Chapter Eighteen

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After a while, I got up. "Please don't go," Sky said. "I have to go to the bathroom." "Okay." I walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. "How is she doing?" Kam asked. "Not that good. I feel so bad for her. I know how it feels to lose a mother. I just wish I was more help." "Bruno, you being there for her is enough help she could get," Eric said. "I wanna cheer her up." "Sing to her," Jamareo said. "I might later." I walked into the bathroom. I came back out and walked to the bedroom. Skylight looked up at me. She was still laying down. "Bruno, my chest and throat hurts badly." "It's probably from crying." Skylight sat up. "I...I just wanna leave this world." "Shh. Sky don't say that baby." I walked over to the bed and sat down front of her. "I'm sorry. I'm just a mess." "No you aren't. I know how you feel. "Bruno, my mom and dad are dead. Carter almost died. I have scars. My life is stupid." "You have me." "I know." She wrapped her arms around her legs. "When I see your face. There's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing just the way you are," I sang. Sky looked up at me. "And when you smile. The whole world stops and stares for a while. Cause girl you're amazing. Just the way you are," I sang. She smiled. "Cause they'll be no sunlight, if I lose you baby. They'll be no clear skies, if I lose you baby. Just like the clouds, my eyes would do the same. If you walk away, everyday it will rain, rain, raaaaiiinnn," I sang. "Bruno," she said, hugging me. "You're the best," she said tightening her grip. "I'm always here for you Skylight," I whispered. "Bruno, can I nap here, in your arms?" "Oh love. Of course you can." She laid her head against my shoulder. She closed her eyes. I laid us back so we were laying in bed. I fell asleep shortly after. I woke up to Skylight screaming and shaking. I quickly wrapped my arms around her. "Shhh baby what's wrong?" "C...Carter died," she said. "How?" "He killed himself cause I didn't love him." "Skylight I feel so awful." "Don't. My life is just awful," she said, sitting up. "No it's not." "Yes it is." "Just know that..." "Bruno," Eric said, barging in. "What?" "The nurse wants us to come visit Phil. They wanna talk to us." "Okay. Uh Skylight, may we borrow your car?" "Sure." We stood up. Sky grabbed my hand and we walked out. We all went to the car. Sky went inside to grabbed the keys. She went back out. We all piled into the car. Sky sat on my lap while we drove to the hospital. I know it's dangerous but whatever. We ran to Phil's room. A nurse was standing there in front of the door. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Uh Mr. Lawrence got some pretty bad injuries. His legs are broken and his arms and his back. He was so close to being paralyzed. It's gonna take a while to heal." "I guess we have to cancel the tour," I said, frowning. "Can we see him?" Brandon asked. "Of course." We walked inside. Sky held onto my arm. Phil looked at us. He had so many cuts and bruises from the accident. "H...ow," Phil said, struggling to get comfortable. "Don't move. It will help," Sky said. "This sucks," Phil said, sighing. Sky's phone rang. "Hello." She said when she answered. "W...what?" "What's wrong?" I asked. Sky just stood there, shocked. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked, shaking her. Her phone fell to the ground still in shock.

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