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~Jonathan's P.O.V~

Jonathan laid down on the grass, looking up at the skies tracing constellations and counting endless amounts of stars.he drowned himself in his own emotions with no attempts in stoping them since he didn't know how to.

With a broken heart and shattered memories, he dove into his past and retrieved the emotion that he has already thrown away. He embraced the depression that was eating him up, keeping him inside the void of his own mind, the wind blew as the moon above him shone down on him.

Jonathan slowly stood up and buried his hands in his pockets, he knew that he had to go home sooner or later and he hated the fact that he will be alone for the rest of his life.

His channel went down, his lover left and his world fell apart, he thought to himself that there was no reason to stay anymore yet he is still here, fighting off depression while everyone gets what they want whenever they want.

His life has gone downhill but he kept up a straight face for the sake of his subscribers but when his channel went downhill as his life did, he gave up and quit.

He focused on sports but it didn't work out.

Jonathan felt tears stream down his face as he remembered everything that has happened during the year.

(the italics are flashbacks) while normal texts are present

"babe? Are you okay?" Evan asked wrapping his arms around his lover, Jonathan.he smiled and waved off his problems since his lover was here with him now."i'm fine, Evan. Thank you for asking"he said as he pecked Evan's cheek before smiling

Jonathan got his keys out, they jingled as he turned the ignition on. He pulled out the driveway and went straight towards his house.

"Evan, you won't leave me will you?"he asked, turning his attention to Evan "why would i leave you? I love you till death do us part"Jonathan smiled and placed his head on Evan's shoulder as his muscles relaxed.

He opened the door to his home and locked it behind him. He made his way upstairs towards his room and opened his laptop. He opened twitter and saw massages like

"H20Delirious,we already missed you, please come back"

"Bring back H20Delirious!"

"I officially missed his videos, his laugh and specially the man himself :'("

Jonathan smiled to himself and left twitter open, he went to youtube, straight to his channel. To his surprise, his subscribers has gone up to 8 million, the last time he checked it went down to 3 million and hate comments were everywhere.

He felt the urge to play and record a game but quickly shook the thought off. It was too late for them to save him now, he made up his mind.

Evan pushed Jonathan off of him with a disgusted look on his face as Jonathan hit the table behind him. He landed on the floor with an "oof"and looked up to the man that he thought "loved"him, with much venom in his voice, Evan yelled "You little piece of shit! Get your dirty hands off of me!"Jonathan on the other hand became confused, his brain working slowly. Where did he go wrong? If he could recall he had never been with anyone else but Evan, Jonathan didn't cheat on his lover for he promised to be loyal to him always , yet Evan was here yelling at him for something he had not done for that matter. "E-Evan..i-i don't understand what you're-"

"stop with the excuses, Jonathan! This is bullshit! We're through!" as Evan walked out of the door, Jonathan sat on the floor, his heart broken and his life crumbling down to the depths of the Earth bringing him down with the pieces.

He walked over to his dresser and got his phone out checking the notifications. His eyes widened at the sight of Evan's number of messages to him. He opened one and it read

"Jonathan, i want to talk to you about something, please reply back once you get this"

he ignored that message and checked the others

Evan: Jonathan, please..i know it's been hard for you but i just wanna say that i am here for you

Evan: Delirious! This is getting serious, you need to talk to me now! Please i'm begging you!

Evan: Please Jonathan.. I'm getting worried for you!

Evan: Jonathan i swear! If you don't reply after 30 minutes I'm gonna go to your place and kick your sorry ass.

But the last message was the one that caught his eye

Evan: Jonathan, please! I'm so sorry.. I love you!

Jonathan fought back the tears and threw his phone away as anger began to fill him up to the brim. He heard a thud indicating that his phone landed on the floor not far away from him. He was angry about Evan saying those three little words that meant nothing to him anymore, how could he have the guts to say those words when he left Jonathan with nothing but himself to comfort him? How could he say that when Evan already has a new girlfriend to replace him just like that?

He felt nothing anymore, he felt numb but it was okay with him, it was always the only feeling that stuck by him ever since.

Jonathan reached for his mask and adjusted it on his face, making sure that it was really secure.

He went out of his room and sat on his couch turning the TV on, he heard shuffling just outside his door, he heard footsteps approaching his door but he ignored it. He didn't care of what will happen to him now, all he thought about was the memories everybody left for him to hold. He remembered the playthrough, he remembered the times where they would goof off and have fun. The teasing moment, the fluffy moments that got his heart beating rapidly.

He closed his eyes and heard his front door slowly opening, he let the final tears fall before feeling a cold blade run across his neck and his warm blood oozing out from the deep wound. Then.. he went off into an infinite slumber.

He was happy now, he knew this would happen someday and now, he was finally free. From pain, from sadness and from Evan.

"I Love you Evan, I'll always will"

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