Chapter Eleven

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"Hey Skylight, are you okay?" Phil asked. Tears poured down my face. I ran over to him and hugged him. "Skylight," Bruno said, walking out of the room. I turned around. "Do you do that to every girl you see?" "What's going on?" Phil asked. "Skylight, I'm sorry." "I can't believe you. You were my idol too. I want off this tour bus." "I don't understand why you're mad. We aren't even dating." "But Bruno, you don't know how much this hurts. I thought I was special. But no, I'm just a face in the crowd." "It's not like that, Skylight." "Just because she's 20, you think you could do the same to her?" "I don't care about her, I care about you Skylight. You're my sunshine," Bruno said, walking over to me. "How many girls have you told that to? Huh?" "Skylight." "Just forget about it. Forget about this," I said. I walked to my room and shut the door. I laid down on my bed. I never realized how much I loved Bruno until what happened. Maybe if I said yes to dating him, he wouldn't have done this. I rolled over so I was laying on my stomach. I cried into my pillow. I felt weight on my back. Arms wrapped around my stomach. "I'm so sorry," Bruno whispered, his voice shaky. He was laying on top of me. He leaned his head against my shoulder and my head. "Bruno, I wanna be alone right now." His grip tightened. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "Bruno please," I said. Bruno let go of me and got up. He walked out of the door. I fell asleep. "Hey Skylight," I heard someone say. I looked over and Phil was shaking me. "Oh hi Phil." "Are you coming to the concert?" I sat up. "What time is it?" "8." "Where's Bruno?" "He's getting changed. I have to go so if you decide to go, the backstage pass is on the counter." "Thanks Phil." "No problem." Phil left. I stood up. I changed into my beautiful long black dress. About shin high. I put my hair in a bun. I put make up on. I grabbed my heels and put them in. I grabbed my backstage pass and went out the bus. I walked down this all. Brandon was standing there. "Good evening Skylight." "Hi Brandon. May I come in?" "Sure." I walked up these set of stairs and walked to this opening. I saw Bruno dancing and singing. Phil looked over at me. Phil nudged Bruno and Bruno looked over. Bruno made a movement with his hand and the band stopped playing. "Hooligans, I'm sorry for stopping the band but, I hurt the sweetest person you will ever meet. She came on tour with me. She is my happiness. I've only been friends with her for three days. I met her back in Montana. I did something stupid and I hurt her. I'm deeply sorry Skylight," he said looking at me. I walked out on stage to him. I hugged him. "It's okay," I whispered. Bruno looked at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked into the microphone. "Yes. I will." The whole crowd cheered. Bruno walked over to Phil. Phil handed him the mic. He walked over to me. "Here you go princess," Bruno said, handing me the mic. "What's this for?" "Moonshine, take us to the stars tonight," Bruno sang. "Take us to that special place." "The place we were the last time, the last time," Bruno sang. Me and Bruno sang Moonshine together. We sang a few other songs. Bruno grabbed my hand. "Good night Wyoming! I love you all!" We walked off stage. "Skylight, I'm so sorry for hurting you," Bruno said. "Bruno it's okay." "You were great out there." "You were too," I smiled. "Let's go back to the tour bus. You look tired." "Okay. I am." We walked back to the tour bus. I walked into my room and changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt. Bruno came in shortly after. "Hey is it alright I sleep in here tonight?" "Sure." "Thanks." We got into bed. Bruno wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer to him. "I love you Sky." "I love you too, Bruno." We fell asleep in each other's arms.

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