it hurts!

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neil has no idea about sam's real identity.
that's why..after he heard it from sam.he suddenly walk he wanna go to hell.
after he entered the toilet.
he punched the wall until his hands was broke.bloodstains on the floor.
but neil cant feel the pain on his wounded was his heart who was bleeding that time.he cant accept the fact that the girl he was dreaming of has a heart of a man.
"why sam?...why??!!"...after being a masochist inside the toilet..he just skip his class.he dont want sam to see his broken hands.
he just give an alluby to his mom that he wasnt feeling well.
lucky for him..his mom didnt notice those hands.
upon reaching his room.he looked at his hand..
it was totally swelling..
"what the heck almost cut your hands.."
he did self medication.apply a betadine and cover with a bandage.
that night..his bestfriend texted him..but he didnt manage to reply..
"im sorry sam...i still dont know what to say.."
he said to himself..
it was almost 3 days. neil still not attending his class.
he just leave the house wearing his uniform.but he would never enter the school.
but one day..sam caught neil entering the computer shop.she ran towards neil and grab his bag..
"what the! let go of my bag..!"
"neil. ? what are you doing huh?..your absent for almost a week then ill see you here? at the gaming shop?"
"so what is it for you huh?"
"neil? what's happening to you?"
"please sam..quit acting like my mom...i dont need your can go now!"
"no..!.. i will just go if youll come with me.."
"you crazy? didnt you heard what i said? i want you out of my life!!..i dont need you!!"
sam was on her teary eyes..
she let go of neil's bag and ran away.
neil sat down on the ground scratching his head.
"you did the right thing neil..stop thinking about her.she's a tom.and staying close to her..will just hurt you.."
said neil just to relief himself.
sam was crying while running away.she didnt expect neil to do that.but he did.sam has so many question's on her mind.telling why neil was acting like that.if she did something wrong so neil would be angry to her.
she really dont have the idea that neil has a secret feelings to her.and that's the reason why neil was pushing her away.

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