a series of short drabbles

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1.) Fluffy

"Hey, Delirious" Evan called out to Delirious in game, the clown hadn't been paying attention to him for quiet some time now and he blamed Ohm for it, he was constantly calling Delirious saying he had something to show him, but Evan wasn't having it anymore so he screamed "DELIRIOUS!"
Delirious jumped back a little in his seat before replying "wh-what?! What is it?!" The moment Vanoss realized he already had Delirious' attention, he raked his brain for a cool calm and collected reply, maybe a pick up line to get his clown friend to laugh, but instead he blurted out "YOUR CHEEKS LOOK SO FLUFFY!"
Evan cursed himself but immediately felt proud when he heared Delirious' shy reply "Sh-SHUCH UP VANOSS!"

2.) Ice cream

"Thanks for the ice cream by the way Vanoss" Delirious said shyly, tucking his chin into the scarf on his neck, despite the cold weather, the two friends decided to get ice cream for dessert, they were out in the park, walking and enjoying the quiet night. A few strangers were huddled on a picnic blanket here and there but Vanoss led Delirious towards the bridge.
The river below was happily gurgling as he water flowed down the stream, "no problem Del" Vanoss wanted nothing more than to embrace the guy right beside him, he was so short, probably a head shorter than Vanoss, he didn't even expect Delirious to be a shy guy in person, he always seemed energetic and outgoing during their recording sessions but then again, their gaming world is different than the real world.
Vanoss licked his chocolate flavored ice cream once again and found himself deep in thought, he was too far gone to realize that a stray ice cream hadn't found it's way into his mouth and instead was nestling just below his lower lip.
Delirious chuckled before poking his best friend "Ev you got a littl something over here" and without realizing it, Delirious had called Vanoss by his given name and had wiped the ice cream off of Vanoss' lip.
Only then when he retracted his hand did he felt his cheeks grow hot.
Vanoss had snapped out long enough to feel Deliriois' finger on his lower lip before it was gone, he looled over at his clown friend and smiled as Delirious cleared his throat and tucked his chin in his scarf once again.
"Hey Jon? You got a little something right over-" Vanoss stopped as he reached out to touch Delirious's face and angle his chin up so they were both looking at eachother
"Here" and with that last word, Vanoss leaned in and kissed the strawberry flavored lips of Delirious.

3.) Seventh Heaven

"GODS?!!!!" Evan yelled, his voice echoing throughout the entire city of El Dorado, he was in his temple along with his very best friend, Jonathan by his side, they had managed to find themselves being called by the high priest and was greeted with a surprising news.
"You actually think that Jonathan and I are Gods?! Ha! You must have lost your mind high priest" Evan yelled, laughing while Jonathan stood by Evan's side, sighing in disbelief
"Why did you tell him just now high priest?" Jonathan asked, Evan's laughter died as he turned to his bestfriend "whoa whoa whoa hold up! Am i missing something here?" The hight priest could only nod as he placed a sturdy hand on Evan's shoulder "Lord Evan, you and Lord Jonathan are our Gods, the Gods that created El dorado along with all the treasures it holds, we aren't called the city of Gold for nothing" the high priest smirked before retracting his hand
"Wh-wai-what? how is that even possible?!" Evan yelled, Jonathan sighed and turned to his bestfriend.
"It makes sense if you ackowledge the fact we had agreed on descending on El Dorado, take form and be born as humans to see our city thrive in a normal person's perspective and not from a God's" Jonathan snapped his fingers as the once wooden chair that sat by the corner turned Gold, done by his will.
"But i guess it was my fault, the trick i used backfired and made you forget your life as a God" Evan could only gape as Jonathan began to touch the golden pillars of the temple.
"The city we built is great Evan, but we've been up there in the clouds for so long that we forgot how we were before" Jonathan paused for a second before smirking at his bestfriend "Right, Love?" He asked.
Evan gasped as a cascade of memories began to invade his mind, all of them were in flashbacks so fast that you could barely remember any detail.
And before he knew it, he felt strong, he felt indestructable and powerful.

