'm going to drink.” I announced with a smile.
Nicky looked totally lost and Rico looked at me like I was crazy.
“Why do you want to drink?” I sighed and turned back them. They both looked so adorable, for once not knowing what to say, think or do. I bit my lip and looked down at my feet.
“Because I want the stories to be true.”
One sentence sent them both into giggles, jumps and screams at the same time.
“You love him!” Nicky said in his seductive voice, usually reserved for Rico only.
“I have a crush on him.” I rolled my eyes. Nicky and his fairy tale life.
“But half the world has a crush on him!” I threw my hands into the air helplessly and turned towards the road to hail a cab.
'Honey!” Nicky took my arm as Rico held open the door for us.
“You've got a head start on the rest of the half of the world!” I rolled my eyes again and shook my head.
“How so?” I asked and Nicky laughed and lifting his hand in a victorious gesture.
“Did he or didn't he promise to come back?” His voice was confident, his shoulders straight. I blushed as Nicky laughed again, after a while Rico joined him and I finally couldn't resist and enjoyed the moment with them. He did, didn't he?
“By the way,” Rico said when we quietened down again.
“You owe me a magazine.” We turned the corner at my apartment and there where a dozen people gathered outside the door.
“Whoa. What is going on?” I tried to see if I could see an ambulance or fire truck or something, but everything else seemed pretty normal. We got out and I was stunned. It was photographers! They snapped their cameras and questions rained down on me from all sides. Was this a buck felt that got caught in a car's headlights? I just wanted to run away! Rico and Nicky quickly helped me get inside, while cameras flashed endlessly. We were out of breath as the elevator doors closed. Thank goodness it was back in working order!
I looked at Nicky and Rico with huge eyes.
“Don't look so.... so...” Nicky couldn't find the right words as I shifted my weight to my other leg. Trembling from head to toe, trying to ignore my wet palms.
“Scared shitless?” I finished his sentence for him.
“Yeah. It wasn't that bad, was it?” I gave him a sceptical look and for once, Rico sided with me, looking at Nicky with one perfectly sculpted, upraised eyebrow.
“Okay, okay. It was a bit intense, but it could be worse.” He just wouldn't give up. He was always caught in his rainbow land.
We stepped out of the elevator and walked the few steps to my flat.
“How can it be...” I broke of mid-sentence as I opened the door of the apartment. “...worse?” I finished weakly as my gaze went over the interior of the flat. There were flowers on almost every surface of the flat. Two on the kitchen counter top, a large bouquet in a beautiful vase on the kitchen table and another arrangement was on the coffee table.

“Oh... my... god!” was all Nicky managed to get out.

There we stood, all three of us stunned into silence. Johnny came out of his room, he had obviously just showered. He was only wearing a towel, his torso bare and still glistening with water, his hair dark black in it's wetness.
“Whoa!” He came to a sudden stop.

His hands going up to cover his chest as he saw Rico and Nicky.
“Um, I'll just go and put on some clothes.” Nicky took a step closer to him, Johnny matching his steps, only in a different direction.
“Oh please. Don't mind us!” His eyes wandered over Johnny's bared torso appreciatively.

“Yeah. Right.” Johnny had the same expression that I had in the elevator. He quickly disappeared back into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. We heard the infinite click of the key turning in the lock and we spluttered with laughter.
“Shame on you Nicky! Poor Johnny will never come out of his room again today.” I sobered as I looked at the flowers. Rico stepped closer.
“Come on Chi-ca. Read the cards.” he gestured towards kitchen.
For the first time I noticed the cards in all the arrangements. I decided to call Nina first, I was afraid of getting side-tracked by the flowers and the cards, they seemed to be screaming at me now. READ US!!! Nina was very understanding, telling me to take the rest of the week off, as it hasn't been that busy and they have some professor coming in for special guided tours over the weekend, meaning that one of the guides would have to sit out anyways. She was really the best boss ever!! After I hung up and walked over to the first arrangement to pick up the card and quickly read it.

'I know what's true and what's rumours. T'

I smiled. Looks like he remembered last night in the same clarity as I did.

'It's all really ridiculous, ignore it all. I hope you're not mad.
Remember my promise.'

My smile widened. He was adorable, probably sending flowers after he heard or read something else in some paper or tabloid.

'Call me at the hotel later. I want to know if you're okay.
PS: I would have called, don't have your number though.'

I laughed at the third message. The fourth bouquet wasn't from Taylor, it was from Melissa. I frowned as I quickly read the message.

'For making the headlines. I know it wasn't intentional, but you have the night off for it anyway. Just come by the club tonight. I'm sure there'll be people who wants to see you. Bring your new man candy along. That'll put the club on the map for real.

Man! She was a bitch! Only thinking about herself, her club and getting free publicity. I gave the cards to Nicky and Rico and their expression were really entertaining. Rico looked like he was actually going to start crying and Nicky was dancing around the apartment humming to himself.
“It's so romantic. Him sending you flowers to reassure you, wanting to know if you're okay.” He sighed. “It's like a fairy tale.”
I walked over and handed him the card from Melissa.
“Yeah. Scene three, act two: enters the wicked witch.” I told them.
Rico came over to his side and read the few lines and they both made a kind of hissing sound through their clenched teeth.
“Don't worry about that. We all know how she is. It's no biggy, we were going to the club anyway, remember? To drink cocktails.” I started towards my room.
“Do me favour, I have to get changed, take this arrangement to the Peninsula.” I picked up an arrangement in a basket, one with bright coloured blooms and handed it to Rico.
“But that's all the way downtown!” he protested.
“For Mr. Robert Taylor Marx and meet me at the club in three hours.” I continued as if I wasn't interrupter. He fell silent almost as soon as I finished saying Robert. It was funny... I picked up a piece of paper and quickly scribbled a message for Taylor on it.

'Didn't want to be the only one with an embarrassing display of flowers.
Now you have my number you can call me.'

I folded the paper twice and then scribbled on the outside.


“You have to give this to him personally. Go to the counter and tell the receptionist that Lee is there to see Taylor. He's expecting a call so they'll either call him down to the foyer, or they'll send you up to his room.”
Nicky looked psyched at going to see a celebrity, Rico looked kind of excited, but he dealt with celebrities on Broadway. Of course none of them are nearly as famous as Taylor, but still.
“Okay. The club in three hours?” Rico asked to be sure.
I nodded and just as I reached the door I remembered one vital detail.
“Wait!” They both spun around. “What am I going to wear?!”
The arrangement went back to the kitchen counter and they both dragged me off to my room.

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