Hear me

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It was always Jonathan!
It was always Jonathan that fucks him over, Jonathan who plays with his feelings but knows the right buttons to press.
Jonathan who had the most unforgettable eyes,who had never left when he needed a friend to rely on,who had suffered when Evan ignored him entirely, Jonathan to understand every fucking thing that ever happened to Evan.
Jonathan who always says that everything's alright when in reality, it was not.
Nothing was alright.

He wanted to talk to Evan, oh how he wanted to speak out about how he feels, how hopeless he is, how pathetic he is and how he reeks of utter despair.

But Evan...Evan was the perfect one, the one that they look up to.
The one who always put up a fight, who protected Jonathan, who claimed to be his best friend,Who swore that he'd be there through thick and thin.

Yes..he was there..but he didn't listen..he never does, he never listens to Jonathan, to whatever he was already mumbling about.
And that alone made Jonathan depressed, his main objective was to let Evan see how much he cares.
But even in such a troubled time, Jonathan stood his ground and stayed by Evan's side.
As months passed by, Evan started to slowly driff away from Jonathan, he was slowly becoming a memory rather than a friend to rely on, Jonathan grieved over the loss but Evan? Well, he was...fine.
He ended up forgetting Jonathan, ended up making new friends and ended up loving another guy by the name of Zach.
Evan was happy...he was..but Jonathan, he was too far gone to care, his heart was swollen his lungs were caving in and his mind fell into ruins.

Jonathan didn't snap though, he didn't give Evan the satisfactory of seeing him snap instead Jonathan became cold and...emotionless.
Jonathan was to meet up with Evan and his boyfriend in a hotel in Boston, he didn't go alone though, he made sure that Luke was there by his side, his brother by heart and his true friend and when the his hotel door open to reveal a very excited Evan and an equally handsome Zach, Jonathan had confirmed that his mind was broken when he went over to the two of them and congratulated them before excusing himself to go to the bathroom to cool down.
Evan stared eide eyed at the door that had closed in front of him and where Jonathan had disappeared into, He didn't expect to see a lifeless, cold, unemotional and rather empty Jonathan to greet them, and he was to blame though, if Jonathan turned out to be who he is now, he was to blame and Even took it bitterly.

"Evan-" Luke started but Evan only sighed and nodded before opening the bathroom door to see Jonathan leaning in the sink, his knuckles were eight from the grip, you could feel the thick tension in the air and you could almost see the steam Jonathan was giving off.

"Jon?" He called out, Jonathan only shook his head and chuckled "what are you doing here, Evan? Shouldn't you be having dinner with pretty boy right now?" He asked bitterly, his back was still facing Evan
"Jon I-" but he didn't get to finish his sentence as Jonathan huffed "Evan just go" that was all it took for Evan to give up and turn away.

Like came in after Evan disappeared from the bathroom, he placed a hand on Jonayhan's shoulder before embracing his little brother.
"I really am crazy aren't I?" Jonathan asked bitterly. Like nodded before chuckling "yeah...you are"

Evan wasn' himself when he and Zach want out to have dinner,he'd some out every ten minutes, kept missing out any questions so Zach had to repeat them a t least twice, and even ordering the wrong food.

"Ev, what is with you?" Zach complained, he had had enough, it was the 9nth time Evan had zoned out after leaving the damned hotel and he was beginning to get annoyed, he wasn't stupid and he knew that Evan and Jonathan somehow have unexplained feelings for one another, he didn't dare take it bad because face it, even though Evan had been keeping him happy Zach knew that Evan wasn't happy with him, and he felt that Evan could only achieve that happiness with Jonathan.

"Ev, you'e saying the wrong person" Zach said before taking Evan's hand gently.
The only word that came out of the CanAsian's mouth was a confused "What?"

Jonathan has fallen asleep on Luke's lap while I was laying some games on his phone to take his mind off of the issue, Luke gazed upon his little brother sadly, he never knew how hard it was for him to see Jonathan so torn up that his personality fell back and was somehow caught in the past.
He managed to help Jonathan in everyway he can but he felt like it wasn't enough, he wanted to know how to really make Jonathan feel okay, he wanted to know what Jonathan wanted, needed.
"Jon?" He asked, a faint "hmm?" Resonated from the lad on his lap "Jon I want to help you I really do, it's hurting me to see you like this...just tell me what I need to do to make you feel better" he reasoned out, Jonathan just sighed sadly "Luke, I'm tired, i'm cold and i'm lonely. I just want to sleep under the covers with someone to be there for me..." luke's hope shot to the roof, maybe there is a way to help him.

"Then let's go to bed" was his only reply, Jonathan was too far gone to care so eventually he held Luke's hand and made their way to the bed.
Luke immediately opened his arms as Jonathan slipped in his embrace, he sighed before burying his head in Luke's neck "thank you Luke, I Love you brother" Luke smiled, this was the least thing he could do, he kissed Jonathan's head before closing his eyes "i love you too brother"

Evan was running, he was sweating but he couldn't care less, he couldn't wait to talk Jonathan how he really felt, Zach had broken up with him on friendly terms and told him to go get Jonathan before somebody else does and that was when he rushed out of the restaurant and went back into the hotel. It was already 1 in the morning when Evan slipped inside Jonathan and Luke's room, he found Jonathan asleep on the bed but Luke was wide awake, watching T.V with the volume down and the subtitles on.
Luke turned his head towards Evan and stood up.
"So are you going to tell him how you feel now?" Luke asked, Evan only missed as Luke patted him on the shoulder before accusing himself to Evan's room where he's be staying for the night.
Evan immediately crawled into the bed and brushed Jonathan's hair off of his face.
"Jon" he breathed, Jonathan fluttered his eyes open to see Evan, he was confused at first but brushed it off
"What are you going here Evan? Where's Luke?" Jonathan asked

"Like is in my room, he is to stay there until I come to terms with you" Evan explained, feeling a smile form on his lips
"Come to terms with what now?" Jonathan was lost by the time Evan had said "Jonathan i love you...i love you so God damned much it's starting to hurt me"
The man on the bed only smiles before pulling Evan down by his neck and crashing their lips together, the only words he said before falling back asleep was "Took you long enough you Fucker"
And with that Evan embraced Jonathan and never let him to for the rest of the night.

Outside Evan's door, Luke waited until Zach arrived before giving him a high five.
"He finally confessed, thank God it took forever" Zach chuckled and said " i know right" before both disappeared into Evan's room to rest up for the night.

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