Chapter 50

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*Bruno's POV cont* 

I decided to go back into the hospital. I walked over to Kam, Carter, Tiara, Presley, Papa Mars, Phredley, Phil, and Skylight were in a group. I walked over to Skylight. I touched Skylight's shoulder and she turned around. "I thought you were gonna get even with Mack," Skylight snapped, crossing her arms. "Why are you so pissed about that?" I asked. "Because you were gonna kill her. Bruno, I'm just protecting you. You do realize that she knows you are just gonna want revenge back and she's waiting for you to make the next move only to try to kill you or try to hurt you," Skylight said. "She killed Olivia. How am I suppose to stand here and not do anything?" "Whatever Bruno. Do whatever your f**king heart tells you to." I sighed and wrapped my arms around Skylight. She wrapped her arms around. "I'm gonna stay right here with you sweetheart. I will not go get revenge on Mack. I promise," I said, smiling. "Can we go back home? I need rest," Skylight said, laying her head against my chest. "Okay let's go guys. After your rest, we gotta find a date for her wake and funeral," I said. "Okay." We got to the hotel and we chilled out. Me and Sky were in our bedroom. Sky was asleep. I grabbed my phone and carefully walked out of the room. I grabbed the keys and walked over to the door. "Hey, where are you going?" Kam asked. "Uh I am going to the store." "Are you sure?" Kam asked, suspiciously. "Yeah I'll see you later." "Dude I'm not stupid. I know where you are going. I'll help you." "Really?" "Yes." "Let's go," I said. We walked out of the door. We got into the car. I drove to Mack's house. We got out of the car and walked to the trunk. I opened the trunk and grabbed a gun and a knife. "Here take this," I said, handing him the knife. "Dude, why do I get the knife?" "Ugh fine." I pulled out another gun and handed it to him. I grabbed the knife and put it back in the trunk. "Does your dad know you have these in this car?" "Nope. It stays between you and me," I said, shutting the trunk. "Let's go inside," Kam said. "Okay." We walked over to the door and I kicked it down. We pointed our guns in different directions. Mack was standing 10 feet in front of me with her friends surrounding us. Their guns were pointed at us. "Bruno, we are out numbered." "I know." "Well well, I would say it's a surprise to see you but it honestly isn't," Mack said, walking up to us. I pointed my gun at Mack. "You really think you will win this fight? You are out numbered, Bruno." I sighed and put my gun on the ground. "Look, I wanna know why you killed Olivia. She did nothing wrong." "I knew she meant so much to you. And you were messing with my cousin." "Your cousin?" "Carter. He loved her so much but you just had to go and take Skylight away from him." "Look, I just want you to leave me and everyone else alone." Mack took a step forward and punched my face. I fell to the ground holding my face. "Just don't get in my way. Guys, get them out of here," Mack commanded four tough guys. Two of them grabbed me and the other two grabbed Kam. They  picked us up and threw us outside. "I thought she was gonna kill us," I said, as we walked to the car. "Yeah but she got your face pretty bad. "S**t. How bad?" "Look in the mirror." I looked into myself in my mirror and saw that my side of my face was bruised badly. "Damn, how am I suppose to cover this up so Sky doesn't see?" "Makeup." "I don't have makeup." "Let's go to the store to get some foundation and maybe some snacks so they don't get suspicious." "Okay." We went to the store and got some chips. I put foundation on my face and we got into the hotel room. "Bruno," Sky said, running over to me. "Hey baby." "Are you okay? You worried me." "I was just at the store. I'm gonna take a shower." "Okay babe." I walked into the room and grabbed a change of clothes. I got into my shower. I wiped my face and washed my hair. I felt Sky kiss the back of my shoulder. I turned around. "There's my baby." Sky's eyes widened. "Is everything okay?" Skylight gently touched my bruise. "Bruno, your face. What the f**k happened?" "I fell at the store." "Don't f**King lie to me. Tell me the truth. You didn't go see Mack, did you?" I looked at the ground and back at Skylight. "You lied to me Bruno. How could you?" "It's not a f**king big deal. Stop being a little b**ch," I snapped. "I'm done, Bruno. If you are gonna keep on lying to me and calling me a b**ch, I'm gone." "Dude, stop overreacting. Thanks for asking me if I am okay." Skylight rolled her eyes and got out of the shower. I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I got my clothes on and walked into the bedroom. Skylight changed and grabbed her suitcase. She started packing. "Babe, where are you going?" "I'm done with your s**t, Bruno." "Babe, please don't go." She walked out of the room with her suitcase. I followed. "You are being ridiculous," I said. She opened up the door and walked down the hall. "Fine, go! I never cared about you anyways," I shouted. I never saw Skylight again.


I know it's a crappy ending but I thought I should end it at Chapter 50. I will be doing a sequel to this soon. I hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks for all the reads and comments and the votes. I appreciate it :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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