Chapter 19 : "Something Borrowed." (2011)

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Two hours later we made our appearance downstairs. Sue, Lucy and Kristie was already busy preparing the feast for that afternoon. I could hear the kids playing outside and I assumed that Tom, Julius and Sam were somewhere in the barn doing something farmy.
“Do you guys need an extra pair of hands?” I asked as I we stepped into the kitchen.
“That would be lovely dear.” Sue smiled up from dough she was kneading.
“Okay, just tell me what to do.” Lucy handed me a bucket full of vegetables.
“They need to be skinned and chopped for the Turkey.”
“You just had to give me the worst chore didn't you?” I grumbled as I sat down at the kitchen table next to Kristie. She smiled at me.
“Lucy always passes the veggies on to someone else and takes the fun jobs for herself.”
“Is there fun stuff to do?” I asked surprised.
“Sure there is!” Lucy said from the other side of the table. “I get to decorate the cake!”
I wondered what concoction she was busy with. It looked like icing something chocolaty and some kind of toffee all mixed together. Yum!!
“Okay when Selena picks up a knife, I'm out of here!” He kissed me quickly on the mouth, smothering my indignant “hey” with his lips. By the time the door closed behind him I didn't know where to look and I could feel the blush burning my cheeks.
“Hey Lee, mom always says red tomato's should be kept in the fridge.” Lucy told me matter-of-factly. I stuck my tongue out and started skinning the veggies. We spent most of the morning in the kitchen preparing the dinner and after that Kristie and Sue started making lunch for the men. Lucy and I got send into town  to run a few last minute errands for Sue. We took Julius' cruiser and drove the twenty miles to town in record time as Lucy was being a bit more reckless now that she wasn't risking her precious Mazda.
Outside the post office a women stopped Lucy.
“Is that really you? Gosh but didn't you grow up fast!” I spluttered at the innuendo. She made it sound like Lucy was some toddler who was growing up so fast. I felt sure that she'd have pinched Lucy's cheek just like old people do. The look on Lucy's face must have warned her not to. Why is this whole thing so ridiculous? Maybe because the crazy lady was about 26 and she talked to Lucy like Lucy was twelve or something.
“Anna-Maria. How are you?” Lucy's eyes were cold despite her smiling face.
“I go by Marie now.” She told Lucy snobbishly as she swung her hair over her shoulder.
I suppressed a snort. Queen Bee acted like she was some kind of royalty. Here was a perfect example of the High School Head-Cheerleader and I was guessing the town's beauty queen since she was three.
“Oh, in that case Marie, let me introduce my friend Lee. Lee, this is Marie.” I held out my hand, but she just looked at it, her own hand clutching her hand bag. It was a fake Prada.
“Pleased, I'm sure.” She murmured looking me up and down.
I was wearing my Allstars, tight-fitting faded grey jeans and my new black Tiffany sweater. My hair was in its usual disarray, the curls where almost out of control after this morning shower... Blush! I didn't feel the need to put on any make-up, so my face was bare except for my cheeks, which were slightly pink because of the chilly wind. I could see Miss Marie checking me out, obviously comparing me with herself. I probably looked like some wild-child next to her. Unfortunately for her, I had hawk eyes when it came to fashion and I was an expert even if I wasn't particularly fond of all the trends. She was wearing dark blue jeans, with wide pipes – 2007 thank you very much. The classic red coat, which I could complement her on, I also had one back home. And – tsk tsk tsk – Armani shoes, obviously not recently bought, 2003, maybe 2004 collection. It was sad, really. I could sympathize with her, coming from a town very similar to this one.
“Marie and Taylor went to school together.” Lucy brought me up to date.
“Really? That's nice.” I murmured.
That explained both girls' barely disguised bitchiness. It wasn't hard to figure out that Marie must have liked Taylor, maybe they even dated and I don't think Lucy approved much. I didn't either, but that was besides the point. I was jealous and couldn't judge.
“Yes it is isn't it.” Marie really had to practice her fake smile! “I like your hair Lu.”
