Chapter 12

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Elias p.o.v

I blew another small ball of bright blue flames in boredom. I've been on house arrest in this tiny recovery room for longer than I can count. I lost remembrance after day three... I think. Doc says I'm not allowed to move for another five days, or I might rip the stitches out and get gangrene- whatever that is. The metal door made a loud creak that broke the otherwise perpetuate silence that ruled the space, and Snow stepped through. She's the only other person to come see me besides Doc.

"Hey, I brought food." She used her foot to close the door and sets the tin tray on the foot of the bed before sitting on the mattress as well.

"Thanks Snow. I think I'd lose my mind down here if you didn't come around to keep me sane. By the way, did Reine ever find that person who tried killing us a few nights ago?" Snow shook her fiery head no.

"She was amazed at how they got in without tripping the alarms, not to mention that they knew exactly where you were." I lightly shrug and tore the bread in half, offering her the half that wasn't already halfway down my throat. She took it with a pink blush and ripped off tiny bits of the loaf, rolled them into even smaller balls, and tossed them into her mouth.

"So, Doc says you can leave the recovery room soon. A few more days actually." I felt myself numbly nod and I swallowed the bite of bread and took a drink of cold water. A few more days left with her...

"Do you think I could at least get out of this godforsaken room? I mean, if I was in Hell, this would be it." Snow lightly smiled and stepped over to an intercom system.

"Hey, Doc, is it alright if Peter showers? He smells like a Jabber." She smiled over at me when she said her snarky comment, making me stick out my tongue like a child. Doc talked back through the speaker, voice cracked and riddled with static.

"I guess. Make it fast, though." Snow rolled her eyes and pulled open the door, the fresh air wafting in, reaching my nose and inciting the primal Dragon desire in me to use my speed to escape into the wind and fly. I fought down the urge and followed Snow into the main section of the Base. Everyone avoided my eyes as I stalked through to the Rinse Room.

The sound of high-pitched giggling told me that most of the girls were in the shower, so I gently knocked on the original bathroom beside theirs and slipped in. The electricity still worked, as did the water. I quickly shower and- after ensuring that nobody could see under the door- used white fire to dry off. My shirt was useless and ripped, so I pulled on everything but and stepped out shirtless. The wounds I've suffered had mostly healed and left white scars behind.

"Who let you out?" The angry voice of Reine caught my ears as she spoke from the opening into the living area. I smirked and pretended sarcasm, all the while raging and boiling and itching to wrap my hands around her neck and watch as she suffocated, the last thing to see being the neon blue Dragon eyes I'd undoubtedly have.

"The prisoner Fairies, of course. What's it matter to you?" She sneers and walks past me into the Rinse Room with the other girls. I roll my eyes and growl lowly under my breath as I stalked through the living room again and into the kitchen to eat something other than the weird stuff I've been eating for the last few days to speed up the healing process. They apparently want me gone and as quick as humanly possible.

In the middle of making a sandwich, I felt someone gently press against my conscience. It seemed kind of familiar.... mom! I let her enter then closed the barriers to ensure that nobody around me could hear our conversation, though I doubt it.

"Elias Peter Ren! Where have you been! Do you have any idea how long you've been gone?! Your father and I have been worried about you!" I involuntarily cringe against her voice as it rang through my skull.

"Mom, I'm fine, I promise. I just took a trip to Earth and haven't been able to get back. For some odd reason, my powers are starting to wan here. Even going Dragon hurts. And how long have I been gone? It's only been a few days here and I know time is different than home."

"You've been gone for almost a month! And the whole power drainage is odd, that never happened to your grandfather or I. Maybe Peter knows or has an idea." I wait for them to switch places in my mind. Mother and father's presences are very distinct. Mother has a deep, ancient wisdom mixed with the flaming intensity of a strong Dragon, while father was dark and mysterious and old but not as old as mother. And definitely not grandpa, he's eons older than anyone could ever guess.

"So, your mother tells me you're on Earth."

"You don't seem very surprised about it dad."

His deep, mysterious chuckle sounded in my mind.

"Elias, I'm Peter Pan. There's nothing that happens on my island without me knowing about it. What's this I hear about you losing power?"

"Yeah, every time I use it, I can't seem to replenish like usual. And becoming a Dragon hurts afterwards. Do you have any ideas why?" Dad was silent for a while in deep thought.

"I can't really think of why this is happening. Unless... Where are you at? The town?"

"I think it's Storybrooke, Maine. Why?"

"The people there are more than likely descendents of the people of the Enchanted Forest. We didn't get along well back then so it would make sense that you're affected by the magic that swirls around that place. Just be careful and don't do anything incredibly stupid. I'll see what I can do about you not being able to get home."

I thanked him and had to spend another thirty minutes assuring mom I was perfectly fine. After they both left, I put my plate in the sink and went off in search of a complete, clean shirt.

"Hey, Peter, I have a shirt for you in here!" Calls out Snow from a room I haven't seen before. I follow her in and she hands me a black tee-shirt before sitting on the bed along the far wall. I tug it on and sit beside her in silence, unable and unwilling to say anything even remotely close to goodbye. But we both know it's going to have to happen sooner or later, no need to make it hurt worse than it should.

"Look, Snow, we both know this is going to have to happen, so we might as well get it over with." She visibly clinches and stares at the carpeted ground sadly.

"I know, I just don't want to say it. Makes it feel like you're never coming back." I reach out and gently wipe away a stray tear from her cheek before softly lifting her chin to look at me.

"I'll always come back to you, Snow. Whenever you need me."

"How? You're not allowed to come back. And how do I know you'll actually return?" I hold up a finger and put my other one behind my back so she won't see me use my magic. She giggles and waits for me to move my hand back. I make a magical necklace with a small pendant and place it around her neck.
"What is this for, Elias?"

"Whenever you need me, just lift this to the sun and say my name, alright. And no matter where I am, I'll always come running. Promise." She opened her mouth to say something, but her sentence was shut down by someone opening the door. Reine. She was cold and distant, eyes blank and emotionless.

"I'm sorry Snow, but it's time."

Down to Earth~ Sequel to Peter Pan's Dragon GirlWhere stories live. Discover now