4.)My alpha

Jonathan ran his hands through his dark brown hair and sighed in defeat.
he had been in his den for about 2 days and he was growing hungry by the minute, why he decided to stay there? That he didn't know, all he knew was that he needed to get away before his pheromones start attracting attention for the alpha's in his pack.
To them, having a male omega was very rare, and even his Beta friend, Lui,who knew that Jonathan was an omega, was very surprised to hear the news.
Jonathan haven't found his mate yet of course, he was always locked away in his den when mating season comes so that way no alpha could ever try to mate with him, there was a 99 percent possibility that the alpha that might mate with him is not his and so would create chaos in the whole system.
"Jonathan?" Evan's soothing voice was outside of his den, making him sweet profusely, his heat was starting once again as he backed away in the darkest corner of his little den.
"Jon, it's me Evan" his voice sounded nearer now and he could smell the alpha's enviting scent, making him release even more pheromones. "Shit" he breathed out before reaching in his pants to stop the pre cum that was starting to pool out.
Evan finally rounded the corner to see a shivering Jonathan, he was shaking uncontrollably and any wolf could see that he was in heat.
Evan's nostrils flared as he inhaled in Jon's scent, he was surprised to find that Jonathan was an omega, and a fertile one at that, ready to be claimed by his mate.
But as overpowering the smell is, he tried hard to compose himself and dragged the dead doe by it's legs towards Jonathan, he had been worried for him and he hasn't showed up in two days so Evan took the liberty to hunt for Jonathan and bring him something to eat.
Jonathan, seeing that Evan was not going to make any drastic moves, looked over at the dead doe and licked his lips, he was starving which he didn't know.
"Jon it's okay, I won't hurt you but you need to eat" Evan stepped in closer, the smell was making him dizzy, his member was tight in his jeans and the pheromones only made it worse.
Without any word, Jonathan transformed into a huge grey wolf and devoured the poor animal, Evan could only sit beside his frined and pat his back, Jonathan's wolf form was twice the size of an adult German shepherd and his pericing blue eyes only brought a quick skip in Evan's heart beat.
After his delicious meal, Jonathan cleaned himself up before transforming back into a human "thank you Ev" Evan nodded, the heat was still there but he couldn't care less, he had to take care of Jonathan...he just had to.
"Aren't you bothered by the smell?" Jonathan asked, shuddering lightly "I am, but I need to take care of you. It's taking a whole bunch of energy to restrain my inner wolf from mating with you, but in your condition right now? I only want to make sure you're okay first"
Jonathan's heart warmed at his words, he smiled before feeling a sudden tug in his chest, one which Evan felt too, and as Jonathan looked into the other one's eyes, he said
"My Alpha".

5.) Power
"Evan, you can't do this!" Delirious shouted, gripping his lovers arm but Vanoss only pushed him away, his gun pointed directly at a trembling Nogla trapped in a corner. "This is what happens when you cheat on me Delirious!" Evan screamed and pulled the trigger back a little bit in a teasing manner. "What are you talking about?! I didn't cheat on you! Nogla is a good friend why can't you understand that?!" He talked, attempting to grab the deadly weapon from Evan, but he was stronger and managed to jerk his hand back before Jonathan could grab the gun "i don' care what kind of friend he is to you Jonathan, I'm not blind and I know what I saw!" Evan screamed pulling the trigger and missing Nogla by an inch. "WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU SEE VANOSS?! TELL ME!" Jonathan bellowed, pulling Evan back and mocking him over and giving Nogla a chance to escape, and escape he did.
"You ran away with him! You were planning on leaving me and to elope with that bastard!" Vanoss could feel the tears spilling from his face, recalling the day he over heared Jonathan say "let's run away" followed by a his signature giggle.
Jonathan fumed, he figured it was the "eloping" issue once again, Vanoss had talked to him about this several times before but he just wouldn't shut up about it, he guessed that the subject must have somehow implanted itself in Evan's brain, like a ticking bomb about to blow up...and it did.
"Evan would you just get it through that thick skull of yours that you're the only one I love? Do you really think i'd do that to you?!" Jonathan screamed, the angry years fell as he sighed in frustration. He picked up the forgotten gun on the floor and pointed it at his temple "don't pull any of our friends down with your rage that you are clearly blinded by,Evan" a loud gunshot, a scream then....silence

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