“It's Lee.” Okay there goes my sympathy.
“Sorry.” She apologized insincerely. “It's very.... interesting.” She observed.
And there goes my patience and my temper. I remembered an article way back when.
“Taylor likes it so...” I trailed off and shrugged.
“Taylor?” All the fake smiles disappeared and you could see actual interest in her eyes.
Lucy snorted and quickly covered it with a cough.
“Yes. We're kind of an unofficial item. Don't tell anyone though.” I winked and placed my finger on my lips. To say she was stunned was the understatement of the decade!
“I thought he was seeing that supermodel?” She asked quickly.
“Do you really believe everything those gossip magazines write?” Lucy asked coldly.
She took my arm. “Come on Lee. Mom's waiting for that brandy. See you Marie.”
As we walked away Lucy muttered to me. “You were brilliant! Did you see her face? Oh and by the way, the same goes for you.” I blinked in confusion.
“About believing everything the tabloids say.” She said as she started the cruiser.
“Don't you go get anymore crazy ideas about me and your brother Lucy!” I warned her quickly. “Your bedroom trick almost worked, but pull one more stunt this weekend and I'm walking back to New York!”
I wasn't going to think about what's going on between me and Taylor, but whatever it is, it's not going to be forced by anyone. It's got to happen on it's own, whatever is going to happen. Crap! I wanted to hit head against the dashboard at my own stupidity! I was already hoping that we could work something out and that's the one thing that had hurt me the most last time. It wasn't because Taylor left me, although that was bad as hell, but the worst part of it was that he crushed all my hopes and dreams. How could I, against my better judgment, once again be hoping!
“Aw come on Lee!! Don't be like that! I was just trying to help out!”
“We don't need your help!” I turned in my seat to look out the window at the passing landscape. Lucy grumbled something that soundly very similar to “tell that to someone who believes it.”
On both sides of the road, for as far as the eyes could see, were crop fields.
It was so vastly different from Gilbertsville and yet somehow the same. It was peaceful but it didn't give me the same soothing and relaxing feeling I felt in New York. Yeah, I know it's the city that never sleeps. The constant hum of traffic and the sirens and all that stuff is a part of it all. Part of my home. I missed New York today! I wasn't sure if I could cope with the whole happy family thing. I haven't had a real family Thanksgiving since mom died, Aunt Victoria never went to any trouble and we had our formal dinner just like every other ordinary day. Taylor's family was like that kids show. Barney the Dinosaur – I love you and you love me and we're a happy family and all that crap.
How am I supposed to just go along with it all if I don't even know what a real happy big family was? Back on the farm, we got out of the cruiser and we carried everything into the house. Lucy almost immediately started decorating the cake we made this morning, Kristie was busy making sure the kids were eating their food and Sue was putting out plates for lunch.
“Can I help you with something Sue?” I asked as she bustled past me.
“You can go and get the men out of that bloody barn! I've called them five times already, but they're busy with the broken tractor and how do get men to leave an engine alone?” She threw up her hands and went about her way again in the kitchen, carrying the trays of food through to the dining-room.
“Don't worry, I'll go get them.” I told her confidently as I walked out the front door and headed towards the barn. If there's one thing I've learned from living with Johnny it's that threatening a man is the best way to get something out of them. You just needed the right leverage! I peeked the around the huge barn door.
“Hey guys!”
I an inaudible mumble and I wasn't even sure if it was directed at me. All four of them were bent of the uplifted hood of the tractor, their hands blackened with grease and oil.
“What's you up to?” I leaned against the door frame, folding my arms across my chest.
Another uncomprehending mumble. Time to draw out the big guns.
“Hey Sue said that if you don't come in for lunch now you won't get any Thanksgiving dinner.” Works like a charm!
They all straightened and headed off to the house immediately. I dragged along a few feet behind them, conscious that Taylor was still in the Barn, putting away all the tools. He caught up to me quick, grabbing me from behind and swinging me up into the air. I was trapped so deep in my thoughts – they were along the same lines as this morning in the car – that I was immediately mad at Taylor.

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