Chapter One

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*Skylight's POV*

"Sky, get up," I heard my mom shout. I woke up and looked at my clock. 6:30, October 1st. Hello my name is Skylight. Yes I know. My name is stupid. My parents thought it was clever. I'm 19 years old in my senior year of high school. Can't wait to get out. I only have one friend. Her name is Kelsey. I have my own car which is a 2014 mustang that is red. I'm a hooligan big time. Bruno Mars is the only reason why I'm still living. I lost my dad when I was 10. I was crossing the street, not paying attention to where I was going and a car was coming. My dad pushed me out of the way and got hit. He's my hero. I still feel like it's my fault. There's rumors going around in my school saying I killed my father because they can't get over it after 9 years. I'm also the only child. Anyways enough with my background. I got up and walked into my bathroom which is in my bedroom. I walked in there and took a shower. I put on my Bruno Mars shirt on with jeans. I got ready and went downstairs. "Hey mom." "Hi darling. Want some pancakes?" "Uh no I'm good. I have to go so I'm not late." "Okay have a great day." "Thanks you too," I said, hugging my mom. I grabbed my keys and left. I got to school at 7 cause it's takes 15 minutes for me to get ready and then it's another 15 minutes to get to school. I got inside the building, down the hall to where my grade was. All the kids were giving me dirty looks. The daily routine at my stupid school. I got to my locker. "Hey Skylight," my friend Kelsey said, walking over to me. "Hey," I said, grabbing my books out of my locker. "Yo Skylight," Carter said, walking over to me. Carter...the most annoying person in my class. He loves to pick on people. He's considered "popular" but I consider him a jackass. He doesn't like me whatsoever. "What do you want Carter?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Woah, what's with the attitude?" "What do you want?" "How's your father? Oh wait, you killed him," he said, laughing. "Leave Skylight alone," Kelsey said. "Ha, you need backup," Carter said, laughing. "Shut the fuck up Carter. I'm not afraid to beat your ass up like I did last time," I snapped. "You need to calm down. I need your homework." "I'm not giving you my homework so go fuck off," I said, closing my locker door. Carter pinned me against the locker. "You give me the homework in home room or you will be beaten," he said, letting go of me. He turned around and walked away. I ran after him and tackled him, smacking his head against the floor. "Skylight! Get off of Carter now," my teacher said, running over to me. Mrs. Willow. She's always taking Carter's side. I stood up. "You go to the principle's office now," she said, helping Carter up. "I didn't do anything," I shouted. "She tackled me for no reason," Carter said, holding his head. "Go to the office now!" "I hate this school," I shouted. I grabbed my bag and walked down the hall.

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