Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Skylight's POV*

"I had fun today Kam," Olivia said, shyly to Kam. "I did too love." "Mommy he called me love," she said, blushing. "Going after older guys Olivia huh?" Bruno asked. Olivia looked at Kam and smiled. "You guys never told me about yourselves," Olivia said. "Well Olivia, I am 19 years old. "And I am 29," Bruno said. "Mom why do you have scars on your arms." "Well I had a rough life sweetie." "Uh Olivia, why don't I put you to bed," Kam said, picking Olivia up. She wrapped her arms around Kam and they walked into me and Bruno's room. "Darling, do you wanna go to bed or do you wanna chill out here and watch tv?" "Watch TV." Bruno walked over to the couch and laid down. I walked over and laid down next to Bruno. He wrapped his arms around me as we watched tv. We watched tv for a while but I was getting tired so we walked into the bedroom. Kam was laying next to Olivia. He got up and walked over to us. "She's sleeping." "Okay thanks." "Goodnight guys." Kam walked out. "How will we be able to sleep in each other's arms if Olivia is sleeping in our room?" I whispered. "I can tell you one thing that this stinks. How about you have her sleep next to you so we can still cuddle instead of having her sleep in between us." "Sounds good to me." I walked over to Olivia and moved her over a bit. She was still sleeping. Me and Bruno laid down next to each other. He wrapped his arms around me. "I have to have you in my arms when I sleep or else I can't." "That's adorable Bruno." Bruno smiled. "It's true. I have no idea why but I do." "Well if it makes you feel any better, it makes me feel safer." "Well I'm glad you are my girlfriend and I think it's funny that my girlfriend ended up being the girl who I threw my jacket to." "I'm glad you are my boyfriend." "Goodnight my love." "Goodnight." He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to Olivia spraying me in the face with a water gun. "Wake up mommy." I rubbed my eyes and looked over. Bruno was leaning against the doorway laughing. "Okay okay. I'm awake." Olivia ran over to Bruno. "Thanks missy," Bruno said, high fiving Olivia. "Pay up my $10." Bruno laughed and handed her the money. "You paid our daughter to spray me in the face?" "Well did you expect it?" "You are such a little kid," I said, laughing. Bruno walked over to me and plopped down on me. "But you still love me." "If you get off of me, I would love you more." Bruno chuckled and he got off. He helped me up. We walked out of the room. "Would you like me to make some breakfast?" Bruno asked. "If you don't mind." "Anything for my baby girl," Bruno said, rubbing my cheek. "I wish I could have my own prince charming," Olivia said, frowning. "Well, when we go to California, you will be starting school so you will see your prince at school," Bruno said. "Yay! I cant wait."I froze. I had a flashback of school was for me. 

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