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sam was on her private room.. it was paid by zee..
sam wake up but still cant move..
"hey..superman..dont move.."
sam look around and there was her friends.. and neil who look so worried..
"i cant move my neck.."
"that's good.. your so heroic saving aom all by yourself."
"listen to your papa sam..haha"
that was nan. she was a sarcastic kind of tom..
"shut up nan"
said zee who was also serious
while looking at sam.
"im sorry..i just cant help watching them harassing aom."
"aha!.that's love men.."
"love? doesnt kill you.."
said neil..
"what do you know about love neil?"
neil recognize that voice..he turn his sight to the door and it was fern..
"how are you sam?"
"im a little bit did you know fern?"
"my uncle said.."
"your uncle??"
"yes. i mean your prof.."
everyone was just watching one wants to talk..
when pin open the door with a food on her..
"oh...fern? youre here?"
"you know here?"
ask neil to pin..
"yes..she was aom's cousin.."
neil choke up while looking at sam..
"okey?! there someone here also connected to them?"
it was neil who ask..
he thought that fern was also with aom..and they made this planned together..
to revenge from the two bullies.

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