Chapter Twenty-Four

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*Skylight's POV*

I woke up. I looked over and Bruno wasn't next to me. I felt worse. My throat was killing me. I was so cold still. I got up but I felt dizzy. I wrapped two blankets around me and I walked out of the room. "Br..Bruno," I said, looking at him. Bruno looked at me. "Darling, what are you doing up?" "I woke up." "Baby, is your throat okay?" "No it's in pain." Bruno stood up and walked over to the fridge. He grabbed a water bottle and walked over to me. "Drink this." I drank the whole water bottle. "How's your throat now?" "It's a little better. I still feel so gross." "Go relax sweetie." "Can I stay out here?" "Of course. Lay down on the couch. I'll come over in a minute. I needa get some food in my tummy," Bruno said, rubbing his stomach and smiling. "You're such a little kid." "You know you love it." I smiled. I walked over to the couch and laid down. "You don't look good," Brandon said walking into the room. "I know." He walked over and kneeled down in front of me. He felt my head. "Hey paws off man. She's mine," Bruno said. Brandon stood up. "I was making sure she wasn't burning." "I was kidding." Bruno walked over to me. "Really? A big bowl of Doritos?" Brandon asked, laughing. "Don't judge me. I am a very hungry person." I sat up and Bruno sat down next to me. I laid my head onto his lap. He ate a few doritos. "Bruno, you are getting crumbs on me," I said, laughing. I looked up and he was looking down at me, his mouth full of Doritos. "Sorry," he tried to say. I smiled. "May I have one?" "No these are my doritos," he said, covering the bowl with his arms. "Pwease," I said with a puppy dog look. "Fine," he said, smiling. I opened my mouth and he fed me a dorito. The door opened. Kam came inside. "Hey Bruno, Phil is here. How will we bring him up?" "I have a ramp in my house for when I was in the hospital," I said. "Why were you in the hospital and when was this?" "Let's just say I did not like life and earlier this year." "Awwww," Bruno said, leaning down and hugging me. "I would hug you back but I am freezing." "Maybe we should bring you to the hospital," Bruno said, rubbing my cheek. "I am fine Bruno. Let's go get the ramp. I stood up and wrapped the blankets around me. "You might wanna hold me because I might fall." Bruno wrapped his arm around me and we walked out of the tour bus. We walked into the house. "It's in the garage." We walked into the garage and Bruno grabbed the ramp. I heard the door bell ring. "Who's that?" "I have no clue." We went upstairs. I placed the blankets on the ground and walked over to the door. I opened up the door and a little girl was standing there, tears pouring down her face. "Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" "I am alone. M..My parents died not too long ago and so the police brought me to a place. I don't like it there so I..I ran. I found this house and decided to come. Please let me stay here." "How old are you sweetie?" "6" " What's your name?" "Olivia." "Bruno come here! This girl is adorable." Bruno placed the ramp down and walked over to us. "Hey darling. What's your name?" "Olivia. I...don't have a home." "Can we keep her?" I asked. Bruno looked down at the little girl. He picked her up. "Of course," he said smiling at the girl. "Thank you." She hugged Bruno. "What should I call you guys?" Olivia asked. "Bruno." "Skylight." "I love that name," Olivia said. "Aww thanks sweetie. Let's go to the bus." I walked over to the blankets and grabbed them. Bruno put Olivia down. He grabbed the ramp. Olivia walked over to me. "May I hold your hand?" "Of course." She grabbed my hand and we walked into the bus.

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