The Day I'll See You Again

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"Hey, Jon?" Evan asked, looking over to look at his friend who was happily eating away his popcorn while his eyes were glued to the television, he looked comfotable in his pyjamas and Evan found himself smiling at his best friend. "Hmm?" Jonathan hummed, letting Evan know that he had his attention "we should get out of the city, you know away from the crowd and people" Evan suggested, ever since he was packing his clothes for pad prime in Boston Evan always thought of spending the rest of his vacation with Jonathan somewhere where they can be alone,where they can hang out as much as they want without anyone judging them or stopping their fun, and it now was the perfect opportunity to ask Jonathan.

"Sure, i'd like that" Jonathan stated, unexpetedly turning his head towards Evan and flashing him a sweet and innocent smile. Evan blushed as he jerked his head back at the television, he couldn't care less of what channel was on or what movie they were watching at the moment, what mattered was that he was here...with Jonathan beside him, he was so close yet so far away.

Evan have always had this bit of a crush towards his clown friend who turned out to be way more attractive than what he thought he would be originally, to say that Evan was confused was an understatement, he couldn't understand why he was attracted to his friend but he was afraid, if doing something stupid like clsuddenly confess his feelings for Delirious or just outright kissing him out of the blue, it was getting harder and harder each day.
But Evan refused to give Jonathan up, and he was going to do everything just keep Jonathan in his life even if it meant being his friend...only.

"Ev, you're spacing out again, you okay man?" Jonathan asked, followed by that signature chuckle that always trailed behind his words, Evan smiled and ruffles Jon's short brown hair before replying, "I'm great...really great" he replied whole heartedly.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

Evan and Jonathan had set up camp somewhere in the nearby woods in Boston, how Evan knew the place? That was a mystery to Jonathan, but one thing was for sure, the view was breathtaking, you could see the city below, the lights emmitted from the building looked like stars littered acrross the sky, the night had fallen upon the land and Jonatham could only gape at the stars above.
He sat down on the comfortable grass along with Evan. Jonathan could feel his heart thundering at his close Evan was to him, they were alone and they were contented, but Jonathan wanted more, he wanted Evan to be a part of his life forever, a part of him that he'll never get rid of, and that was what Jonathan planned when he started to lean closer to Evan who was looking at Jon closely, as if observing him.
Their lips were only inches apart when...Evan cleared his throat and stood up "I uh..better get some shut eye, goodnight Jon" and without giving the boy a chance to reply, Evan slipped into the tent that they had brought to keep the cold at bay.
Jonathan pulled his knees up to his chest and placed his head on his knees, shedding bitter but silent tears.
He didn't want to sleep, it seemed pointless now anyways, so Jonathan stood up and sat on the edge of the cliff, his feet hanging off the edge..He could just jump and take the embarrassment with him in death, but he thought about how inaproriate that would be, he can always make up an excuse why he leaned in when Evan would ask anyway, but he doubt that the CanAsian would ask.

The next morning, Jonathan woke up to realize that he had slept on the exact same spot that he was last at, which was by the edge of the cliff, his legs were still hanging dangerously but all he could do was sulk, recalling the events that had happened the night before
And in that moment, he wanted to jump and end the whole fucking thing already, the emotions, the terrible craving, everything! And to make matters worse, today was Jonathan's last day in Boston, he'd be getting back on a plane to North Carolina a few hours from now. A presence interrupted his thoughts and when Jonathan turned around, he saw Evan walking out the tent, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, it took all of Jonathan's willpower to stop himself from kissing that adorable face that was presented to him.
"Morning" Jonathan mumbled as Evan hummed.

The two never talked much that day, and Evan couldn't help but regret that he didn't take the chance given to him last night, he was about to kiss his best friend, his crush and basically his everything, but the idiot in him thought it would be better to pull away and stop whatever it was.
And when Jonathan had finally disappeared into the plane's doors, that was when Evan cried his heart out.

A/N part two will be out soon it was little rushed

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