Chapter Four

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*Bruno's POV*

Brandon opened up the door. "Hey Bruno. There's a girl outside named Skylight." I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it. Skylight looked up at me. She's so pretty. My face lit up. "Hey Skylight." "Hi Bruno," she said, smiling. "How are you?" "I'm good. What did you wanna talk about?" "Come in," I said, opening the door of my changing room. Skylight followed. "Sit down. Do you want anything to drink?" "No I'm okay. Thanks anyways," she said, sitting down on the couch. I grabbed a bottle of water out of my refrigerator. "Uh Skylight, this is Brandon. My body guard." "Nice to meet you," Brandon said to Skylight. "Nice to meet you too," she said. "Uh Brandon why don't you go meet up with the other hooligans," I said. "Okay. I will see you on the bus," Brandon said. He left. I walked over to Skylight and sat down next to her. "So Skylight, who's with you? Your dad?" I asked. Skylight looked down at the couch. "My dad died when I was 10," she said, softly. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." "It's okay, you didn't know," Skylight said, looking up at me. "My mom died not too long ago," I said. "I'm sorry," she said. I looked down. I saw scars on her arms. "What's this from?" I asked, rubbing my hand against her scars. "Uh it's nothing. My friend is waiting for me," Skylight said, standing up. "Don't go. I'm sorry for bringing it up. I hate seeing a hooligan cut," I said, standing up. Skylight looked at me. I walked over to Skylight and gave her a big hug. "Everything will be okay," I said, holding her tightly. She held me tightly as well. Skylight's phone went off. She let go of me and picked up her phone. "Hello? Sorry I'm on my way," she said, hanging up her phone. "I have to go Bruno. It was nice meeting you." "Wait, can I have your number?" I asked. "Why do you want my number?" "Cause I wanna talk to you. Maybe tomorrow we could meet up." "Don't you have a concert tomorrow?" "Yes but not till that night. We could go out to lunch or something," I said, begging her. "Okay," she said, smiling. I gave her my number. "Oh wait, I have school tomorrow." "I can pick you up from school," I said, trying to find ways to see her. "You have a car?" "A rental. Yes I do." "Okay I'll just have to take the bus." "Okay I'll see you tomorrow," I said, smiling. "Okay bye," she said. "Bye." She left. I went to my tour bus. I opened up the door. I walked up the stairs. Everyone was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "You were with some girl huh?" Phil said, smirking. "Brandon! Why did you tell them?" "Sorry bro. It's hard not to," Brandon said. "Who's this girl?" Kam asked. "Her name is Skylight." "Oh that chick that you brought on stage. She's not bad looking and her voice is like an angel," Eric said. "I know," I said, smiling. "Woah you have a crush on her," Eric said. "No I don't," I said, blushing. "Do you even know how old she is?" Phil asked. "No. I don't," I said, looking down. "Before you go on any dates with this chick, you should find out her age," Eric said. "I will I will don't worry." My phone made a sound. "There's his girlfriend now," said Kam. "Oh be quiet," I said, looking at my phone. 'Hey Bruno, it's Skylight. Thanks for an amazing night.' I added Skylight to my contacts. "Uh excuse me boys but im going to bed," I said, walking to my room. I shut my door. I laid down on my bed. 'Hey. You're welcome. You still haven't told me your story.' 'It's something I'm not proud of.' 'I won't judge,' I texted. That night I didn't hear from her. I hope I didn't scare her off. I waited and waited. I started getting nervous. I got out of my room. The boys were still hanging out on the couch. "Hey Bruno. You look worried. Is everything okay?" Eric asked, walking over to me. "Can I talk to you about something?" I asked. "Of course. Do you need to talk in private?" "Yes." "Okay let's go in your room." We went into my room. "What's up?" Eric asked, shutting the door behind him. "Tonight when Skylight was with me, I noticed that she had scars." "Scars? Like cutting scars?" "Yes. I texted her asking what her story is cause I'm curious. She hasn't replied Eric. I'm worried. What if she killed herself?" "Bruno, I'm sure she didn't. Maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it. It probably makes her cry when she does. Let her take her time. She might eventually tell you," Eric said. "You're right. I'm just so curious. I wanna know why she does." "I do too, Bruno, but you gotta let her come to you about it." "Thanks Eric. I think I'm gonna sleep so I don't worry myself sick." "Okay goodnight," Eric said, walking out. I laid down on my bed. I checked my phone to see if she texted back. Still no reply. I turned off my phone and fell asleep.

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