Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*Bruno's POV cont.*

Olivia sat on my lap while we were on our way back to the hotel. The hotel was 2 hours away from Mack's house. Skylight sat next to me. She had her head on my shoulder and her arms around mine. Her and Olivia were asleep. "When are you gonna marry her?" Kam asked, quietly. I looked down at Skylight and back at Kam. "She's 19. I'll probably wait til she's 20. She turns 20 in two weeks." "How will you ask her?" "Well if Phil was okay, I would've done it on stage." "What day is her birthday?" "November 16th." "Wait you only known her for a month though." "I know but it seems longer. Everyday I'm with her, I fall in love with her more. I want her to be my wife but I feel like she would want to wait to get married cause I don't think she would want to be married at 20." "That's adorable." I smiled. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I looked down at Skylight and kissed her head. Skylight woke up. She looked up at me. She rubbed her eyes. "Are we at the hotel yet?" She asked, yawning. "Not yet baby girl. We have 30 more minutes." "I can't take it in this car, Bruno." "Do you want me to pull over so you can stretch?" Papa Mars asked. "No it's fine." "Hey, I say we go in the back and just snuggle," I whispered into Skylight's ear. "Bruno, wait till we get home," Skylight whispered back at me. "I can't wait that long." Skylight smiled and looked out the window. I leaned over and kissed her neck. "Bruno," Skylight said, giggling. "Get a room," Kam said, laughing. I looked at Kam. "Dad," Olivia said, looking up at me. "Yes sweetheart?" "I'm so hungry." "We'll be there in 30 minutes." "Hey so you wanna go in the back?" Skylight whispered. I looked at Skylight and smirked. I picked up Olivia and placed her on Kam's lap. "Where are you going?" Olivia asked. "In the back," I said. "If I was you darling, I wouldn't look back there," Kam said. "We aren't gonna do anything. We are in a car," I said, rolling my eyes. I climbed into the back seat and Skylight followed. We sat down. We both looked at each other. "I am cold," Skylight said. "It's pretty warm," I said. "It was an excuse to cuddle with me," Skylight said. "Even I knew that," Kam said, laughing. "Oh shut up Kam." I moved closer to Skylight and I wrapped my arms around Skylight. "Don't do anything nasty back there," Papa Mars said. "Okay why does everyone think I'm gonna do something?" I asked, laughing. Skylight laid down on the seat. "Lay down." I laid down next to her. I wrapped my arms around her. She buried my face into my chest. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I asked, stroking Skylight's back. "Yes." "Well you are so beautiful. More beautiful then the sunset. More beautiful then the sun shining on the beautiful snow." Skylight looked up at me. "Stop lying," Skylight said, blushing. "I'm not lying my beautiful baby girl." "We are at the hotel love birds," Kam said. Me and Skylight sat up and we got out of the car. We got into our hotel rooms. "Hey baby girl, I'm gonna cook dinner," I said to Skylight. "Okay." I cooked dinner. Pasta with sauce. I walked over to the table and placed it down. I looked over and saw only Olivia sitting on the couch. "Olivia hun where is Skylight?" "I think she's on the balcony." "Okay dinner's ready. You can eat." Olivia ran over to the table. I walked over to the balcony doors. I saw Skylight sitting in a fetal position on a chair. It was dark outside. I stepped outside. "Skylight, baby are you okay?" No answer. I walked over to Skylight and sat down next to her. She had tears pouring down her face. "Sky what's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on her arm. "Can I be alone please?" Skylight asked, looking up at me. Tears poured down her face. "Of course. Dinner's ready. Come in when you want it." Skylight said nothing. I walked over to the door. I opened it up and walked inside. I shut the door. "Is she okay?" Phil asked, wheeling himself into the room. "No I think she's just getting hit roughly by the things that has happened." "Poor little girl. She doesn't deserve this." "I know." "Dad is mommy okay?" "Your mom is going through a tough time right now hun," I said, walking over to Olivia. We ate dinner. Skylight never came inside. At 10 oclock, I walked back outside. Skylight was asleep. I picked her up and brought her into the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead.

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